
• Graduate from Ecole Normale Sup´erieure (ENS Ulm, Paris), in Physical Sciences (1977-81)
• Master thesis at University of Nice (1981)
Research Experience and Academic Positions:
• PhD and Habilitation at University of Nice in Physical Sciences (10 September 1985)
• Post-Doc at Coll`ege de France in the Condensed Matter Laboratory of Prof. P.G. de Gennes (Nobel prize in Physics, 1991) (1985-1986)
• Visiting professor : Canberra, Australie (1984); Ecole Polytechnique, Paris (1986-1990); Santa Barbara, CA (1992).
• Research director at CNRS in Physics, France (1990-2006)
• Professor-in-Residence part-time at the Department of Earth and Space Sciences and at the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, UCLA (Jan. 1996-June 1999)
• Professor of Geophysics and Earthquake Physics at UCLA (July 1999-Feb 2006)
• Concurrent Professor of East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST), Shanghai, China, May 2004-March 2009
• First SAG Visiting Professor at the Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, USA; Systems Analysis Group (SAG)
• Professor at ETH-Zurich on the Chair of Entrepreneurial Risks (since March 2006)
• Professor of Physics associated with the Department of Physics (D-PHYS), ETH Zurich (since 2007)
• Professor of Geophysics associated with the Department of Earth Sciences (D-ERWD), ETH Zurich (since 2007)
• Professor of Finance at the Swiss Finance Institute (since 2007)
• Director of the Financial Crisis Observatory (www.er.ethz.ch/fco) (since 2008)
• Founding member of the Risk Center at ETH Zurich (June 2011) (www.riskcenter.ethz.ch)
• Honorary Professor of the East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China (since 2009)
• Specially-Appointed Professor, World Research Hub Initiative, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Nov. 2016-present) (http://www.wrhi.iir.titech.ac.jp/en/)
• External faculty member at the Complexity Science Hub Vienna (1 April 2017 - ) (Josefst¨adter Strasse 39, 1080 Vienna, Austria, http://csh.ac.at)
• Chair Professor at SUSTech (Southern University of Science and Technology), Shenzhen, China and dean of the Institute of Risk Analysis, Prediction and Management, Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, 518055, China (since September 2019)
Representative Research Outcomes and Academic Awards:
(1) Riley Crane*; Didder Sornette; Robust Dynamic Classes Revealed by Measuring The Response Function Of A Social System, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2008, 105(41): 15649-15653.
(2) Frank Schweitzer*; Giorgio Fagiolo; Didder Sornette; Fernando Vega-Redondo; Alessandro Vespignani; Douglas R. White; Economic Networks: The New Challenges, Science, 2009, 325(5939): 422-425.
(3) Didder Sornette*; Anthony B. Davis; Kaoru Ide; Kevin R. Vixie; Vladilen Pisarenko; James R. Kamm; Algorithm for Model Validation: Theory and Applications, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2007, 104(16), 6562-6567.
(4) Didder Sornette; Predictability of Catastrophic Events: Material Rupture, Earthquakes, Turbulence, Financial Crashes, and Human Birth, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2002, 99(suppl1), 2522-2529.
Dmitry Chernov; Didier Sornette; Critical Risks of Different Economic Sectors,
Springer International Publishing, 10万字, 2020.
(1) Ivan Osorio; Alexey Lyubushin; Didier Sornette; Apparatus and Systems for Event Detection Using Probabilistic Measures, 2013-04-18, 欧洲, EP2765906A1; 世界, WO2013056099A1.
(2) Riley Crane; Didier Sornette; Method and Computer System for Indexing Multimedia data objects, 2007-11-07, 世界, WO2009059437A1.
(3) Bernhard Tellenbach; Didier Sornette; Thomas Maillart and Martin Burkhart (2009) Title: Detecting network traffic anomalies in a communication network, 2010-09-23, 欧洲, EP2230797A1; 世界, WO2010105843A1.
Academic Reports:
(1) Didier Sornette; Dragon-kings, black swans and prediction, E. N. Lorenz Lecture of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), USA, 2010-12-16.
(2) Didier Sornette; Physics and Economics (1776-2011): Inter-breeding, Discoveries and Open Problems, Ehrenfest Colloquium, The Netherlands, Leiden, 2011-10-12.
(3) Didier Sornette; Achieving Human-Earth Sustainability, the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2020 in Davos, Switzerland, Davos, 2020-01-21.
Academic Awards:
(1) Didier Sornette(1/1); Dragon-Kings, Black-Swans and Prediction, 美国地球物理学会, 洛伦兹奖, 无, 2010.
(2) Didier Sornette; Predictability of Catastrophic Events: Material Rupture, Earthquakes, Turbulence, Financial Crashes and Human Birth, 法国回声报, Risques-Les Echos prize, 无, 2002.
(3) Didier Sornette; Studying Complex Systems, the Scientifific Prediction of Crises, James S. McDonnell Foundation, Research McDonnell award, 无, 2000.
(4) Didier Sornette; 无, 法国教育部, Science et Défence French Young Investigator National Award, 无, 1985.
Prof. Didier Sornette is the member of the Academia Europaea, the member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW), Dean and Chair Professor at the Institute of Risk Analysis, Prediction and Management (Risks-X) at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), a full professor on the Chair of Entrepreneurial Risks at ETH Zurich, and also associated to Department of Earth Science and Department of Physics at ETH Zurich. Moreover, he is director of the Financial Crisis Observatory, co-founder of the ETH Risk Center, and professor of finance at the Swiss Finance Institute. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and a fellow of the World Innovation Foundation (WIF).
Prof. Sornette is a world-class expert in the field of complex systems and extreme risk management. He developed the “Dragon King” extreme event theory, which uses rigorous data-driven mathematical and statistical analysis methods to identify, control and predict complex system instabilities and extreme risks, with successful applications in a range of other complex systems including financial risks, earthquake prediction, nuclear energy security, cyber-security, social networks, health systems, etc. He founded the Financial Crisis Observatory (FCO) with real-time monitoring over 20,000 different financial assets globally, and has successfully predicted many market turbulences including the bursting of three Chinese stock market bubbles happened in 2007, 2009 and 2015 respectively, the 2008 crude oil bubble, and the decoupling of the EUR-CHF in 2011. He has published over 800 journal papers and 10 books, with 47,000 Google Scholar citations and an H-index of 106. Meanwhile, he has also held roles as an expert advisor to several world-renowned aerospace companies, banks, funds and reinsurance companies, such as the Chief Risk Advisor at Bank of America, an external expert at Los Alamos National Laboratories and member of the Board of the “Fondation d’entreprise SCOR pour la Science”.