
Dr. Hongwei Guo is a distinguished professor and a chair professor at SUSTech. He is also the director of the newly established Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety (INFS). Dr. Hongwei Guo has devoted himself and his lab to the research field of plant molecular biology and genetics for decades. Particularly, his group had made great contributions to the understanding of plant ethylene signaling mechanisms. They have originally established theprotein degradation model and the RNA decay model for ethylene action, and revealed the crosstalk mechanisms between ethylene and other phytohomones(auxin, JA, and GA) and environmental factors (light, salt, and other stresses). Significant discoveries and findings from Guo’s lab were published in top peer-reviewed journals such as Cell, Nature, Science, PNAS, Plant Cell, Current Biology, among others. Consistent with his great scientific achievements and reputation, Dr. Guo also serves as standing committee member of AllChina Youth Federation, director of the youth work committee of Botanical Society of China, standing director of Botanical Society of China and Crop Science Society of China, reviewer of National Natural Science Foundation of China, and editorial board member of Mol Plant, PCP, JIPB and JGG.
Research Interests
◆Molecular mechanisms of ethylene signaling and crosstalk between plant hormones and environmental signals.
◆Regulation of plant development and senescence by plant hormones.
◆RNA decay, gene silencing, and their functions in plant hormone signaling.
◆Systemic investigation of plant hormone pathway evolution.
Professional Experience
◆2017 – present,Director,SUSTech-PKU Institute of Plant and Food Science
◆2016 – present, Chair Professor, Department of Biology, SUSTC.
◆2005 – 2015, Professor, School of Life Sciences, PKU.
◆2001-2005, Postdoc, Salk Institute, USA.
Educational Background
◆1996-2001, Ph.D., Cell and Developmental Biology, Department of Molecular, Cell and Development Biology, University of California, Los Angeles.
◆1992-1995, M.S., Department of Biotechnology, School of Life Sciences, Peking University.
◆1988-1992, B.S., Department of Biology, Nankai University.
Honors & Awards
◆2017 Peacock Talent plan A of Shenzhen
◆2016 Peacock Talent plan B of Shenzhen
◆2016 Local leading talent of Shenzhen City
◆2015 Youth Science and technology innovation leader
◆2014 Tan Jiazhen Life Science Innovation Award.
◆2013 Person of the Year (2012) by Scientific Chinese, China Association for Sciences and Technology.
◆2011 China Young Scientist Award, China Association for Sciences and Technology.
◆2009 China Excellent Youth Award (13th May-Fourth Medal).
◆2008 Outstanding Young Investigatorship, Chinese Society of Botany.
◆2007 Beijing Excellent Youth Award (22nd May-Fourth Medal).
◆2006 National Outstanding Young Investigator Award, NSF of China.
◆2006 Distinguished Professorship, Ministry of Education.
Selected Publication
2024:1. Yan Y., Guo H.* and Li W.* (2024). Endoribonuclease DNE1 promotes ethylene response by 2 modulation of EBF1/2 mRNA processing in Arabidopsis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 35: 138-144.
2. Feng L., Yan W., Tang X., Wu H., Pan Y., Lu D., Ling-hu Q., Liu Y., Liu Y., Song X., Ali M., Fang L., Guo H.* and Li B.* (2024). Multiple factors and features dictate the selective production of ct-siRNA in Arabidopsis. Communications Biology. 7: 474.
3. Huang L. and Guo H.* (2024). Acetylation modification in the regulation of macroautophagy. Advanced Biotechnology. 2: 19.
4. Hong Y., Yu Z., Zhou Q., Chen C., Hao Y., Wang Z., Zhu JK, Guo H. and Huang AC* (2024). NAD+ deficiency primes defense metabolism via 1O2-escalated jasmonate biosynthesis in plants. Nature Communications. 15: 6652.
5. Wang H., Shang R., Gao S., Huang AC, Huang H., Li W.* and Guo H.*(2024). Characterization of key aroma compounds in a novel Chinese rice wine Xijiao Huojiu during its biological-ageing-like process by untargeted metabolomics. Heliyon. 10: e34396.
6. Pan Y., Yu B., Wei X., Qiu Y., Mao X., Liu Y., Yan W., Linghu QY, Li W., Guo H.* and Tang Z.* (2024). Suppression of SMXL4 and SMXL5 confers enhanced thermotolerance through promoting HSFA2 transcription in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 36(10): 4557-4575.
7. Huang W.*, Tan C.* and Guo H.* (2024). Ethylene in fruits: beyond ripening control. Horticulture Research. 11: uhae229.
8. Zhao Y., Zhang Y., Li S., Tan S., Cao J., Wang HL, Luo J., Guo H., Zhang Z.* and Li Z.* (2024). Leaf senescence database v5.0: A comprehensive repository for facilitating plant senescence research. Journal of Molecular Biology. 436: 168530.
9. Wang Z., Yang Q., Zhang D., Lu Y., Wang Y., Pan Y., Qiu Y., Men Y., Yan W., Xiao Z., Sun R., Li W., Huang H. and Guo H.* (2024). A cytoplasmic osmosensing mechanism mediated by molecular crowding-sensitive DCP5. Science. 86: eadk9067.
1. Qiu Y., Wang Y. and Guo H.* (2023). Research progress on the regulatory mechanism of plant root hair development. Bulletin of Botanical Research. 43: 321-332.
2. Huang L., Wen X.*, Jin J., Han H. and Guo H.* (2023). HOOKLESS1 acetylates AUTOPHAGY-RELATED PROTEIN18a to promote autophagy during nutrient starvation in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. doi: 10.1093/plcell/koad252.
3. Guo R., Wen X.*, Zhang W., Huang L., Peng Y., Jin L., Han H., Zhang L., Li W.* and Guo H.* (2023). Arabidopsis EIN2 represses ABA responses during germination and early seedling growth by inactivating HLS1 protein independently of the canonical ethylene pathway. Plant Journal. 115: 1514-1527 .
4. Yang Q., Wang T., Cao J., Wang HL, Tan S., Zhang Y., Park S., Park H., Woo HR, Li X., Xia X., Guo H. and Li Z.* (2023). Histone variant HTB4 delays leaf senescence by epigenetic control of Ib bHLH transcription factor-mediated iron homeostasis. New Phytologist. 240: 694-709.
5. Liu C., Hao D., Sun R., Zhang Y., Peng Y., Yuan Y., Jiang K., Li W., Wen X.* and Guo H.* (2023). Arabidopsis NPF2.13 functions as a critical transporter ofbacterial natural compound tunicamycin in plant–microbeinteraction. New Phytologist. 238: 765-780.
6. Tan H., Luo W., Yan W., Liu J., Aizezi Y., Cui R., Tian R., Ma J. and Guo H.* (2023). Phase separation of SGS3 drives siRNA body formation and promotes endogenous gene silencing. Cell Reports. 42: 111985.
7. Wang Y., Peng Y. and Guo H.* (2023). To curve for survival: Apical hook development. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 65: 324-342.
8. Aizezi Y., Zhao H., Zhang Z., Bi Y., Yang Q., Guo G., Zhang H., Guo H., Jiang K.*, Wang ZY* (2023). Structure-based virtual screening identifies small-molecule inhibitors of O-fucosyltransferase SPINDLY in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. doi: 10.1101/2023.06.13.544843.
9. Li Q., Fu H., Yu X., Wen X., Guo H., Guo Y. and Li J.* (2023). The SALT OVERLY SENSITIVE 2–CONSTITUTIVE TRIPLE RESPONSE1 module coordinates plant growth and salt tolerance in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erad368.
10. Yang Q., Tan S., Wang HL, Wang T., Cao J., Liu H., Sha Y., Zhao Y., Xia X., Guo H. and Li Z.* (2023). Spliceosomal protein U2B″ delays leaf senescence by enhancing splicing variant JAZ9β expression to attenuate jasmonate signaling in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist. 240: 1116-1133.
11. Eckardt NA*, Axtell MJ, Barta A., Chen X., Gregory BD, Guo H., Manavella PA, Mosher RA and Meyers BC* (2023). Focus on RNA biology. Plant Cell. 35: 1617-1618.
12. Li Z., Oelmüller R., Guo H. and Miao Y.* (2023). Editorial: Signal transduction of plant organ senescence and cell death. Frontiers in Plant Science. 14:1172373.
13. Masood J., Zhu W.*, Fu Y., Li Z., Zhou Y., Zhang D., Han H., Yan Y., Wen X., Guo H. and Liang J.* (2023). Scaffold protein RACK1A positively regulates leaf senescence by coordinating the EIN3-miR164-ORE1 transcriptional cascade in Arabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 65: 1703-1716.
1. Xie Y., Zhu Y., Wang N., Luo M., Ota T., Guo R., Takahashi I., Yu Z., Aizezi Y., Zhang L., Yan Y., Zhang Y., Bao H., Wang Y., Zhu Z., Huang AC, Zhao Y., Asami T., Huang H.*, Guo H.* and Jiang K.* (2022). Chemical genetic screening identifies nalacin as an inhibitor of GH3 amido synthetase for auxin conjugation. PNAS. 119: e2209256119.
2. Liu L., Song W., Huang S., Jiang K., Moriwaki Y.,Wang Y.,Men Y.,Zhang D.,Wen X.,Han Z.,Chai J.* and Guo H.*. (2022) Extracellular pH sensing by plant cell-surface peptide-receptor complexes. Cell. doi.org/10.1016.
3. Huang W.,Hu N.,Xiao Z.,Qiu Y.,Yan Y.,Yang J.,Mao X.,Wang Y.,Li Z.,Guo H.* .(2022)A molecular framework of ethylene-mediated fruit growth and ripening processes in tomato. The Plant Cell. doi: 10.1093/plcell/koac146.
4. Huang P., Li Z., Guo H.*. (2022) New advances in the regulation of leaf senescence by classical and peptide hormones. Frontiers in Plant Science. doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2022.923136.
5. Liebsch D., Juvany M., Li Z., Wang H.,Ziolkowska A.,Chrobok D.,Boussardon C.,Wen X., Law SR.,Janečková H.,Brouwer B., Lindén P.,Delhomme N.,Stenlund H.,Moritz T.,Gardeström P.,Guo H.* and Keech O.*(2022) Metabolic control of arginine and ornithine levels paces the progression of leaf senescence. Plant Physiology. 189(4):1943-1960.
6. Zhang Y., Tan S., Gao Y., Kan C., Wang H., Yang Q., Xia X., Ishida T., Sawa S., Guo H.* and Li Z.* . (2022) CLE42 delays leaf senescence by antagonizing ethylene pathway in New Phytologist. 235(2):550-562.
7. Wang H, Yang Q., Tan S., Wang T., Zhang Y., Yang Y., Yin W., Xia X., Guo H. and Li Z.* . (2022) Regulation of cytokinin biosynthesis using PtRD26pro-IPT module improves drought tolerance through PtARR10-PtYUC4/5-mediated reactive oxygen species removal in Populus. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. doi: 10.1111/jipb.13218.
8. Zheng L., Meng J., Jiang K., Lan H., Wang Z., Lin M., Li W., Guo H., Wei Y.*,Mu Y.* . (2022) Improving protein-ligand docking and screening accuracies by incorporating a scoring function correction term. Briefings In Bioinformatics. doi: 10.1093/bib/bbac051.
9. Tang X., Peng Y., Li Zheng., Guo H., Xia, X., Li B.*, Yin W.* . (2022) The regulation of nitrate reductases in response to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis. International Journal Of Molecular Sciences. 23(3): 1202.
1. Qiu Y., Tao R., Feng Y., Xiao Z., Zhang D., Peng Y., Wen X., Wang Y.* and Guo H.*. (2021) EIN3 and RSL4 interfere with a MYB-bHLH-WD40 complex to mediate ethylene-induced ectopic root hair formation in Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118(51): e2110004118. (* co-corresponding author) .
2. Peng Y. , Zhang D., Qiu Y., Xiao Z., Ji Y., Li W., Xia Y., Wang Y.* and Guo H.*. (2021) Growth asymmetry precedes differential auxin response during apical hook initiation in Arabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. doi: 10.1111/jipb.13190. (* co-corresponding author) .
3. Aizezi Y., Shu H., Zhang L., Zhao H., Peng Y., Lan H., Xie Y., Li J., Wang Y., Guo H.* and Jiang K.*. (2021) Cytokinin regulates apical hook development via the coordinated actions of EIN3/EIL1 and PIF transcription factors in Journal of Experimental Botany.73(1)213-227. (* co-corresponding author) .
4. Zhang Y., Gao Y., Wang H, Kan C., Li Z., Yang X., Yin W., Xia X., Nam HG, Li Z.* and Guo H.*. (2021) Verticillium dahliae secretory effector PevD1 induces leaf senescence by promoting ORE1-mediated ethylene biosynthesis. Molecular Plant. 14(11):1901-1917. (* co-corresponding author) .
5. Hao D., Jin L., Wen X., Yu F., Xie Q. and Guo H.*. (2021) The RING E3 ligase SDIR1 destabilizes EBF1/EBF2 and modulates the ethylene response to ambient temperature fluctuations in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118: e2024592118.
6. Wen X., Jin L. and Guo H.*. (2021) A sweet meet-new mechanism on nutrient and hormone regulation of plant growth. Chinese Bulletin of Botany. 56: 1-4.
7. Guo Y., Ren G., Zhang K., Li Z., Miao Y.* and Guo H.*. (2021) Leaf senescence: progression, regulation, and application. Molecular Horticulture. doi: org/10.1186/s43897-021-00006-9. (* co-corresponding author) .
8. Xi Y., Yang Y., Yang J., Zhang X., Pan Y. and Guo H.*. (2021) IAA3-mediated repression of PIF proteins coordinates light and auxin signaling in Plos Genetics. 17: e1009384.
9. Wang H., Zhang Y., Wang T., Yang Q., Yang Y., Li Z., Li B., Wen X., Li W., Yin W., Xia X., Guo H.* and Li Z.*. (2021) An alternative splicing variant of PtRD26 delays leaf senescence by regulating multiple NAC transcription factors in Populus. Plant Cell. 33: 1594-1614. (* co-corresponding author).
10. Kan C., Zhang Y., Wang HL, Shen Y., Xia X., Guo H.* and Li Z.*. (2021) Transcription factor NAC075 delays leaf senescence by deterring reactive oxygen species accumulation in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science. 12: 634040. (* co-corresponding author).
11. Wang H., Wang T., Yang Q., Yin W., Xia X., Guo H.*and Li Z.*(2021) Preparation and transfection of populus tomentosa mesophyll protoplasts. Bio-protocol. 11(22):e4220.
12. Zhang Y, Guo P., Xia X., Guo H. and Li Z.*. (2021) Multiple layers of regulation on leaf senescence: new advances and perspectives. Frontiers in Plant Science. 12:788996.
13. Zhai K., Liang D., Li H., Jiao F., Yan B., Liu J., Lei Z., Huang L., Gong X., Wang X., Miao J., Wang Y., Liu JY, Zhang L., Wang E., Deng Y., Wen CK, Guo H., Han B. and He Z.*. (2021) NLRs guard metabolism to coordinate pattern- and effector-triggered immunity. Nature. doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-04219-2.
14. Zhao N., Zhao M., Tian Y., Wang Y., Han C., Fan M., Guo H. and Bai MY*. (2021) Interaction between BZR1 and EIN3 mediates signaling crosstalk between brassinosteroids and ethylene. New Phytologist. doi: 10.1111/nph.17694.
1. Wu H., Li B., Iwakawa H., Pan Y., Tang X., Ling-hu Q.,Liu Y., Sheng S., Feng L., Zhang H., Zhang X., Tang Z., Xia X., Zhai J. and Guo H.*. (2020) Plant 22-nt siRNAs mediate translational repression and stress adaptation. Nature.581: 89-93.
2. Huang P., Dong Z., Guo P., Zhang X., Qiu Y., Li B., Wang Y. and Guo H.*. (2020) Salicylic acid suppresses apical hook formation via NPR1-mediated repression of EIN3/EIL1 in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 32: 612-619.
3. Sun X., Qiu Y., Peng Y., Ning J., Song G., Yang Y., Deng M., Men Y., Zhao X., Wang Y., Guo H.* and Tian Y.*. (2020) Close temporal relationship between oscillating cytosolic k+ and growth in root hairs of Arabidopsis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 21: 6184. (* co-corresponding author)
4. Tan H., Li B. and Guo H.*. (2020) The diversity of post-transcriptional gene silencing mediated by small silencing RNAs in plants. Essays in Biochemistry. 64: 919-930.
5. Zhang Y., Wang H., Gao Y., Guo H.* and Li Z.*. (2020) SATMF suppresses the premature senescence phenotype of the ATM loss-of-function mutant and improves its fertility in Arabidopsis. Int J Mol Sci. 21: 8120. (* co-corresponding author)
6. Zhang Y., Wang H., Li Z.* and Guo H.*. (2020) Genetic network between leaf senescence and plant immunity: crucial regulatory nodes and new insights. Plants (Basel). 9: 495. (* co-corresponding author)
7. Zhu S., Estévez JM, Liao H., Zhu Y., Yang T., Li C., Wang Y., Li L., Liu X., Pacheco JM, Guo H., Yu F.*. (2020) The RALF1–FERONIA complex phosphorylates eIF4E1 to promote protein synthesis and polar root hair growth. Molecular Plant. 13:698-716.
8. Li Z., Kim JH, Kim J., Lyu JI, Zhang Y., Guo H., Nam HG*, Woo HR*. (2020) ATM suppresses leaf senescence triggered by DNA double-strand break through epigenetic control of senescence-associated genes in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist. 227:473-484.
9. Zhang H., Zhang F., Yu Y., Feng L., Jia J., Liu B., Li B., Guo H., Zhai J*. (2020) A comprehensive online database for exploring ∼20,000 public Arabidopsis RNA-Seq libraries. Molecular Plant 13:1231-1233.
1. Zhu Y., Li H., Su Q., Wen J., Wang Y., Song W., Xie Y., He W., Yang Z., Jiang K* and Guo H.*. (2019) A phenotype-directed chemical screen identifies ponalrestat as an inhibitor of the plant flavin monooxygenase YUCCA in auxin biosynthesis. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 294: 19923-19933. (* co-corresponding author)
2. Pan S., Li K., Huang W., Zhong H., Wu H., Wang Y., Zhang H., Cai Z., Guo H., Chen X.* and Xia Y.*. (2019) ArabidopsisDXO1 possesses deNADding and exonuclease activities and its mutation affects defense-related and photosynthetic gene expression. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 62: 967-983.
3. You C., He W., Hang R., Zhang C., Cao X., Guo H., Chen X., Cui J. and Mo B.*. (2019) FIERY1 promotes microRNA accumulation by suppressing rRNA-derived small interfering RNAs in Arabidopsis. Nature Communications. 10: 4424.
4. Li Z.*, Zhang Y., Zou D., Zhao Y., Wang HL, Zhang Y., Xia X., Luo J., Guo H. and Zhang Z.*. (2019) LSD 3.0: a comprehensive resource for the leaf senescence research community. Nucleic acids research. 48: 1069-1075.
5. Wang H, Guo H., Li Z.*. (2019) Gene network analysis of senescence-associated genes in annual plants and comparative assessment of aging in perennials and animals. Translational Medicine of Aging. 3: 6-13.
1. Li B., Wu H. and Guo H.*. (2018) Plant mRNA decay: extended roles and potential determinants. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 45: 178-184.
2. Wang Y., Ji Y., Fu Y. and Guo H.*. (2018) Ethylene-induced microtubule reorientation is essential for fast inhibition of root elongation in Arabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 60: 864-877.
3. Zhang X., Ji Y., Xue C., Ma H., Xi Y., Huang P., Wang H., An F., Li B., Wang Y. and Guo H.*. (2018) Integrated regulation of apical hook development by transcriptional coupling of EIN3/EIL1 and PIFs in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 30: 1971-1988.
4. Wang Y., and Guo H.*. (2018) On hormonal regulation of the dynamic apical hook development. New phytologist. 222: 1230-1234.
5. Li Z., Woo HR.* and Guo H.*. (2018) Genetic redundancy of senescence-associated transcription factors in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany. 69: 811-823. (* co-corresponding author)
6. Zhang C., Teng X., Zheng QQ., Zhao YY., Lu JY., Wang Y., Guo H.* and Yang ZN.*. (2018) Ethylene signaling is critical for synergid cell functional specification and pollen tube attraction. Plant Journal. 96: 176-187. (* co-corresponding author)
1. Feng Y., Xu P., Li B., Li P., Wen X., An F., Gong Y., Xin Y., Wang Y.* and Guo H.*. (2017) Ethylene promotes root hair growth through coordinated EIN3/EIL1 and RHD6/RSL1 activity in Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 114: 13834-13839. (* co-corresponding author)
2. Guo P., Li Z., Huang P., Li B., Fang S., Chu J. and Guo H.*. (2017) A tripartite amplification loop involving the transcription factor WRKY75, salicylic acid and reactive oxygen species accelerates leaf senescence. Plant Cell. 29: 2854-2870.
3. Zhang X. and Guo H.*. (2017) mRNA decay in plants: both quantity and quality matter. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 35: 138-144.
4. Sun X., Li Y., He W., Ji C., Xia P., Wang Y., Du S., Li H, Raikhel N., Xiao J.* and Guo H.*. (2017) Pyrazinamide and derivatives block ethylene biosynthesis by inhibiting ACC oxidase. Nature Communications. 8:15758. (* co-corresponding author)
5. Hao D., Sun X., Ma B., Zhang JS* and Guo H.*. (2017) Ethylene. hormone metabolism and signaling in plants. J. Li, C. Li and S. M. Smith, Academic Press: 203-241. (* co-corresponding author)
6. Li Z. and Guo H.*. (2017) Ethylene treatment in studying leaf senescence in Arabidopsis. Methods in Molecular Biology: Plant Senescence. 1744: 105-112. (* co-corresponding author)
7. Li Z., Zhao Y., Liu X., Jiang Z., Peng J., Jin J., Guo H.* and Luo J.*. (2017) Construction of the leaf senescence database and functional assessment of senescence-associated genes. Methods in Molecular Biology: Plant Genomics Databases. 1533: 315-333. (* co-corresponding author)
8. Jiang B., Shi Y., Zhang X., Xin X., Qi L., Guo H., Li J. and Yang S.*. (2017) PIF3 is a negative regulator of the CBF pathway and freezing tolerance in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 114: E6695-E6702.
9. Li D., Palanca AMS.,Won SY.,Gao L.,Feng Y.,Vashisht AA.,Liu L.,Zhao Y.,Liu X.,Wu X.,Li S.,Le B.,Kim Y.,Yang G.,Li S.,Liu J., Wohlschlegel JA.,Guo H.,Mo B., Chen X.*and Law JA.*. (2017) The MBD7 complex promotes expression of methylated transgenes without significantly altering their methylation status. 6:e19893.
1. Song W., Liu L., Wang J., Wu Z., Zhang H., Tang J., Lin G., Wang Y., Wen X., Li W., Han Z., Guo H.* and Chai J.*. (2016) Signature motif-guided identification of receptors for peptide hormones essential for root meristem growth. Cell Research. 26: 674-685. (* co-corresponding author)
2. Li M., An F.*, Li W., Ma M., Feng Y., Zhang X. and Guo H.*. (2016) DELLA proteins interact with FLC to repress flowering transition. J Integr Plant Biol. 58: 642-655. (* co-corresponding author)
3. Zhang X., Zhu Y., Wu H. and Guo H.*. (2016) Post-transcriptional gene silencing in plants: a double-edged sword. Sci China Life Sci. 59: 271-276. (* co-corresponding author)
4. Zhu Z., Xian Z., Guo H.* and Li Z.*. (2016) Ethylene biology blooms from fundamental research to postharvest applications. Mol Plant. 9:187-188. (* co-corresponding author)
5. Qing D., Yang Z., Li M., Wong WS., Guo G., Liu S., Guo H. and Li N.*. (2016) Quantitative and functional phosphoproteomic analysis reveals that ethylene-regulates water transport via the c-terminal phosphorylation of aquaporin PIP2;1 in Arabidopsis. Mol Plant. 9:158-174. (* co-corresponding author)