
Professor Dai is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng). He is also IEEE Fellow, ASME Fellow, RSA Fellow, IMechE Fellow, is Chair Professor of Mechanisms and Robotics, and is the Editor-in-Chief of international journal Robotica (established in 1983) and Subject Editor of Mechanism and Machine Theory.
Pioneering contributions in reconfigurable mechanisms and robots, in origami robots, in ankle rehabilitation robots and in metamorphic robots, he established and lead the field of reconfigurable mechanisms and the sub-field of metamorphic mechanisms in robotics, a concept that bridges the gap between versatile but expensive robots, and efficient but non-flexible machines, and their applications to health, home and manufacture.
Recipient of the 2015 ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Award as the 27th recipient since the inception in 1974 and the recipient of the 2020 ASME Machine Design Award as the 58th recipient since the inception in 1958. The citation of the 2020 ASME Machine Design Award is for pioneering contributions in establishing the field of reconfigurable mechanisms and the subfield of metamorphic mechanisms; and for making a lasting impact through research, application, teaching and service that have made it possible to bridge the gap between versatile but expensive robots and efficient but nonflexible machines.
Received many other awards with twelve personal awards including the 2010 Overall Supervisory Excellence Award by King’s College London, the 2012 ASME Outstanding Service Award and the 2012 Mechanisms Innovation Award, five Best Journal Paper Awards including the 2018 Crossley Award, seven Best Conference Paper Awards including the 2019 AT Yang Award in Theoretical Kinematics. Elevated by IEEE in 2017 as an IEEE Fellow with citation as ‘for contributions to reconfigurable and metamorphic mechanisms in robotics’.
Published over 600 peer-reviewed papers, 10 authored books and with over 14000 citations including a book on “Geometrical Foundations and Screw Algebra in Mechanisms and Robotics”, a book on “Evolutionary Design of Parallel Mechanisms”, a book on “Screw Algebra and Lie Groups, Lie Algebra” and a book on “Screw Algebra and Kinematics Approach for Mechanisms and Robotics”. In addition to Editor-in-Chief for Robotica, serves as a Subject Editor of Mechanism and Machine Theory, Associate Editor of ASME Transactions: Journal of Mechanical Design, and Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science.
Founder of the prestigious conference series IEEE Triennial International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots (IEEE ReMAR series) initiated since 2009 and a chair and an organizer of a series of prestigious international conferences, workshops and symposia with major scientific relevance (e.g., ASME M&R, IEEE ICRA).
Graduated over 50 PhD students who are now faculty members of world-leading universities (e.g., University College London, Queen Mary University London, Purdue University, Wollongong University, Curtin University, Tecnologico de Monterrey), and affiliated with prestigious cooperative companies (e.g., Cambridge Consultants, Goldman Sachs, Amazon) and becoming successful entrepreneurs (e.g., Movendo Technology Srl., AiTreat Pte Ltd., Novus Altair Ltd., DH-Robotics Technology Co., Ltd., and Dr-SciTech Ltd.).
◆Theoretical Development: Kinematics, Screw Theory, Lie Algebra and Lie Group, Rigid Body Displacement.
◆Mechanisms Development: Mechanisms, Metamorphic Mechanisms (Topology-Varying Mechanisms), Reconfigurable Mechanisms, Reconfigurable Parallel Mechanisms, Redundantly Actuated Mechanisms, Underactuations, Applied Mechanics of Advanced Machinery.
◆Robotics: Multi-fingered Robotic Hand, Metamorphic Robotic Hand, Dexterous Grippers, Serial and Parallel Manipulators, Robotic Ironing, Mobile Robots.
◆Industrial Applications: Folding Origami, Complex Carton Packaging, Flimsy Material Handling, Motion Control, High Speed Machinery, Automated Assembly, Cost Modelling in Manufacturing.
◆Biomechanical Sciences: Sprained Ankle Rehabilitation, Robotic Massaging, Prosthesis, Dental Robotic Devices, Assistive Surgical Robotic Devices.
◆Artiomimetics: Folding Origami, Origami Oriented Mechanisms, New Robot Structures
Academic Book:
◆Rodriguez-Leal and J.S. Dai, Evolutionary Design of Parallel Mechanisms: Kinematics of a Family of Parallel Mechanisms with Centralized Motion, Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbruecken, Germany, 2010, ISBN: 3838378768.◆Qiu and J.S. Dai, Analysis and Synthesis of Compliant Parallel Mechanisms—Screw Theory Approach, Springer, London, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-030-48312-8
◆Cui and J.S. Dai, Sliding-Rolling Contact & In-Hand Manipulation, World Scientific Publishing, London, 2020, ISBN:978-1-78634-842-5.
◆戴建生 著,《旋量代数与李群李代数》,“现代数学基础”丛书第 42部,第70部,高等教育出版社,2014年第一版,2020年第二版(37万字/375页)。
◆戴建生 著,《机构学与机器人学的几何基础与旋量代数》,“机器人科学与技术”丛书第1部,高等教育出版社,2014年第一版,2018年再次印刷(58万字/488页)。
◆戴建生,康熙 ,宋亚庆,魏俊 著,《可重构机构与可重构机器人 — 分岔演变的运动学分析、综合及其控制》,“国家科学技术学术著作出版基金”资助出版,高等教育出版社(64万字/516页)。
◆Wu, and J.S. Dai, 2021, A novel ortho-triplex tensegrity derived by the linkage-truss transformation with prestress-stability analysis using screw theory, ASME J. Mech. Des., 143(1): 013302.
◆Fu, J. Pan, E. Spyrakos-Papastavridis, Y. Lin, X. Zhou, X. Chen, and J.S. Dai, 2021, A Lie-theory-based dynamic parameter identification methodology for serial manipulators, IEEE-ASME Trans. Mech., 26(5): 2688-2699.
◆ Wu, A. Muller, and J.S. Dai, 2020, A matrix method to determine infinitesimally mobile linkages with only first-order infinitesimal mobility, Mech. Mach. Theory, 148: 103776.
◆ Fu, J.S. Dai, K. Yang, X. Chen, and P. Lopez-Custodio, 2020, Analysis of unified error model and simulated parameters calibration for robotic machining based on Lie theory, Robot. Comput.-Integr. Manuf., 61: 101855.
◆ S. Dai, and J. Sun, 2020, Geometrical revelation of correlated characteristics of the ray and axis order of the Plücker coordinates in line geometry, Mech. Mach. Theory, 153: 103983.
◆Wei, and J.S. Dai, 2019, Reconfiguration-aimed and manifold-operation based type synthesis of metamorphic parallel mechanisms with motion between 1R2T and 2R1T, Mech. Mach. Theory, 139: 66-80.
◆Lopez-Custodio, A. Muller, J. Rico, and J.S. Dai, 2019, A synthesis method for 1-DOF mechanisms with a cusp in the configuration space, Mech. Mach. Theory, 132: 154-175.
◆S. Dai, 2015, Euler-Rodrigues formula variations, quaternion conjugation and intrinsic connections, Mech. Mach. Theory, 92: 144-152.
◆S. Dai, 2012, Finite displacement screw operators with embedded Chasles’ motion, ASME J. Mech. Robot., 4(4): 041002.
◆Cui, and J.S. Dai, 2010, A Darboux-frame-based formulation of spin-rolling motion of rigid objects with point contact, IEEE Trans. Robot., 26(2): 383-388.
◆S. Dai, Z. Huang, and H. Lipkin, 2006, Mobility of overconstrained parallel mechanisms, ASME J. Mech. Des., 128(1): 220-229.
◆S. Dai, 2006, An historical review of the theoretical development of rigid body displacements from Rodrigues parameters to the finite twist, Mech. Mach. Theory, 41(1): 41-52.
◆S. Dai, and J. Jones, 2002, Null-space construction using cofactors from a screw-algebra context, Proc. Royal Soc. Math. Phy. Eng. Sci., 458(2024): 1845-1866.
◆S. Dai, and J. Jones, 2001, Interrelationship between screw systems and corresponding reciprocal systems and applications, Mech. Mach. Theory, 36(5): 633-651.
Metamorphic Mechanisms:
◆Wang, Y. Song, and J.S. Dai, 2021, Reconfigurability of the origami-inspired integrated 8R kinematotropic metamorphic mechanism and its evolved 6R and 4R mechanisms, Mech. Mach. Theory, 161: 104245.
◆Chai, X. Kang, D. Gan, H. Yu, and J.S. Dai, 2021, Six novel 6R metamorphic mechanisms induced from three-series-connected Bennett linkages that vary among classical linkages, Mech. Mach. Theory, 156: 104133.
◆Kang, H. Feng, J.S. Dai, and H. Yu, 2020, High-order based revelation of bifurcation of novel Schatz-inspired metamorphic mechanisms using screw theory, Mech. Mach. Theory, 152: 103931.
◆Wang, Y. Liao, J.S. Dai, H. Chen, and G. Cai, 2019, The isomorphic design and analysis of a novel plane-space polyhedral metamorphic mechanism, Mech. Mach. Theory, 131: 152-171.
◆Chai, and J.S. Dai, 2019, Three novel symmetric Waldron-Bricard metamorphic and reconfigurable mechanisms and their isomerization, ASME J. Mech. Robot., 11(5): 051011.
◆Ma, K. Zhang, and J.S. Dai, 2018, Novel spherical-planar and Bennett-spherical 6R metamorphic linkages with reconfigurable motion branches, Mech. Mach. Theory, 128: 628-647.
◆Gan, J.S. Dai, J. Dias, and L. Seneviratne, 2016, Variable motion/force transmissibility of a metamorphic parallel mechanism with reconfigurable 3T and 3R motion, ASME J. Mech. Robot., 8(5): 051001.
◆Aimedee, G. Gogu, J.S. Dai, C. Bouzgarrou, and N. Bouton, 2016, Systematization of morphing in reconfigurable mechanisms, Mech. Mach. Theory, 96: 215-224.
◆ Mech. Mach. Theory, 81: 36-53.
◆Li, and J.S. Dai, 2012, Structure synthesis of single-driven metamorphic mechanisms based on the augmented assur groups, ASME J. Mech. Robot., 4(3): 031004.
Folding Mechanism, Origami Mechanism:
◆ Jia, H. Huang, H. Guo, B. Li, and J.S. Dai, 2021, Design of transformable hinged ori-block dissected from cylinders and cones, ASME J. Mech. Des., 143(9): 094501.
◆ Salerno, K. Zhang, A. Menciassi, and J.S. Dai, 2016, A novel 4-dof origami grasper with an SMA-actuation system for minimally invasive surgery, IEEE Trans. Robot., 32(3): 484-498.
◆Qiu, K. Zhang, and J.S. Dai, 2016, Repelling-screw based force analysis of origami mechanisms, ASME J. Mech. Robot., 8(3): 031001.
◆Zhang, C. Qiu, and J.S. Dai, 2015, Helical kirigami-enabled centimeter-scale worm robot with shape-memory-alloy linear actuators, ASME J. Mech. Robot., 7(2): 021014.
◆S. Dai, and D. Caldwell, 2010, Origami-based robotic paper-and-board packaging for food industry, Trends Food Sci. Tech., 21(3): 153-157.
◆S. Dai, and J. Jones, 2005, Matrix representation of topological changes in metamorphic mechanisms, ASME J. Mech. Des., 127(4): 837-840.
Parallel Mechanism:
◆Kuo, and J.S. Dai, 2021, Structure synthesis of a class of parallel manipulators with fully decoupled projective motion, ASME J. Mech. Robot., 13(3): 031011.◆ Song, X. Kang, and J.S. Dai, 2020, Instantaneous mobility analysis using the twist space intersection approach for parallel mechanisms, Mech. Mach. Theory, 151: 103866.
◆ Kang, and J.S. Dai, 2019, Relevance and transferability for parallel mechanisms with reconfigurable platforms, ASME J. Mech. Robot., 11(3): 031012.
◆ Zhang, P. Lopez-Custodio, and J.S. Dai, 2018, Compositional submanifolds of prismatic-universal-prismatic and skewed prismatic-revolute-prismatic kinematic chains and their derived parallel mechanisms, ASME J. Mech. Robot., 10(3): 031001.
◆ Aimedee, G. Gogu, J.S. Dai, C. Bouzgarrou, and N. Bouton, 2016, Redundant singularities versus constraint singularities in parallel mechanisms, Proc. IMechE. Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., 230(3): 445-453.
Control Engineering:
◆Spyrakos-Papastavridis, and J.S. Dai, 2021, Flexible-joint humanoid balancing augmentation via full-state feedback variable impedance control, ASME J. Mech. Robot., 13(2): 021014.
◆Zhao, Z. Song, T. Ma, and J.S. Dai, 2020, Optimization of stiffness to achieve increased bandwidth and torque resolution in nonlinear stiffness actuators, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., 67(4): 2925-2935.
◆Spyrakos-Papastavridis, P.N. Childs, and J.S. Dai, 2020, Passivity preservation for variable impedance control of compliant robots, IEEE-ASME Trans. Mechatron., 25(5): 2342-2353.
◆Spyrakos-Papastavridis, J.S. Dai, P.N. Childs, and N. Tsagarakis, 2018, Selective-compliance-based Lagrange model and multilevel noncollocated feedback control of a humanoid robot, ASME J. Mech. Robot., 10(3): 031009.
Footed Robot:
◆ robot with a twisting trunk, ASME J. Mech. Robot., 11(6): 064501.
◆Zhang, and J.S. Dai, 2018, Continuous static gait with twisting trunk of a metamorphic quadruped robot, Mech. Sci., 9(1): 1-14.
◆Zhang, and J.S. Dai, 2018, Trot gait with twisting trunk of a metamorphic quadruped robot, J. Bio. Eng., 15(6): 971-981.
Dexterous Hand:
◆Cui, and J.S. Dai, 2012, Reciprocity-based singular value decomposition for inverse kinematic analysis of the metamorphic multifingered hand, ASME J. Mech. Robot., 4(3): 034502.
◆Wei, J.S. Dai, S. Wang, and H. Luo, 2011, Kinematic analysis and prototype of a metamorphic anthropomorphic hand with a reconfigurable palm, Int. J. Humanoid Robot., 8(3): 459-479.
◆S. Dai, D. Wang, and L. Cui, 2009, Orientation and workspace analysis of the multifingered metamorphic hand-metahand, IEEE Trans. Robot., 25(4): 942-947.
◆Yao, and J.S. Dai, 2008, Dexterous manipulation of origami cartons with robotic fingers based on the interactive configuration space, ASME J. Mech. Des., 130(2): 022303.
◆S. Dai, and D. Wang, 2007, Geometric analysis and synthesis of the metamorphic robotic hand, ASME J. Mech. Des., 129(11): 1191-1197.
Rehabilitation Robots:
◆Saglia, N. Tsagarakis, J.S. Dai, and D. Caldwell, 2009, Inverse-kinematics-based control of a redundantly actuated platform for rehabilitation, Proc. Ins. Mech. Eng. Part I-J. Sys. Cont. Eng., 223(I1): 53-70.
◆ Saglia, N. Tsagarakis, J.S. Dai, and D. Caldwell, 2009, A high-performance redundantly actuated parallel mechanism for ankle rehabilitation, Int. J. Robot. Res., 28(9): 1216-1227.
◆Saglia, J.S. Dai, and D. Caldwell, 2008, Geometry and kinematic analysis of a redundantly actuated parallel mechanism that eliminates singularities and improves dexterity, ASME J. Mech. Des., 130(12): 124501.
◆S. Dai, T. Zhao, and C. Nester, 2004, Sprained ankle physiotherapy based mechanism synthesis and stiffness analysis of a robotic rehabilitation device, Auton. Robot., 16(2): 207-218.
Soft Robot:
◆Wang, H. Huang, R. Xu, K. Li, and J.S. Dai, 2021, Design of a novel simulated “soft” mechanical grasper, Mech. Mach. Theory, 158: 104240.
◆Song, D. Gao, Y. Zhao, and J.S. Dai, 2021, An improved Bouc-Wen model based on equitorque discretization for a load-dependent nonlinear stiffness actuator, IEEE Trans. Autom. Sci. Eng., 18(2): 840-849.
◆Yang, S. Geng, I. Walker, D. Branson, J. Liu, J.S. Dai, and R. Kang, 2020, Geometric constraint-based modeling and analysis of a novel continuum robot with Shape Memory Alloy initiated variable stiffness, Int. J. Robot. Res., 39(14): 1620-1634: 0278364920913929.
◆Sun, L. Chen, J. Liu, J.S. Dai, and R. Kang, 2020, A hybrid continuum robot based on pneumatic muscles with embedded elastic rods, Proc. IMechE. Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., 234(1): 318-328.
◆Meng, R. Kang, D. Gan, G. Chen, L. Chen, D. Branson, and J.S. Dai, 2020, A mechanically intelligent crawling robot driven by shape memory alloy and compliant bistable mechanism, ASME J. Mech. Robot., 12(6): 061005.
◆Wang, S. Geng, D. Branson, C. Yang, J.S. Dai, and R. Kang, 2019, Task space-based orientability analysis and optimization of a wire-driven continuum robot, Proc. IMechE. Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., 233(23-24): 7658-7668.
◆Niazi, J.S. Dai, S. Balabani, and L. Seneviratne, 2007, A new overhead estimation methodology: a case study in an electrical engineering company, Proc. IMechE. Part B: J. Eng. Manuf., 221(4): 699-710.
◆ Niazi, J.S. Dai, S. Balabani, and L. Seneviratne, 2006, Product cost estimation: Technique classification and methodology review, ASME J. Manuf. Sci. Eng., 128(2): 563-575.
◆Yao, Z. Ye, J.S. Dai, and H. Cai, 2005, Geometric analysis and tooth profiling of a three-lobe helical rotor of the Roots blower, J. Mater. Proc. Tech., 170(1-2): 259-267.
◆Silversides, J.S. Dai, and L. Seneviratne, 2005, Force analysis of a vibratory bowl feeder for automatic assembly, ASME J. Mech. Des., 127(4): 637-645.