
Essential Information
Name:Changzhao Pan
Position:Associate researcher
Highest Degree:Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering
Office:Room 513, Futian International Quantum Academy
Research Field:4K pulse tube cryocooler, low temperature measurement and control, ultra-low-temperature refrigerators
Educational Background
2011.09-2016.06, Ph.D. in Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences
2007.09-2011.06, Bachelor in Thermal Energy and Power Engineering, Shandong University
Working Experience
2023.11-present Researcher,Shenzhen International Quantum Academy
2021.09-2023.10 Associate Researcher, Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology
2019.09-2021.08 Postdoc in Laboratoire national de métrologie et d'essais-Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships)
2018.04-2019.08 Postdoc in Laboratoire national de métrologie et d'essais-Conservatoire national des arts et métiers
2016.05-2018.04 Postdoc in Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences(National Postdoctoral Program for Innovative Talents)
Papers and Patents
(1) Yu Zhang; Yi Liao; Kuifan Zha; Xuming Liu; Changzhao Pan ; Numerical analysis of a novel coaxial annular tube convective heat switch, Cryogenics, 2024, 137: 103772 (通讯作者 )
(2) 刘旭明; 潘长钊; 张宇; 廖奕; 郭伟杰; 俞大鹏 ; 4 K 大冷量GM 型脉冲管制冷机, 物理学报, 2023,72(19): 190701
(3) Yanbo Duan, Changzhao Pan*, Wei Wang*, Laifeng Li, Yuan Zhou. Design and optimization of heat exchanger in coaxial pulse tube cryocooler working above 100 K. Cryogenics 129 103607 (2023). (共同通讯作者)
(4) Changzhao Pan; Haiyang Zhang; Gérard Rouillé; Bo Gao; Laurent Pitre ; Helmholtz FreeEnergy Equation of State for 3He–4He Mixtures at Temperatures Above 2.17 K, Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 2021, 50: 043102
(5) Changzhao Pan; Fernando Sparasci; Mark Plimmer; Lara Risegari; Jean-Michel Daugas; G´erard Rouille; Bo Gao; Laurent Pitre ; Direct comparison of ITS-90 and PLTS-2000 from 0.65 K to1 K at LNE-CNAM, Metrologia, 2021, 58: 025005
(6) Changzhao Pan; Fernando Sparasci; Haiyang Zhang; Pascal Gambette; Mark Plimmer; Dario Imbraguglio; Roberto M Gavioso; Michael R Moldover; Bo Gao; Laurent Pitre ; Acoustic measurement of the triple point of neon TNe and thermodynamic calibration of a transfer standard for accurate cryogenic thermometry, Metrologia, 2021, 58: 045006
Changzhao Pan; Bo Gao; Yaonan Song; Haiyang Zhang; Dongxu Han; Jiangfeng Hu; Wenjing Liu; Hui Chen; Mark Plimmer; Fernando Sparasci; Ercang Luo; Laurent Pitre ; Active suppression of temperature oscillation from a pulse-tube cryocooler in a cryogen-free cryostat: Part 1. Simulation modeling from thermal response characteristics, Cryogenics, 2020, 109: 103097
(7) Changzhao Pan; Jiangfeng Hu; Haiyang Zhang; Yaonan Song; Dongxu Han; Wenjing Liu; Hui Chen; Mark Plimmer; Fernando Sparasci; Ercang Luo; Bo Gao; Laurent Pitre ; Active suppression of temperature oscillation from a pulse-tube cryocooler in a cryogen-free cryostat: Part 2. Experimental realization, Cryogenics, 2020, 109: 103096 (期刊论文)
(8) Changzhao Pan; Hui Chen; Dongxu Han; Haiyang Zhang; Mark Plimmer; Dario Imbraguglio; Ercang Luo; Bo Gao; Laurent Pitre ; Numerical and Experimental Study of the Hydrostatic Pressure Correction in Gas Thermometry: A Case in the SPRIGT, International Journal of Thermophysics, 2020, 41: 108
(9) Changzhao Pan; Jue Wang; Kaiqi Luo; Liubiao Chen; Hai Jin; Wei Cui; Junjie Wang; Yuan Zhou ; Numerical and experimental study of VM type pulse tube cryocooler with multi-bypass operating below 4 K, Cryogenics, 2019, 98: 71-79