
Tian Yuping graduated from the Department of Automation at Tsinghua University with a bachelor's degree in 1986, and from the Department of Automation and Computer Technology at Moscow Power Institute with a Ph.D in 1991. He obtained a Sc.D. in Technical Science in Automatic Control from Russia in 1996. From 1992 to 1993, he worked as Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute of Automation, Southeast University. From 1993 to 2018, he served as Professor at the School of Automation, Southeast University, director of the Institute of Complex System Control, and deputy director of the Key Laboratory of Complex Engineering System Measurement and Control under the Ministry of Education. From 2018 to 2024, he served as Professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Automation, Hangzhou Dianzi University, leader of the innovation team for key technologies and applications of intelligent robots, and member of the academic committee of the university. He also served as Visiting Professor at the University of California at Berkeley, the University of Central Queensland in Australia, and City University of Hong Kong. He is a specially appointed professor under the "Changjiang Scholars Award Program" of the Ministry of Education, a recipient of the National Outstanding Youth Fund, and a recipient of the State Council Special Allowance. He received the 2nd Guan Zhaozhi Award and the 3rd WCICA Best Theory Paper Award. From 2014 to 2020, he was continuously included in the Elsevier list of most cited Chinese researchers. He served member of the 10th expert review group (Automation) of the Information Science Department of NSFC, and member of the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th "Guan Zhaozhi Award" Evaluation Committee of the Chinese Association of Automation.
1986, B.A. Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
1991, Ph.D. Department of Automation and Computer Engineering, Moscow Power
1996, ScD. Department of Automation and Computer Engineering, Tagonrock National University, Soviet Union
Professional Experience
1992.01-1993.12, postdoctoral research fellow, Institute of Automation, Southeast University,
1993.12-1994.04, lecturer, Department of Automatic Control, Southeast University
1994.04-1996.04, Associate Professor, Department of Automatic Control, Southeast University
1996.02-1996.07, Senior Visiting Scholar, Department of Automation and Computer Engineering, Tagonrock State University, Russia
1996.04-2018.12, Professor, School of Automation, Southeast University
1998.02-1998.07, Senior Visiting Scholar, School of Information and Communication, Central Queensland University, Australia
2001.03-2001.05, Visiting Professor, School of Information and Communication, Central Queensland University, Australia
2002.01-2002.10, Visiting Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California at Berkeley, USA
2004.03-2004.05, Visiting Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong
2018.12-2024.01, Professor, School of Automation, Hangzhou Dianzi University
2024.01-present, Professor, School of System Design and Intelligent Manufacturing, Southern University of Science and Technology
Research Area
Multi-agent cooperative estimation, optimization, and control theory and its applications in robots, wireless networks, and unmanned systems.
[1] Tian Yu-Ping, Chun Shaoheng, Chen Gan, Zong Siheng, Huang Yan, and Wang Bo, Delay compensation based time synchronization under random delays: algorithm and experiment, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol.29, no.1, pp.80-95, 2021.
[2] Tian Yu-Ping, Sun Xiao-Jing, Tian Ouya, Detection performance of the majority dominance rule in m-ary relay trees with node and link failures, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 66(6), 1469-1482,2018.
[3] Tian Yu-Ping, Time synchronization in WSNs with random bounded communication delays, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol.62(10), 5445-5450,2017.
[4] Tian Yu-Ping, Zong Siheng, Cao Qingqing,Structural modeling and convergence analysis of consensus-based time synchronization algorithms over networks: Non-topological conditions, Automatica, 65, 64-75,2016.
[5] Tian Yu-Ping, Wang Qin, Global stabilization of rigid formations in the plane, Automatica, Vol.49(5),1436-1441, 2013.
[6] Tian Yu-Ping, Zhang Ya, High-order consensus of heterogeneous multi-agent systems with unknown communication delays, Automatica, Vol.48,1205-1212, 2012.
[7] Tian Yu-Ping, Liu Cheng-Lin, Robust consensus of multi-agent systems with diverse input delays and asymmetric interconnection perturbations, Automatica , Vol.45(5),1347-1353, 2009.
[8] Tian Yu-Ping, Liu Cheng-Lin, Consensus of multi-agent systems with diverse input and communication delays, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control , Vol.53, 2122-2128, 2008.
[9] Tian Yu-Ping. Stability analysis and design of the second-order congestion control for networks with heterogeneous delays, IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, Vol 13(5), 1082-1093, 2005.
[10] Tian Yu-Ping, Li Shihua. Exponential stabilization of nonholonomic dynamic systems by smooth time-varying control, Automatica, Vol.38, No.7, 1139-1146, 2002.