
Dr. Sunan Ding graduated from Tsinghua University, Beijing, in 1986 and then received his Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in 1992. Dr. Ding has 30+ years of experience in semiconductor and microelectronics, including researches, developing, engineering, and training in various prestigious institutes and companies of the world. Skilled at failure analysis and material characterization (SIMS, XPS, AES, TXRF, FTIR, PL, IV-CV, SEM, AFM etc.), combining with materials fabrication and device processing.
Dr. Sunan Ding welcomes individuals passionate in research to join his research group. He has openings for Research Assistant Professor, Postdoctoral Fellows, Research Assistants, Graduate Students, as well as Internships. Interested individuals are invited to email a copy of his/her CV to his email address, with subject titled “Research position application <Position, Name>”.
1992, Ph.D., Institute of Semiconductors, CAS
1988, M.Sc., Tsinghua University
1986, B.Sc., Tsinghua University
Working Experience
2021.05 – Present, Research Professor, Southern University of Science and Technology
2014.11 – 2021.05, Professor, SuZhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-bionics, CAS
2005.03– 2014.11, Senior Engineer/Manager, Intel Corporation, USA
2000.05– 2005.03, Research Scientist, Lucent Technologies, USA
1998.04– 2000.05, Research Scientist, University of Maine, USA
1997.04– 1998.04, Research Professor, Hiroshima University, USA
1994.06– 1996.11, Postdoc Fellow, Fritz-Haber-Institute, MPG, Germany
1992.07– 1994.06, Assistant Professor, Institute of Semiconductors, CAS
• 2016 Leader of Innovation Group, JiangSu Provincial Government, China
• 2015 Leading Talent of Innovation, JiangSu Provincial Government, China
• 2015 High-level Leading Talent of Innovation of Suzhou Industry Park, JiangSu, Chian
• 2014 Leading Talent of Science and Education of Suzhou Industry Park, JiangSu, Chian
• 2010 Intel China Award; 1H’10 TMG Lab Network Award; 2010 F68 Site Award
• Member of American Vacuum Society (since 1996)
• Award of Achievement in Science and Technology, Chinese Academy Sciences (12/97)
• The Best Dissertation Award in Vacuum Science (02/94)
Research Interests
Advanced materials and processes for IC applications
Wide and ultra-wide band gap semiconductors and devices
Surface science analysis and interface modifications
Characterization technologies for thin films and semiconductor devices
Selected Publications
1. Direct Observation of One-Dimensional Peierls-type Charge Density Wave in Twin Boundaries of Monolayer MoTe2. Wang, Y. Wu, Y. Yu, A. Chen, H. Li, W. Ren, S. Lu, S. Ding*, H. Yang, Q.K. Xue, F.S. Li*, G. Wang*, ACS Nano, 14 (2020) 8299-8306.
2. Large-cale quantification of aluminum in AlxGa1‐xN alloys by ToF-SIMS: The benefit of secondary cluster ions. ong Huang, Sunan Ding*, Hui Yang, , Surf Interface Anal., 52 (2020) 311-317.
3. Anisotropy and in-plane polarization of low-symmetrical β-Ga2O3 single crystal in the deep ultraviolet band. Mu, X. Chen, G. He, Z. Jia, J. Ye, B. Fu, J. Zhang, S. Ding, X. Tao, , Applied Surface Science, 527 (2020) 146648.
4. Long-Wavelength InAs/GaSb Superlattice Detectors on InAs Substrates With n-on-p Polarity. J.F. Liu, Y. Teng, X.J. Hao, Y. Zhao, Q.H. Wu, X. Li, H. Zhu, Y. Chen, R. Huang, S. Ding, Y. Huang, , IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 56 (2020) 6.
5. The Significant Effect of Carbon and Oxygen Contaminants at Pd/p‐GaN Interface on Its Ohmic Contact Characteristics. Z. Li, R. Huang, X. Chen, H. Wang, B. Feng, G. He, Z. Huang, F. Li, J. Liu*, L. Zhang, T. Liu, S. Ding*, , Phys. Status Solidi A, 218 (2020) 2000603.
6. Interdigital Structure Enhanced the Current Spreading and Light Output Power of GaN-Based Light Emitting Diodes. J. Ding*, L.J. Che, X. Chen, T. Zhang, Y.D. Huang, Z.L. Huang, Z.M. Zeng, H.L. Zhang, S. Ding*, H. Yang, , IEEE Access, 8 (2020) 105972-105979.
7. Investigation of β-Ga2O3 film growth mechanism on c-plane sapphire substrate by ozone molecular beam epitaxy. Boyuan Feng, Zhengcheng Li, Feiyu Cheng, Leilei Xu, Tong Liu, Zengli Huang, Fangsen Li, Jiagui Feng, Xiao Chen, Ying Wu, Gaohang He* and Sunan Ding*, , Physica Status Solidi A 2020, 2000457
8. The abnormal aging phenomena in GaN-based near-ultraviolet laser diodes. Jin Wang, Meixin Feng*, Rui Zhou, Qian Sun*, Jianxun Liu, Yingnan Huang, Yu Zhou, Hongwei Gao, Xinhe Zheng*, Masao Ikeda, Rong Huang, Fangsen Li, An DingSun; Hui Yang;, Appl. Phys. 52 (2019) 275104 (5pp)
9. INTERFACE ANALYSIS OF TIN/N-GAN OHMIC CONTACTS WITH HIGH THERMAL STABILITY. Yafeng Zhuab,Rong Huanga,Zhengcheng Lia,Hui Haoa,Yuxin Ana,Tong Liua,Yanfei Zhaoa,Yang Shena,Yun Guob,Fangsen Lia,SunanDinga, Applied Surface Science 2019, 481, 1148-1153
10. STABLE ADSORPTION OF SINGLE GOLD ATOMS ON THE SrTiO3(111)-(9 × 9) RECONSTRUCTED SURFACE. Jiagui Feng,,† Sunan Ding,† and Jiandong Guo‡ . J. Phys. Chem. C 2019,123, 4866-4870.
11. REMOTE PLASMA-ENHANCED ATOMIC LAYER DEPOSITION OF GALIUM OXIDE THIN FILMS WITH NH3 PLASMA PRETREATMENT. H. Hao‡, X. Chen‡, Z.C. Li, Y. Shen, H. Wang, Y.F. Zhao, R. Huang, T. Liu, J. Liang, Y.X. An, Q. Peng, S.A. Ding*, J. of Semiconductors, 2019 Vol. 40, 012860
12. ION SPUTTER INDUCED INTERFACIAL REACION IN PROTOTYPICAL METAL-GaN SYSTEM. Huang, R.; Li, F *.; Liu, T.; Zhao, Y.; Zhu, Y.; Shen, Y.; Lu, X.; Huang, Z.; Liu, J.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, S.; Li, Z.; Dingsun, A. *; Yang, H., Sci. Rep. 2018, 8 (1), 8521.
13. ANGULAR DEPENDENT XPS STUDY OF SURFACE BAND BENDING ON Ga-POLAR n-GaN GaN. Huang, R.; Liu, T.; Zhao, Y.; Zhu, Y.; Huang, Z.; Li, F.*; Liu, J.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, S.; Dingsun, A.*; Yang, H., Appl. Surf. Sci. 2018, 440, 637-642.
14. STUDY ON THE MEASUREMENT ACCURACY OF CIRCULAR TRANSMISSION LINE MODEL FOR LOW-RESISTANCE OHMIC CONTACTS ON III-V WIDE BAND-GAP SEMICONDUCTORS. T. Liu, R. Huang, F. Li, Z. Huang, J. Zhang, J. Liu, L. Zhang, S. Zhang, A. Dingsun*,H. Yang, Current Applied Physics 2018, 18 (7), 853-858.
15. REMOTE PLASMA-ENHANCED ATOMIC LAYER DEPOSITION OF METALLIC TiN FILMS WITH LOW WORK FUNCTION AND HIGH UNIFORMITY, Y. Zhu, F. Li, R. Huang, T. Liu, Y. Zhao, Y. Shen, J. Zhang, A. Dingsun*,Y. Guo, J. Vac. Sci. & Tech. A 2018, 36 (4), 041501.
16. CONTROLLABLE PROCESS OF NANOSTRUCTURED GaN BY MASKLESS INDUCTIVELY COUPLED PLASMA (ICP) ETCHING,Zhao, Yanfei; Wang, Hu; Zhang, Wei; Li, Jiadong; Shen, Yang; Zhang, Jian*; Dingsun, An*,Journal of Micromech. and Microengin., Article reference: JMM-103132
17. THERMAL STABILITY STUDY OF GaP/HIGH-k DIELECTRICS INTERFACES, Xinglu Wang, Yanfei Zhao, Rong Huang, Fangsen Li, Xiaoming Lu, Yang Shen, Hu Wang, Dawei Shao, Baimei Tan, Jian Zhang, Xinjian Xie, An Dingsun*, and Hong Dong*,Advanced Materials Interface (Published online. DOI: 10.1002/admi.2017 00609)
18. p-GaN GATE ENHANCEMENT-MODE HEMT THROUGH A HIGH TOLERANCE SELF-TERMINATED ETCHING PROCESS, Y. Zhou, Y. Zhong, H. Gao, S. Dai, J. He, M. Feng, Y. Zhao, Q. Sun, An DingSun, and H. Yang, IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society (2017, VOLUME 5, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER 2017).
19. THE GROWTH OF THE METALLIC ZrNx THIN FILMS ON p-GaN SUBSTRATE BY PULSED LASER DEPOSITION,Chengyan Gu; Zhanpeng Sui; Yuxiong Li; Haoyu Chu; Sunan Ding; Yanfei Zhao,Chunping Jiang,Applied Surface Science 433, 306 (2017).
20. SELF-TERMINATED ETCHING OF GAN WITH A HIGH SELECTIVITY OVER ALGAN UNDER INDUCTIVELY COUPLED CL2/N2/O2 PLASMA WITH A LOW-ENERGY ION BOMBARDMENT, Yaozong Zhong, Yu Zhou*, Hongwei Gao, Shujun Dai, Junlei He, Meixin Feng, Qian Sun*, Jijun Zhang, Yanfei Zhao, An DingSun, Hui Yang, Applied surface science 420, 817 (2017).
21. NEW TECHNOLOGIES AND CHALLENGES IN CHARACTERIZATION OF III-V EPITAXY COMPOUNDS Sunan Ding Invited talk in the 11th Annual Wireless and Optical Communications Conference, Newark, NJ, April 26-27, 2002
22. STOICHIOMETRY AND MICROSTRUCTURE EFFECTS ON TUNGSTEN OXIDE CHEMIRESISTIVE FILMS S. C. Moulzolf, S. A. Ding, R. J. Lad, Sens. Actuators, B (2001), B77(1-2), 375-382.
23. IN-SITU STRUCTURAL, CHEMICAL, AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF WO3 SENSOR THIN FILMS S. A. Ding, C. Kim, and R. J. Lad, Presented at 46th International Symposium of the American Vacuum Society, Seattle, Oct. 25-29, 1999.
24. QUANTUM CONFINEMENT EFFECT IN SELF-ASSEMBLED, NANOMETER SILICON DOTS S. A. Ding, M. Ikeda, S. Miyazaki, and M. Hirose, Appl. Phys. Letts. 73, (1998), 3881.
25. ELECTRONIC BAND STRUCTURE OF ZINC BLENDE, S. R. Barman, S. A. Ding, G. Neuhold, D. Wolfframm, D. A. Evans, and K. Horn, Phys. Rev. B, 58, (1998), 7053.
27. A NEW STRUCTURE OF In-BASED OHMIC CONTACTS TO n-TYPE GaAs S. A. Ding and C. C. Hsu, Appl. Phys. A 62, (1996), 241-245.
28. ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE OF WURTZITE-GaN STUDIED BY PHOTOELECTRON SPECTROSCOPY S. A. Ding, S. R. Barman, V. L. Alperovich, K. Horn Presented at the 23rd Intern. Conf. on the Physics of Semiconductor, Berlin, July 21-26, 1996.
29. EVIDENCE OF MOTT-HOBBARD AND BIPOLARONIC BEHAVIOR IN PHOTOEMISSION SPECTRA OF ALKALI METAL/GaAs(110) INTERFACES. V. L. Alperovich, S. A. Ding, S. R. Barman, K. Horn Presented at the 23rd Intern. Conf. on the Physics of Semiconductor, Berlin, July 21-26, 1996.
30. ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE OF CUBIC GALLIUM NITRIDE FILMS GROWN ON GaAs(100) S. A. Ding, G. Neuhold, J. H. Weaver, P. Haeberle and K. Horn J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A14(3), (1996), 819.
31. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN OHMIC CONTACT FOR III-V COMPOUNDS SEMICONDUCTORS (Review Article) C. C. Hsu and S. A. Ding Chinese J. Vac. Sci. and Technol., vol.14, No.2 (1994).
32. EFFECTS OF DEEP CENTERS AT PtSi/Si INTERFACES AND HYDROGENATION C. C. Hsu and S. A. Ding Appl. Surface Science, 70/71, (1993), 438.
33. THE ADSORPTION OF OXYGEN ON FeSi SURFACES S. A. Ding, M. S. Ma, J. X. Wu, and C. C. Hsu, Surface Science, 267/270, (1992), 1022.
34. ELECTRONIC PROPERTIES OF THE Cr-Si(111) INTERFACES C. C. Hsu, B. Q. Li and S. A. Ding Vacuum Vol.41, (1990), 690.