
09/2009 – 06/2013 Henan University of Science and Technology, China B.Bioeng.
09/2013 – 06/2016 Southwestern University, China M.Sci. Developmental Biology
09/2016 – 06/2019 Soochow University, China Ph.D. Medical cell and molecular biology
09/2019 –09/2022 The University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA, Postdoc, Tissue-specific labeling of exosomal RNAs and proteins
10/2022– Southern University of Science and Technology, China, Research assistant professor
2020 - Member, American Heart Association
2021 - 2023 AHA Postdoctoral Fellowship
2016 - 2019 Scholarship, Soochow University
2013 - 2016 Scholarship, Southwestern University
2010 - 2013 Scholarship, Henan University of Science and Technology
1. Characterize the endocytosis function of Vitellogenin receptor (VgR) in silkworm development (Master’s degree research).
I studied the function of VgR in the individual development of silkworm under the supervision of Dr. Ying Lin, who has made important contributions in the field of silkworm development. Specifically, I compared the different ligands of VgR and confirmed Vitellogenin, not storage protein1, is the specific ligand that can be endocytosed by VgR.
2. Bio-modifications of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-derived exosomes to improve the effectiveness for treatment of cardiac and peripheral ischemic diseases (PhD degree research).
Exosomes from stem cells, such as human umbilical cord MSCs, promote neovascularization and ischemic tissue repair; however, the effectiveness is limited by their heterogeneity and short-time retention at sites of injury. I conducted a series of studies that identified miR-675 as a potent regenerating miRNA and developed new methods to allow enrichment of miR-675 in the MSC exosomes and encapsulation of exosomes in hydrogel biomaterials. These modified MSC exosomes demonstrate significantly enhanced therapeutic efficacy for myocardial infarction, limb ischemia, and skin wound healing in mice and rats.
3. Metabolic labeling and systemic tracking of tissue-specific exosomal RNAs and proteins in the cardiovascular system (Postdoc research).
Based on exosomes’ structural features, cargo contents, biogenesis process, and target specificity, I have developed techniques that enable metabolic labeling of exosomal RNAs and proteins, which serve as powerful tools enabling systemic tracking of cardiomyocyte-derived exosomes and precise evaluation of inter-organ communications in ischemic heart disease.
Invite Reviewer in Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine and Frontiers in Medicine, section Pulmonary Medicine.
1. C Han; J Yang; E Zhang; Y Jiang; A Qiao; Y Du; Q Zhang; J An; J Sun; M Wang; T Nguyen; H Lal; P Krishnamurthy; J Zhang; G Qin. Metabolic labeling of cardiomyocyte-derived small extracellular-vesicle (sEV) miRNAs identifies miR-208a in cardiac regulation of lung gene expression. Journal of extracellular vesicle. 11 (2022) e12246. (IF=17.33)
2. C Han, J Yang, J Sun, G Qin, Extracellular vesicles in cardiovascular disease: Biological functions and therapeutic implications. Pharmacology & therapeutics (2021). 108025 (Review, IF=13.4)
3. C Han, F Liu, Y Zhang, W Chen, W Luo, Fengzhi Ding, Lin Lu, Chengjie Wu, and Yangxin Li et.al, Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cell Derived Exosomes Delivered Using Silk Fibroin and Sericin Composite Hydrogel Promote Wound Healing. Front Cardiovasc Med. 8(2021) 713021.(IF=5.84)
4. C. Han, C. Liang, B. Liu, X. Pan, Y. Zhang, Y. Wang, et.al, Human umbilical cord mesenchyma stem cells derived exosomes encapsulated in functional polypeptide hydrogel promote cardiac repair. Biomaterials science. 7(2019) 2920-2933(IF=7.59)
5. C. Han, J. Zhou, B. Liu, et.al, Delivery of miR-675 by stem cell-derived exosomes encapsulated in silk fibroin hydrogel prevents aginginduced vascular dysfunction in mouse hindlimb. Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl. 99(2019)322-332(IF= 7.06)
6. C. Han, E. Chen, G. Shen, et.al, Vitellogenin receptor selectively endocytoses female-specific and highly-expressed hemolymph proteins in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Biochem Cell Biol, 95 (2017) 510-516.(IF=3.73)
7. C Han; G Qin, Reporter Systems for Assessments of Extracellular Vesicle Transfer. Front Cardiovasc Med. 9(2022) 922420 (Review, IF=5.84)
8. C Han, Z Zhang, J Sun et.al, Self-Assembling Peptide-Based Hydrogels in Angiogenesis. Int J Nanomedicine 15(2020) 10257–10269 (Review, IF=7.033)
9. E Zhang, Y Liu, C Han, et.al, Visualization and identification of bioorthogonally-labeled exosome proteins following systemic administration in mice. Front Cell Dev Biol.9(2021) eCollection 2021. (IF=6.08)
10. A Qiao, W Ma, J Deng, J Zhou, C Han et.al, Ablation of Sam68 in adult mice increases thermogenesis and energy expenditure. FASEB Journal 35(2021) e21772. (IF=5.83)
11. Y. Li, C. Han, et.al, Exosomes Mediate the Beneficial Effects of Exercise, Adv Exp Med Biol, (2017) 4304-4308_4318. (Review, IF=3.65)
12. G Shen; J Wu; C Han; H Liu; Y Xu; H Zhang; Y Lin; Xia Q, Oestrogen-related receptor reduces vitellogenin expression by crosstalk with the ecdysone receptor pathway in female silkworm, Bombyx mori. Insect molecular biology. 27(2018) 4: 454-463 (IF=3.42)
13. G. Shen, Y. Lin, C. Yang, R. Xing, H. Zhang, E. Chen, C. Han, et.al, Vertebrate estrogen regulates the development of female characteristics in silkworm, Bombyx mori, Gen Comp Endocrinol, 210 (2015) 30-37. (IF=5.56)
14. C. Yang, Y. Lin, H. Liu, G. Shen, J. Luo, H. Zhang, Z. Peng, E. Chen, R. Xing, C. Han, Q. Xia, The Broad Complex isoform 2 (BrC-Z2) transcriptional factor plays a critical role in vitellogenin transcription in the silkworm Bombyx mori, Biochim Biophys Acta, 9 (2014) 23. (IF=4.117)