
Work experience
◆ 1968/9 – 1970/3, Taishan Military Farm, Guangdong Province
◆ 1970/4 – 1977/12, Sichuan Luzhou Excavator Factory
◆ 1978/1 – 1979/12, Engineer, Tianjin Institute of Engineering Machinery
◆ 1980/1 – 1981/12, Visiting Scholar, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, UK
◆ 1983/8 – 1983/11, University of Cambridge, UK Engineering Associate
◆ 1983/12 – 1984/3, Brown University, USA Engineering Associate
◆ 1984/3 – 1991/12, Professor, Department of Mechanics, Peking University, Director of Solid Mechanics Teaching and Research Section
Among them, 1988 and 1991 each had 8 months as a visiting scholar at the Engineering Department of the University of Cambridge, England.
◆ 1992/1 – 1995/3, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Manchester University of Technology (UMIST), UK (Reader)
◆ 1995/4 – 2010/6, Professor, Chair Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
◆ 2011/1 – 2011/5, 2012/1– 2012/5, Visiting Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
◆ 2012/6 – Present, Senior Consultant (Part time) of the President or Vice President (Research) of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Learning experience
◆ 1958-1964, Department of Mathematical Mechanics, Peking University
◆ 1964-1968, Graduate School of Mathematical Mechanics, Peking University
◆ 1981-1983, Ph.D., Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, UK
◆ 1988 – Now, University of Cambridge, College of College Fellow, College Fellow
◆ 1995, University of Cambridge, UK Doctor of Science (Honours)
◆ 2000 – Now, Member of Steering Committee, Asia-Pacific Engineering Plasticity (AEPA)
◆ 2001, first prize of China University Science and Technology Award
◆ 2003 – Now, American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME) Fellow
◆ 2003 – Now, the Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) Fellow
◆ 2016 – Now, Honorary member, International Society of Impact Engineering
Representative work
Yu Tongxi, Qiu Xinming, Impact Dynamics, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, 2011.
T.X. Yu and XinMing Qiu, Introduction to Impact Dynamics, Tsinghua University Press and Wiley, 2018.
Yu Tongxi, Xue Yu, Engineering Plastic Mechanics, Higher Education Press, Beijing, 2010.
G. Lu and T.X. Yu, Energy Absorption of Structures and Materials, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, UK, 2003.
Yu Tongxi, Lu Guoxing, Energy Absorption of Materials and Structures, Chemical Industry Press, Beijing, 2006.
W.J. Stronge and T.X. Yu, Dynamic Models for Structural Plasticity, Springer-Verlag, London, 1993.
Yu Tongxi, W.J., Zhuang, Dynamic Model of Structural Plasticity, Peking University Press, Beijing, 2002.
Yu Tongxi, Zhang Liangchi, Plastic Bending Theory and Its Applications, Science Press, Beijing, 1992.
T.X. Yu and L.C. Zhang, Plastic Bending: Theory and Applications, World Scientific, Singapore, 1996.