
Brief Introduction
Jie Chen is an Assistant Professor at Southern University of Science and Technology. She graduated from Peking University with a PhD. She was a postdoctoral fellow at the Physics Division of Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and the Facility of Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) at Michigan State University before becoming a Physicist Staff Scientist at ANL. Her main research interests are to deepen the understanding the nuclear structure and the nuclear force through direct nuclear reactions such as single-particle transfer and elastic/inelastic scattering away from stability. She has conducted experimental research at RCNP in Osaka University, ATLAS inf Argonne National Laboratory, FRIB in Michigan State University, and ISOLDE at CERN as an spokesperson. The results have been published as more than 40 articles in international journals, and she has made several invited presentations at international conferences.
Research Interests
◆Exotic Atomic Nuclear Structure
◆Nuclear Science and Technology
◆Nuclear Astrophysics
Educational Background
◆2011 Bachelor of Science, Lanzhou University
◆2016 Doctor of Science, Peking University
Professional Experience
◆2016-2019 Postdoctoral fellow, Argonne National Laboratory
◆2019-2021 Research Associate, Michigan State University
◆2021-2023 Physics Staff Scientist, Argonne National Laboratory
◆2023-present Assistant Professor, Southern University of Science and Technology
Honors & Awards
◆Invited talk:Investigating the Spin-Orbital splitting in N=19 isotones using SOLARIS, Nuclear Structure conference 2022, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2022-06
◆Invited talk:Probing nuclear structures with light-ion induced reactions using
SOLARIS at ReA, American Physics Society (APS) April Meeting 2022, New York City, 2022-04
◆Invited talk:Investigating the low-lying states of Be isotopes via one-nucleon
transfer reactions, GANIL seminar, Grand National Heavy Ion Accelerator (GANIL), 2022-08
◆Invited talk:Experimental study of single particle strength in exotic psd-shell
nuclei using transfer reactions, Nuclear Physics Seminar, University of Notre Dame, 2018-03
Selected Publications
1. J. Chen; J. L. Lou; Y. L. Ye; Z. H. Li; D. Y. Pang; C. X. Yuan; Y. C. Ge; Q. T. Li; H.Hua; D. X. Jiang; X. F. Yang; F. R. Xu; J. C. Pei; J. Li; W. Jiang; Y. L. Sun; H. L. Zang; Y.Zhang; N. Aoi; E. Ideguchi; H. J. Ong; J. Lee; J. Wu; H. N. Liu; C. Wen; Y. Ayyad; K. Hatanaka; D.T. Tran; T. Yamamoto; M. Tanaka; T. Suzuki ; A new measurement of the intruder configuration in Be-12, PHYSICS LETTERS B, 2018, 781: 412-416
2. J.Chen; K.Auranen; M.L.Avila; B.B.Back; M.A.Caprio; C.R.Hoffman; D.Gorelov; B.P.Kay; S.A.Kuvin; Q.Liu; J.L.Lou; A.O.Macchiavelli; D.G.McNeel; T.L.Tang; D.Santiago-Gonzalez; R.Talwar; J.Wu; G.Wilson; R.B.Wiringa; Y.L.Ye; C.X.Yuan; H.L.Zang ; Experimental study of the low-lying negative-parity states in Be11 using the B12(d,He3)Be11 reaction, Physical Review C, 2019, 100, 064314.
3. J. Chen; S. M. Wang; H. T. Fortune; J. L. Lou; Y. L. Ye; Z. H. Li; N. Michel; J. G. Li;C. X. Yuan; Y. C. Ge; Q. T. Li; H. Hua; D. X. Jiang; X. F. Yang; D. Y. Pang; F. R. Xu; W. Zuo; J.C. Pei; J. Li; W. Jiang; Y. L. Sun; H. L. Zang; N. Aoi; H. J. Ong; E. Ideguchi; Y. Ayyad; K.Hatanaka; D. T. Tran; D. Bazin; J. Lee; Y. N. Zhang; J. Wu; H. N. Liu; C. Wen; T. Yamamoto; M.Tanaka; T. Suzuki ; Observation of the near-threshold intruder 0− resonance in Be12, Physical Review C (Letter), 2021, 103, L031302.
4. J.Chen; C.R.Hoffman; T.Ahn; K.Auranen; M.L.Avila; B.B.Back; D.W.Bardayan; D.Blankstein; P.Copp; D.Gorelov; B.P.Kay; S.A.Kuvin; J.P.Lai; D.G.McNeel; P.D.O'Malley; A.M.Rogers; D.Santiago-Gonzalez; J.P.Schiffer; J.Sethi; R.Talwar; J.R.Winkelbauer ; Experimental study of the effective nucleon-nucleon interaction using the F21(d,p)F22 reaction, Physical Review C, 2018, 98, 014325.
5. J. Chen; B. P. Kay; T. L. Tang; I. A. Tolstukhin; C. R. Hoffman; H. Li; P. Yin; X. Zhao; P. Maris; J. P. Vary; G. Li; J. L. Lou; M. L. Avila; Y. Ayyad; S. Bennett; D. Bazin; J. A. Clark; S. J. Freeman; H. Jayatissa; C. Müller-Gatermann; A. Munoz-Ramos; D. Santiago-Gonzalez; D. K. Sharp; A. H. Wuosmaa; C. X. Yuan ; Probing the quadrupole transition strength of C15 via deuteron inelastic scattering, Physical Review C, 2022, 106(064312)