
Dr He is now the research assistant professor of School of medicine, South University of science and technology. She received the Ph.D. from Hong Kong University of technology in 2013, and then successively engaged in postdoctoral research at Hong Kong University of technology and South University of science and technology. Her main research fields are structural biology, carbohydrates biochemistry, etc.
1999-2003 Bachelor Pharmacy Wuhan University
2003-2006 Master Medical Chemistry Wuhan University
2009-2013 PhD Structural Biology The HongKong Polytechnic University
2006.07-2008.07 R&D chemist Wuxi Apptech
2013.10-2014.07 Research Associate The HongKong Polytechnic University
2014.07-2016.07 Postdoc fellow The HongKong Polytechnic University
2016.09-2019.04 Postdoc fellow Southern University of Science and Technology
2019.05-2020.04 Senior research scholar Southern University of Science and Technology
2020.05-to now Research assistant professor Southern University of Science and Technology
Shuai Wu # ,Yunjiao He#, Xianxiu Qiu,Wenchao Yang, Wenchao Liu, Xiaohua Li, Yan Li,Han-Ming Shen,Renxiao Wang, Zhenyu Yue, YanxiangZhao*. Targeting the potent Beclin 1-UVRAG coiled-coil interaction with designed peptides enhances autophagy and endolysosomal trafficking. Proc Natl Acad Sci , 2018 Jun 19;115(25):E5669-E5678. (Co-first author)
Pan, Xuehua#; He, Yunjiao#; Chen, Tianfeng; Chan, Kin-Fai; Zhao, Yanxiang*, Modified Penicillin Molecule with Carbapenem- Like Stereochemistry Specifically Inhibits Class C beta-Lactamases. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2017.12, 61(12). (Co-first author)
Pan, Xuehua; He, Yunjiao; Lei, Jinping; Huang, Xuhui; Zhao, Yanxiang*,Crystallographic Snapshots of Class A beta-Lactamase Catalysis Reveal Structural Changes That Facilitate beta-Lactam Hydrolysis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2017.3, 292(10): 4022~4033.
Pan, Xuehua; Wong, Wai-Ting; He, Yunjiao; Jiang, Yongwen; Zhao, Yanxiang*. Perturbing the General Base Residue Glu166 in the Active Site of Class A beta-Lactamase Leads to Enhanced Carbapenem Binding and Acylation Biochemistry, 2014.8.26, 53(33): 5414~5423.
Teng H.; He Yunjiao.; Wu L.; Su J.; Feng X.; Qiu G.; Liang S.; Hu X*. A general and facile synthetic approach to N-alpha-Boc ureidoalanine derivatives. Synlett, 2006, (6): 877~880.
He Y, Lei J, Pan X, Huang X and Zhao Y. “Novel intermediates in the active site of Class A β-lactamase reveal critical factors that coordinate the catalytic water molecule for nucleophilic attack on β-lactam acyl adduct”. Scientific reports, 2019(Accepted)
Patent: 20061001876. Xianming Hu, Hanbing Teng, Yunjiao He. A Facile Synthetic Approach to Na-Boc Ureidoalanine Derivatives.
Patent number:9,Xuehua Pan,Yunjiao He,Jianhui chen, Yanxiang Zhao, Preparation and Application of Class C β - lactamase inhibitors.
United States Patent Application 20180002381, Zhao, Yanxiang, WU, Shuai , Yang, Wenchao, HE, Yunjiao, LI, Xiaohua, Qiu, Xianxiu, Hydrocarbon-stapled polypeptides for enhancement of endosome-lysosomal degradation.