
Dr. Bin Zhu is an assistant professor at School of Public Health and Emergency Management. Prior to joining SUStech, he was a post-doctoral research fellow from University of California, San Diego. He published more than 40 papers on internationally recognized journals, including 28 papers indexed in SCI/SSCI lists.
Research interests
Disease Burden of Dementia; Allocation and Spatial Planning of Health Resources;Spatio-temporal Epidemiology
2016-2019,City University of Hong Kong,Department of Public Policy, Doctor of Philosophy
2014-2019,Xi’an Jiaotong University, School of Public Policy and Administration, Doctor of Management Sciences
2010-2014,Xi’an Jiaotong University, School of Public Policy and Administration, Bachelor of Management Sciences
Professional Experience
2021-,Assistant Professor of School of Public Health and Emergency Management, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen
2019-2020,Post-doctoral research fellow of School of Medicine, University of California, San Diego
Honors & Rewards
[1] Post-doc Fellowship, University of California, San Diego,2019
[2] Peter Ho Scholarship, City University of Hong Kong,2019
[3] Travel Fellowship Award of the China Health Policy and Management Society (CHPAMS) 2nd Biennial Conference, Yale University, 2018
[4] Prize of Philosophy and Social Sciences Outstanding Achievements Award of Shaanxi Province, Shaanxi Provincial government, 2020
[5] Best Paper Prize of China Health Insurance Research Association Annual Conference, 2017
[6] Best Paper Prize of China Aging Industry and filial piety culture forum, 2016
[1] Bin Zhu*, Ying Mao, Chih-Wei Hsieh. Spatial Distribution of Health Manpower in China: Exploring its Characteristics and Determinants [M], Nova Science Publishers, 2020, New York. (ISBN: 978-1-53617-572-1)
Selected Publications
[1] Bin Zhu, Huiying Guo, Ying Cao, Ruopeng An, Yuyan Shi. Perceived Importance of Factors in Cannabis Purchase Decisions: A Best-worst Scaling Experiment [J]. International Journal of Drug Policy, 2020
[2] Bin Zhu, Chih-Wei Hsieh, Ying Mao. Spatio-temporal Variations of Licensed Doctor Distribution in China: Measuring and mapping disparities [J]. BMC Health Services Research, 2020, 20, 159
[3] Bin Zhu, Jinlin Liu, Yang Fu, Bo Zhang, Ying Mao. Spatio-temporal epidemiology of viral hepatitis in China (2003–2015): Implications for prevention and control policies[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018, 15, 661
[4] Bin Zhu, Yang Fu, Jinlin Liu, Rongxin He, Ning Zhang, Ying Mao. Detecting the priority areas for health workforce allocation with LISA functions: An empirical analysis for China [J]. BMC health services research, 2018, 18, 957
[5] Bin Zhu, Yang Fu, Jinlin Liu, Ying Mao. Modeling the dynamics and spillovers of the health labor market: Evidence from China’s provincial panel data[J]. Sustainability, 2018, 10(2), 333
[6] Bin Zhu, Yang Fu, Jinlin Liu, Ying Mao. Notifiable sexually transmitted infections in China: Epidemiologic trends and spatial changing patterns[J]. Sustainability, 2017, 9(10), 1784
[7] Yuyan Shi, Bin Zhu, Di Liang. The Associations between Prenatal Cannabis Use Disorder and Neonatal Outcomes [J]. Addiction, 2021. (Reported by US news, MD edge, Physician's weekly, Vancouver Sun)
[8] Rongxin He, Bin Zhu, Jinlin Liu, Wei-Hong Zhang, Ying Mao, Women’s cancers in China: a spatio-temporal epidemiology analysis[J]. BMC Women’s Health, 2021, 21, 116
[9] Rongxin He, Jinlin Liu, Zhang Wei-Hong, Bin Zhu, Ning Zhang, Ying Mao. Turnover intention among primary health workers in China: a systematic review and meta-analysis [J]. BMJ Open, 2020, 10:e037117
[10] Ying Mao, Ning Zhang, Bin Zhu, Jinlin Liu, Rongxin He. A Descriptive Analysis of the Spatio-temporal Distribution of Intestinal Infectious Diseases in China [J]. BMC Infectious Diseases, 2019, 19, 766
[11] Jinlin Liu, Bin Zhu, Jingxian Wu, Ying Mao. Job satisfaction, work stress, and turnover intentions among rural health workers: a cross-sectional study in 11 western provinces of China[J]. BMC Family Practice, 2019, 20, 9
[12] Bin Zhu, Ying Mao. Prevalence and spatial-temporal clustering of typical notifiable intestinal infectious diseases in China, 2005—2015[J]. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 2018, 34(08): 1120-1124. (in Chinese)
[13] Bin Zhu, Jinlin Liu, Ying Mao. Spatial correlations of the typical notifiable infectious diseases[J]. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 2018, 34(01):4-8. (in Chinese)
[14] Bin Zhu, Ying Mao. Intergenerational Support, Social Capital and Medical Service Utilization[J]. Social Security Studies, 2017, (03):48-59. (in Chinese)
[15] Ying Mao, Bin Zhu. Research on Intergenerational Support and Health of Ageing from a Gender Perspective[J]. Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences), 2017, 37(03):63-72. (in Chinese)
[16] Ying Mao, Bin Zhu, Jinlin Liu, et al. Studying on the Health Human Resource Allocation depending on Geographical Classifications enlightened from experiences in Australia[J]. Chinese Health Service Management, 2015,10: 758-760. (in Chinese)
[17] Ying Mao, Bin Zhu, Jinlin Liu, et al. Research on the Risk Factors of Chronic Diseases in the Elderly under the Perspective of Health Ecology[J]. Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences), 2015,05:15-24. (in Chinese)
[18] Ying Mao, Bin Zhu, Jinlin Liu, et al. Evaluation on the Catastrophic Medical Insurance Policy in China: Based on Empirical Research of Xunyi County[J]. Chinese Journal of Health Economics, 2015,08:10-14. (in Chinese)
[19] Ying Mao, Bin Zhu, Jinlin Liu, et al. Equity analysis on distribution of human resources for health (HRH) based on assumption of resource heterogeneity: Shaanxi Province as an example[J]. Chinese Journal of Health Economics, 2015,07:31-34. (in Chinese)
Conference papers
[1] Bin Zhu, Chih-Wei Hsieh, Ying Mao. Spatio-temporal Variations of Licensed Doctor Distribution in China: A Retrospective Study. 2020 Annual conference of American Society for Public Administration, April, 2020, Anaheim, CA, USA
[2] Bin Zhu, Jinlin Liu, Yang Fu, Bo Zhang, Ying Mao. Spatio-Temporal Epidemiology of Viral Hepatitis in China (2003–2015): Implications for Prevention and Control Policies. China Health Policy and Management Society (CHPAMS) 2018 Biennial Conference.“Advances in Health Policy and Healthcare, May, 2018, Yale University, New Haven, USA
[3] Jinlin Liu, Bin Zhu, Ying Mao. Does previous turnover behavior increase the odds of subsequent turnover intentions among nurses? Evidence from rural western China. Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research Advancing health systems for all in the SDG era. Liverpool, UK – October 8-12, 2018
[4] Bin Zhu, Chih-wei Hsieh. Spatial distribution of health workforce in China: Exploring its characteristics and determinants. The 5th Public Governance Forum in Greater China, October, 2017, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
[5] Bin Zhu, Yang Fu, Jinlin Liu, Ying Mao. Notifiable Sexually Transmitted Infections in China: Epidemiologic Trends and Spatial Changing Patterns, The 5th International Conference on Geo-informatics in Sustainable Ecosystem and Society (GSES-2017). September, 2017, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei, China