
Dr. Bai Ziqian, Assistant Professor in SDIM of SUSTech, Pujiang Scholar. She received her MA and PhD from Institute of Textiles and Clothing in Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2006 and 2015 respectively. Dr. Bai has extensive research experience in the interdisciplinary area of wearable technology and user-centered design. She has conducted and participated numerous research projects and published more than 20 research papers. Her design works have been showcased at juried exhibitions and expo worldwide. Her design work Neo-Neon is the permanent collection at China Silk Museum (State grade 1 museum).
Besides her academic research, Dr. Bai also has extensive experiences in teaching and industry. She acted as a leading faculty member in design programme when she worked in Donghua University. She was the visiting lecturer in HK PolyU, Edinburg College of Art and Burapha University (Thailand). She served as the consultant for several companies, including Ptech, Loewe (LVMH), Advan-pro Ltd., Ningbo Jia Le Industrial Park, etc.
Research Area
Wearable Technology, Tangible Interactive Interface, IoTs,Ergonomics, Functional garment, Wearables for Healthcare, Material innovation, Smart Home, User-centered design.
Working Experience
2020 - Present Assistant Professor, SDIM, SUSTECH
2019 - 2020 Research Scientist, HKPolyU
2018 - 2019 Postdoctoral Fellow, HKPolyU
2015 - 2018 Lecturer, Donghua University
2014 - 2015 Visiting Lecturer, HKPolyU
2008 - 2011 Research Assistant , HKPolyU
2007 - 2008 Designer, Pro Cam-fis (J.&W. Group Ltd.), HK
2006 - 2007 Designer, HENNISON Ltd., HK
Education Background
2011 - 2015 PhD, Wearable Technology, HKPolyU
2005 - 2006 MA, Fashion and Textile Design, HKPolyU
2001 - 2005 BA, Fashion Design and Technology, SCAU
Journal Paper
Tan J.*, Bai, Z.Q*, Ge, L., Shao, L., & Chen, A. (2019). Design and fabrication of touch-sensitive polymeric optical fibre (POF) fabric, The Journal of The Textile Institute, 110:11, 1529-1537, DOI: 1080/00405000.2019.1606379
Bai, Z.Q., Tan J*., Chen Amy, Enhancing the Wearablity and accessibility of Illuminated POF Garment, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, Vol. 32 No. 2, pp. 218-230. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCST-03-2019-0028
Du, Ziyan, Bai, Z.Q.*, Dong, A. H.,etc.(2019) Design of Smart Clothing System for Bio-monitoring,Journal of Donghua University (Natural Science)
Kong, L.B andBai, Z.Q., Research and Development of Flexible Luminous Fabrics for PDT in Biomedical Applications, Journal of Donghua University.
Bai, Z.Q., Tan J., Johnston, C. and Tao, X.M., (2014) Connexion: development of interactive soft furnishings with Polymeric Optical Fibre (POF) textiles, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology,27(6), 870-894.
Liu, H., Tao, X., Xu, P., Zhang, H., & Bai, Z.Q.(2013). A dynamic measurement system for evaluating dry bio-potential surface electrodes. Measurement, 46(6), 1904-1913.
Bai, Z.Q.and Tan, J., (2012) Innovative design of polymeric photonic fiber fabric for interior textiles. Research journal of textile and apparel, 17:10-5.
Bai, Z.Q., Tan J., Johnston, C. and Tao, X.M., (2012) Enhancing the functionality of traditional interior textiles by integration of optical fibers. Research journal of textile and apparel, 16(4): p. 31-38.
Liu, H., Kang, W., Tao, X., Bai, Z.Q., Xu, P., & Zhang, H. (2012). Performance evaluation of surface biopotential dry electrodes based on PSD and EIS. International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, 4(20), 497-505.
Conference Paper
Ge, L., Tan, J., Sorger, R., &Bai, Z. Q. (2018, June). Woven Light: An Investigation of Woven Photonic Textiles. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence on Textile and Apparel (pp. 53-59). Springer.
Chen, A., Tan, J., Tao, X., Henry, P., & Bai, Z. Q.(2018). Challenges in Knitted E-textiles. Paper presented at the Artificial Intelligence on Fashion and Textile Conference, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Bai, Z.Q., Dong, A. H.,etc..The interactive optical fiber fabrics for smart interior environment. Proceeding of AUTEX World Textile Conference 2017,IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 254 (2017) 072003
Bai, Z.Q., Dong, A. H., Kong, L.B and Tan, J., Enhancing the functionality of Flexible Luminous Fabrics. Proceeding of 14th Asia Textile Conference, 27-30 June 2017, Hong Kong. p. 394-396
Bai, Z.Q.,Tan J., Photonic textile design practice: A case study, Proceeding of Fiber Society 2016 Spring Conference: Textile Innovation, May 25- May 27, 2016
Tan, J., Wong, W.C., Bai,.Z.Q. and Ge, L. (2016) Application vs Intergration: The challenges of wearable technology from a Polymeric Optical Fibres (POFs) textile perspective. Paper presented at ‘“The New Paradigm of Global Fashion Business in ICT Convergence” organized by The Korea Society of Fashion Business 2016 International Conference. Soongsil University, Seoul, Korea. 29 October 2016.
Tan, J. &Bai, Z.Q. (2014) Techy Fashion: Exploring the evolving design process of photonic fashion design. Global Fashion Conference. 20-21 November 2014, KASK University College Ghent.
Bai, Z.Q., Tan J., Johnston, C. and Tao, X.M., (2013) Integration of surface printing and laser-engraving technology for design of colorchangeable POF fabric, 13th AUTEX World Textile Conference Dresden, May 22-24.
Tan, J. and Bai, Z.Q., (2011) Innovative design of photonic interior textiles, 8th International Shibori Symposium, Hong Kong. p.75-77.
Bai, Z.Q., Tan J., and Tao, X.M. (2011), Surface printing and photonic fibers for interactive interior textiles. Proceeding of The Fiber Society 2011 Spring Conference. Hong Kong. p. 150-151.
Bai, Z.Q., Tan J., and Tao, X.M. (2011), Interactive interiors: preliminary study of integrating textile embellishment techniques and polymeric photonic fibers for interior textiles. Proceedings of designing pleasurable products and interfaces conference 2011, Milan, Italy. p.279-282.
A integrated universal platform for Smart Glow Fashion Clothing, 201710597475.7 patent pending.
A smart light-emitting indoor real-time PM2.5 detection system, 201610503782.X, patent pending.
Illuminous indoorPM2.5 real-time detection system for smart home, ZL 2016 2 0676728.
Smart Interactive Light-emitting Clothing System, 201710597517.7, patent pending.
2013 Neo-Neon, the permanent collection at China Silk Museum (State grade 1 museum)
2019 Finalist, ThermoBlanket, TechStyle for Social Good International Competition
2017 Instructor for the 2nd Runner-up Team, “HUAWEI” Cup Electronic Competition for postgraduate students
2017 1st Prize Teaching Award, Donghua University
2017 3rd Prize “Fang Zhi Zhi Guang” Teaching Award, China National Textile and Apparel Council
2016 Excellent Thesis Award. The challenges of wearable technology from a polymer optical. fibre (POFs) textile perspective. At “The New Paradigm of Global fashion Business in ICT Convergence”. The Korea Society of Fashion Business 2016 International Conference in Soongsil University, South Korea.
2015 Service Learning Award, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2014 Service Learning Award, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2013 Excellent Paper Award awarded by the Research Journal of Textile and Apparel.
Bai, Z.Q., Tan J., Johnston, C. and Tao, X.M., Enhancing the functionality of traditional interior textiles by integration of optical fibers.
2011 Excellent Award, 1st Contemporary Chinese Fiber Art Exhibition, organized by. the China National Arts & Crafts Society.
Universal Materiality, Wearable Interaction Design and Computer Aided Process for Accessible Wearable Solutions. Collaborative research by Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Open Style Lab, The New School Parsons., Hong Kong, 18-26th December 2018.
CAPI and SENSI, presented with Burberry Material Future Research Lab, RCA at the London Design Week ,15-23 Sep. 2018.
Materiality, Tent Gallery, Edinburg College of Art, The University of Edinburg, 22-27 June, 2018.
Neon Shanghai, “From Shanghai with love” fashion show at Edinburg Art Festival, University of Edinburg, UK, 25 Aug 2017.
“Dimensional Illumination Exhibition”. Reviewed by Anne Smith, Dean of School of Fashion and Textiles, Central Saint Martins, 2-10 Dec. 2014, Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences.
Lucent illusion,14th China textile design competition & international conference 2014, Tsing Hua University, Beijing.
Neo-Neon, “Reflection of Time: Art of Fashion in China 1993-2012”, Today Art Museum, 5-25 Sep., 2013, Beijing, China.
“Neophotonics” Exhibition, Hong Kong Medical Science Museum, 1-7 July 2013, Hong Kong. Reviewed by Prof. Paola Bertola, Professor of Fashion Design, Design Department, Politecnico di Milano.
The white blossom,The 7th ‘From Lausanne to Beijing’ International Fiber Art Biennale Exhibition, 8 Nov-15 Dec 2012, Nan Tong, China.
The glowing object, New Technology Zone of Interstoff Asia Essentials, organized by HKRITA. March, 2012, HKCEC.
Circles, 2012,Beat + Energy Nexus: International Shibori Design Exhibition, Feb, 2012, Fo Shan, China.
Rhythm,“Energy Nexus” exhibition, 8th International Shibori Symposium Dec, 2011 – Jan, 2012, Hong Kong Visual Art Centre.
Linear, “1st Contemporary Chinese Fiber Art” Exhibition,organized by China National Arts& Crafts Society, Jilin College of Art, Sep 2011, China.
Chionis Photonics, “Future Photonics” Exhibition, Aug 2011, Hong Kong Innovation Centre. Reviewed by Prof. Robert Young, Professor of Polymer Science and Technology. School of Materials, University of Manchester.
Sculpting light exhibited at Ocular Simulacrum, Fashion Gallery. April 2011. Hong Kong.