
W. Huang (Wayne) is an AIS Fellow, and a National Yangtze Chair in Management Information Systems and is the founding dean of College of Business at Southern University of Science & Technology (SusTech), Shenzhen, China. He has more than 35 years of full-time teaching/research experience in established research universities of North American and Asia Pacific, including University of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia), National University of Singapore (NUS), Ohio University, Harvard University, Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU), etc.
His research interests include Using IS/IT to support decision-making & collaboration, Business analytics. He has published, among other 200 research papers and/or books/chapters, in MIS Quarterly (MISQ), Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS), Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS), ACM Transactions, Decision Support Systems (DSS), Europe Journal of Operations Research (EJOR), OMEGA, and IEEE Transactions. His research papers have been cited by top-tier journals including Management Science, MISQ, ISR, JMIS, IEEE Transactions; and presented in top-tier international AIS conferences including ICIS, AMCIS, ECIS and PACIS. Wayne’s research has been partially funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC), NSF of China, National University of Singapore (NUS), Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Harvard University Research Grant, etc.
He has served a chair/co-chair, program committee member, and invited speaker for numerous international academic conferences, and served most of major AIS conferences including ICIS (8 years, and received outstanding professional service award of ICIS), AMCIS (6 years), and PACIS (more than 10 years, PACIS conference co-chair in 2008 and 2019). Wayne has also been invited as a chair and keynote speaker at the 16th Chinese Annual Management Conference, with more than 15,000 online attendees in November 2021.
For the AIS community, he has become an AIS member for more than 30 years, and served in the PACIS council (2008-2011, 2011-2014, 2019-2022 as a Chair), the founding President of the AIS Special Interest Group-IS in Asia Pacific (AIS SIG-ISAP, for over 15 years, won Outstanding SIG Award in 2017), an associate editor of PAJAIS (an official AIS journal for over 5 years).
He has been one of the few key founding members of China AIS Chapter from its start over 15 years ago, when he accompanied the AIS President for more than 3 times to travel from USA to China, to talk with Professor GQ Chen, the founding president of China AIS Chapter, to assist the successful establishment of China AIS Chapter. The AIS membership has been noticeably increased since then in China.
On the other hand, Wayne has taught full-time in research universities in Asia Pacific region for more than 15 years including UNSW (Australia), CUHK (Hong Kong), NUS (Singapore) & mainland China. In addition, AIS SIG-ISAP (IS in Asia Pacific), under the leadership of Wayne as the founding president in past decade, has involved IS scholars from universities of more than 10 countries in Asia Pacific and/or the rest of the world. He has established a track-record to assist AIS council’s services including membership recruitments, especially in the Region 3 of Asia Pacific.
He has developed himself professionally along with the birth and development of AIS since 1990s. He was awarded the AIS “Sandra Slaughter Outstanding Services Award” in 2018, and elected as a AIS Fellow in 2020. As a result, he would like to contribute more to and serve more for AIS community in the future.