
Dr. Lei Chen currently served as a Research Associate Professor at the School of Microelectronics, Southern University of Science and Technology. Her research interests mainly focus on large-scale integrated circuit design for image signal processor and video codec processor etc..
Sep., 2012, PhD, Hiroshima University, Japan
Jun. 2009, Master, Qingdao University of Science and Technology
Jul., 2006, Bachelor, Qingdao University of Science and Technology
2021.08 – Present, Research Associate Professor, Southern University of Science and Technology
2020.03 – 2021.07, Engineer, Peng Cheng Laboratory
2018.03 – 2020.02, Chief Engineer, Sharp Co. Ltd., Japan
2012.10 – 2017.03, Researcher, Hiroshima University, Japan
Oct. 2009- Sep. 2012, Japanese Government Scholarship (MONBUKAGAKUSHO: MEXT)
2021, Excellent staff 2020 (Peng Cheng Laboratory)
Research Interest
VLSI architecture design and research for image processing, video codec processor design etc..
Research Publications
1. Pingcheng Dong, Zhuoyu Chen, Zhuoao Li, Yuzhe Fu, Lei Chen, Fengwei An, A 4.29nJ/pixel Stereo-depth Coprocessor with Pixel-level Pipeline and Region-Optimized Semi-Global Matching for IoT Application, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers (TCAS I),2021.
2. Guan, J., An, F., Zhang, X., Chen, L., Mattausch, H. J., Energy-Efficient Hardware Implementation of Road-Lane Detection Based on Hough Transform with Parallelized Voting Procedure and Local Maximum Algorithm, IEICE Transaction on information systems, 2019.
3. Zhang, X., An, F., Chen, L., Ishii, I., & Mattausch, H. J., A Modular and Reconfigurable Pipeline Architecture for Learning Vector Quantization, IEEE transaction on circuits and system I: Regular papers (TCAS I), DOI: 10.1109/TCSI.2018.2804946, Feb. 23, 2018.
4. T.K.Maiti, L.Chen, H.Zenitani ,H.Miyamoto, M.Miura-Mattausch & H. J. Mattausch, Compact Electro-Mechanical-Fluidic Model for Actuated Fluid Flow System, IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques, vol2, 124-133, DOI: 10.1109/JMMCT.2017.2731878, 25, July, 2017
5. L. Chen, T. K. Maiti, H. Miyamoto, M. Miura-Mattausch, and H. J. Mattausch, Actuator-Control Circuit Based on OTFTs and Flow-Rate Estimation for an All-Organic Fluid Pump, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals, VOL.E99-A, No.4 April, pp. 798-805, 2016.
6. An, F., L. Chen, T. Akazawa, and H.J. Mattausch, k Nearest Neighbor Classification Coprocessor with Weighted Clock-Mapping-Based Searching, IEICE Transactions on Electronics, E99.C (3):397-403, March 2016.
7. T. K. Maiti, T. Hayashi, L. Chen, H. Mori, M. J. Kang, K. Takimiya, M. Miura-Mattausch, Fellow, IEEE, and H. J. Mattausch, A Surface Potential Based Organic Thin-Film Transistor Model for Circuit Simulation Verified With DNTT High Performance Test Devices, IEEE Transaction on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Vol.27, No.2, May, pp. 159-168, 2014.
8. L. Chen, T. Takaki, and I. Ishii, Accuracy of gradient-based optical flow estimation in high-frame-rate video analysis, IEICE Trans. On Information and Systems, Vol.E95-D, No.4, pp. 1130-1141, 2012.
9. L. Chen, H. Yang, T. Takaki, and I. Ishii, Real-Time Optical Flow Estimation Using Multiple Frame-Straddling Intervals, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.24, No.4, pp. 686-698, 2012.