
Chair Professor Chen received a Bachelor's of Geology and a Masters of Petrology from Changchun Institute of Geology (now Jilin University) in 1985 and 1985, respectively. He then received his Doctorate of Petrology from Peking University in 1991 and, since that year, he has been teaching at Peking University. In September of 2014, he moved to the Hefei University of Technology. In 2017, he joined the Southern University of Science and Technology. Long engaged in teaching geology and geochemistry, and associated research work. He has published more than 80 research papers, and has led projects for the National Outstanding Youth Fund, the National Natural Science Focus Fund, the 973 Program (National Basic Research Program), and more than 10 other research projects. In 2014-17, he was the Elsevier Earth and Planetary Science high cited Scholar.
Education Background
1988-1991, Peking University, Ph.D in petrology
1985-1988, Changchun College of Geosciences (present Jilin University), MS in petrology
1981-1985, Changchun College of Geosciences (present Jilin University), BS in geology
Work Experience
2021.04- Chair Professor, Department of Earth and Space Sciences, Southern Univ. of Science and Technology
2017.08-2021.04 Professor, Department of Earth and Space Sciences, Southern Univ. of Science and Technology
2014.09-2017.08 Professor, School of Resources and Environmental Engineering,Hefei Univ. Tech.
1991.07-2014.09 Professor, School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking Univ.
1998.09-1999.10 Post-doc fellow, University of Rennes 1, France
2001 -2002 Visiting scholar, University of Rennes 1, France;
2003.11-2004.10 JSPS fellow, Tsukuba Univ., Japan
2006.11-2007.10 Guest professor, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei
2018, Certificate for High-level Professional in Shenzhen (national-level talent);
2016, Second Prize of State Natural Science Award (R2);
2009, Outstanding Award of Teaching Skills from Peking Univ.;
2006, The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars;
2004, “Hou Defeng Young Scientist Prize” from the Geochemical Society of China;
Academic Service Experience
2010-present, Editorial Board Member of Lithos, Geoscience Frontiers, and Acta Petrologica Sinica
Origin, evolution and geodynamic settings of magmatism;
Polymetallic mineralization mechanism associated with granitic rocks;
Isotope geochemistry ;
Non-traditional stable isotopes of magma-hydrothermal system, continental weathering and marine sediments.