
Research Interests: ESG/CSR, Cross-listing, Voluntary Disclosure, International Accounting
Professor Albert Tsang is the recipient of the 2022 Distinguished Contribution to Accounting Literature Award awarded by the American Accounting Association for his contribution to academic research in environmental, social and governance (ESG) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) during the last 15 years. Professor Tsang is also the best paper award (or most cited paper award) recipient of numerous journals and conferences including World Business Ethics Forum, CGIR (Corporate Governance: An International Review), APJFS (Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies), JIAR (Journal of International Accounting Research), JCAE (Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics),BAR (The British Accounting Review) and CAR (Contemporary Accounting Research). Two of his CSR studies have been ranked worldwide number 1 and 9 respectively in terms of citations among all financial archival papers published since 2010. Moreover, he has a record of publishing an article on Journal of Financial Economics in 24 days making one of the most impressive records worldwide among publications in top finance journals.
Currently Professor Tsang is a chair professor of accounting at SUSTech Business School of Southern University of Science and Technology, a distinguished professor of the Ministry of Education of China, financial advisor to the Standing Committee of the 14th Guangdong Provincial People's Congress, consultant of ESG rating committee of Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Before joining SUSTech, Professor Tsang was a tenured professor in Canada (Schulich School of Business) and Hong Kong (The Chinese University of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University).
Professor Tsang initiated research works examining the capital market implication of CSR reporting since 2008 after he graduated with a PhD degree in accounting from the University of Texas at Dallas. During the past 10+ years, he has published a large number of research papers and his research has been published on leading journals such as The Accounting Review, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Contemporary Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies and Journal of International Business Studies. Professor Tsang's academic publications have garnered over 10,000 citations, placing his work in the top 1% of the most cited globally.
Currently Prof. Tsang is serving for the editorial board of Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of International Accounting Research, International Journal of Accounting and Journal of International Accounting Auditing & Taxation. He is also the Editor of Accounting Horizons, Associate Editor of several journals including The British Accounting Review and Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance. Prof. Tsang was nominated by the Schulich School of Business (Canada) for the award of York Research Chair Since 2017. He has been invited by many universities in different countries (e.g. USA, Canada, Australia, and China) to teach Ph.D. course/seminars during the past years. Prior to joining academia Prof. Tsang had extensive experience in accounting and finance and was working as an international accounting manager in publicly listed multinational corporations and living in multiple countries.