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GU Qiangshuai
Associate Professor
Associate Professor

Dr. Qiang-Shuai Gu obtained his BSc in Chemistry from the University of Science and Technology of China (SUSTC) and PhD in Organic Synthesis from The University of Hong Kong (HKU). During 2013–2016, he was a research assistant and later a postdoctoral fellow in Prof. Dan Yang’s group at HKU. In 2016, he joined Prof. Xin-Yuan Liu’s group at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) first as a visiting scholar and later a research assistant. Ever since 2017, he has become a Research Assistant Professor at SUSTech Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies. His research interests mainly include organic synthetic methodologies, total synthesis of natural products and bioactive small molecules as well as their derivatization. In addition, he is also interested in biological characterization of small molecules, structure-activity relationship studies of bioactive molecules, and mechanistic studies on bioactivities using chemical biology tools. The ultimate goal of these efforts is to discover potential leads for drug development. Up to now, he has participated in publishing over 20 research papers, in 13 of which he is either a first (including co-first) or a corresponding (including co-corresponding) author. Overall, he has made some excellent contributions in the fields of asymmetric total synthesis and asymmetric catalysis.


Asymmetric catalysis, the synthesis of bioactive molecules, and carbohydrate chemistry


To date, he has contributed to over 70 research papers, with 32 of them listing him as either a first (including co-first) or corresponding (including co-corresponding) author. His publications include articles in Nat. Chem. (3), Nat. Catal. (2), Nat. Synth. (1), J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2), Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (5), Nat. Commun. (2), CCS Chem. (1), Acc. Chem. Res. (1), and Chem. Soc. Rev. (1), among others.