
Chris graduated with B.Sc (2001) in Molecular Biology and a M.Sc (2005)in Computer Science from the National University of Singapore. He completed his PhD (2011) training at the University of Toronto with the world leading cell-cell communication and signal transduction expert, the late Prof. Tony Pawson, and made seminal contribution to our understanding of signaling network evolution related to organismal complexity and human diseases (Tan et al. Science 2009; Tan et al. Science Signaling 2009, Tan et al. Nature Method 2012). He subsequently moved to the Center of Molecular Medicine (CeMM) in Vienna, Austria and contributed to the development of a novel MS-based drug target deconvolution technology (Huber et al., Nature Method 2015) based on Cellular Thermal Shift Assay (CETSA). He was invited to join IMCB, A*STAR in 2015 by the inventor of CETSA, Prof. Pär Nordlund, and invented the first system-wide technology for studying the dynamic of protein complexes directly from intact cells and tissues (Tan et al. Science 2018). Chris had published more than 30 articles in international journals and conferences, including first or corresponding authors in Science, Nature Methods, Science Signaling and Bioinformatics journals. He has a H-index of 21 and his work had been highlighted in Science, Nature Genetics Review, Nature Methods, F1000Prime, Science Signaling, ACS Chemical Biology and Cell Systems. He had served as reviewer for Science, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Communication, and Bioinformatics.
Honors & Awards
2016 A*STAR Young Investigator Award
2010 Best PhD Research Award (Jennifer Dorrington Award),University of Toronto
1999 Dean’s List, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore
2018.05-2021.04,Singapore Industry Alignment Fund,Toxicity Mode-of-Action Discovery (ToxMAD) Platform
2018.02-2019.01, Singapore A*STAR-EDB Industry Alignment Fund,Study the Modes-of-Action (MoA) of Phthalates and Diketones using Toxicity MoA Discovery (ToxMAD) platform
2016.05- 2019.04, Singapore A*STAR Young Investigator Award,Thermal Proximity-based Co-Aggregation for System-level Monitoring of Protein Complexes in Primary and Non-engineered Cells
1. Z. Zheng, Y. Zeng, K. Lai, B. Liao, P. Li, & C. S. H. Tan#(2023). Cellular protein painting for structural and binding sites analysis via lysine reactivity profiling with o-phthalaldehyde. bioRxiv, 2023-09.
2. Ji. H*, X. Lu*, S.Zhao, Q. Wang, B. Liao, L. G. Bauer, K. V. M. Huber, R. Luo, R. Tian and C. S. H. Tan# (2023). "Target deconvolution with matrix-augmented pooling strategy reveals cell-specific drug-protein interactions." Cell Chemical Biology.
3. Lu. X, B. Liao, S. Sun, Y. Mao, Q. Wu, R. Tian# and C. S. H. Tan#(2023). "Scaled-Down Thermal Profiling and Coaggregation Analysis of the Proteome for Drug Target and Protein Interaction Analysis." Analytical Chemistry.
4. Qiong. W, Jiangnan. Z, Xintong. S, Changying. F, Xiaozhen. C, Bin. L, Hongchao. J, Yang. L, An. H, Xue. L, Chris Soon Heng. T# and Ruijun. T#(2023). "Fully automated and integrated proteomics sample preparation platform for high-throughput drug target identification." bioRxiv: 2023.2002.2013.528386.
5. Siyuan. S, Zhenxiang. Z, Jun. W, Fengming. L, An. H, Ruijun. T and Chris Soon Heng. T# (2023). "Improved in situ Characterization of Proteome-wide Protein Complex Dynamics with Thermal Proximity Co-Aggregation." Nat Commun 14, 7697 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-43526-2
6. Y. Zhan, J. Liu, M. Wu, C. S. H. Tan, X. Li and L. Ou-Yang# (2023). "A partially shared joint clustering framework for detecting protein complexes from multiple state-specific signed interaction networks." Computers in Biology and Medicine 159: 106936.
7. Q. Zhu, J. Song, J.-Y. Chen, Z. Yuan, L. Liu, L.-M. Xie, Q. Liao, R. D. Ye, X. Chen, Y. Yan, J. Tan, C. S. Heng Tan, M. Li and J.-H. Lu# (2023). "Corynoxine B targets at HMGB1/2 to enhance autophagy for α-synuclein clearance in fly and rodent models of Parkinson's disease." Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B 13(6): 2701-2714.
8. S. Zhang, Y. Dong, X. Chen, C.S.H Tan, M. Li, K. Miao, J. Lu# (2022) Toosendanin, a late-stage autophagy inhibitor, sensitizes triple-negative breast cancer to irinotecan chemotherapy Chinese Medicine, 17(1), 55.
9. H. Ji, X. Lu, Z. Zheng, S. Sun, C.S.H. Tan# (2022) ProSAP: a GUI software tool for statistical analysis and assessment of thermal stability data Briefings in Bioinformatics, 23(3).
10. J. Zheng, A. He, Y. Mao, L. Yang, C.S.H. Tan, R. Tian# (2021) Proteomics in Precision Medicine Detection Methods in Precision Medicine, 58-72
11. Low. T. Y.*, Syafruddin. S. E., Mohtar. M. A, Vellaichamy. A, Rahman. N. S. A, Pung. Y.-F, & C.S.H. Tan# (2021). Recent progress in mass spectrometry-based strategies for elucidating protein–protein interactions. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 78(13), 5325–5339.
12. J. Zheng, X. Chen, Y. Yang, C.S.H. Tan & R. Tian# (2020) Mass Spectrometry-Based Protein Complex Profiling in Time and Space. Analytical Chemistry
13. Xavier. Bisteau, Joann. Lee, Vinayaka. Srinivas, Joanna. H. S. Lee, Joanna. Niska-Blakie, Gifford. Tan, Shannon. Y. X. Yap, Kevin. W. Hom, Cheng. Kit. Wong, Jeongjun. Chae, Loo. Chien. Wang, Jinho. Kim, Giulia. Rancati, Radoslaw. M. Sobota, C.S.H. Tan & Philipp Kaldis# (2020) The Greatwall Kinase Safeguards the Genome Integrity by Affecting the Kinome Activity in Mitosis. Oncogene, pp. 1–25.
14. Y.T. Lim, N. Prabhu, L. Dai, K.D. Go, D. Chen, L. Sreekumar, L. Egeblad, S. Eriksson, L. Chen, S. Veerappan, H.L. Teo, C.S.H. Tan, J. Lengqvist, A. Larsson, R.M. Sobota, P. Nordlund (2018). An efficient proteome-wide strategy for discovery and characterization of cellular nucleotide-protein interactions. PLOS ONE 12 (12):e0208273.