
Yiming (Kevin) Rong, Ph. D
Chair Professor,Head of the Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
Research Direction:
precision machining technology;
digital modeling and simulation optimization;
mechanical manufacturing system
Yiming Rong received Ph.D degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Kentucky in December 1989. Before returning to China,he was a tenured professor at Worcester Polytechnic Institute(WPI), and was voted “John W. Higgins Professor of WPI” due to his outstanding contribution to scientific research . He is the Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME Fellow ).
From 2010 to 2015, Dr. Rong was a Professor of mechanical engineering at Tsinghua University. His research area includes precision machining technology, modeling and simulation of metal materials processing, production planning and tooling technology for optimization and manufacturing system. He has presided over 50 scientific research projects, funded by the National Science Foundation, the Air Force Basic Research, the Department of Energy and other federal agencies and major manufacturing companies (GM, Ford, Caterpillar, P&W, GE, Ingersoll, etc.). He has presided(joined) over 10 major scientific research projects which are from Natural Science Foundation of China, 973 Project, 863 Project, National Major Projects, Industrial cooperation projects etc. He has published two academic books, more than three hundred technical papers and has17 patents, etc..
Research Area:
precision machining technology:Mechanism of micro removal;
modeling simulation and optimization of metal materials processing:Multi- field coupling, whole process chain coupling;
Manufacturing systems: visualization technology, concurrent engineering, multi-system integration; 3D tolerance analysis, quality control, lean manufacturing and CAPP; production line planning and tooling technology;
Work Experience:
Founding Department Chair, Visiting Professor
the Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology
Chair Professor, Head of the Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
◆ Jul. 2010-Dec. 2015
Tsinghua University,
Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Director of Manufacturing Engineering Research Institute, Member of University Education Committee Chair, Education Committee of ME Department, Vice-chair of ME DepartmentA cademic Committee etc.
◆ Aug. 1998-Jun. 2016
Worcester Polytechnic Institute(WPI)
Associate Professor, Full Professor, Chair Professor, John W. Higgins Professor of Mechanical Engineering(2004-2010), Associate Director of Manufacturing & Materials Engr. Program
◆ Aug. 1990-Aug. 1998
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
Assistant, Associate Professor of Manufacturing Systems, Department of Technology, College of Engineering
◆ Jan. 1990-Aug. 1990
Postdoctoral Research Associate, the Center for Robotics and Manufacturing Systems
◆ Dec. 1989 Ph.D. ME, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
◆ May 1987 M.S. IE, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI
◆ Jun. 1984 M.S. ME, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
◆ Dec.1981 B.S. ME, Harbin University of Science and Technology, China
Professional Recognition:
◆ 2008 Advisor of Award Winning ASME Manufacturing Design Project
◆ 2004 American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME) Fellow
◆ 2003 “John W. Higgins Professor of WPI”
◆ 2009 Outstanding Paper Award at 37th Annual North American
Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC), Clemson University, Greenville, SC, May 19-22, 2009
◆ 2004 Best Paper Award at 24th ASME Computers and Information in
Engineering (CIE) Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah
Representative Books and Papers:
◆ G. Wang, Y. Rong, Computational Modeling and Simulation of Heat Treatment for Metal Alloy, Willey & Sons, 2015 (under development)
◆ G. Wang, Y. Rong, R. Sisson, “Heating and Heat Flow Simulation”, ASM Handbook Volume 22 Modeling and Simulation: Processing of Metallic Materials – Article 13A, 2009, pp.459-474.
◆ Y. Rong, S. H. Huang, and Z. Hou, Advanced Computer-aided Fixture Design, Elsevier Science & Technology, ISBN 0125947518, Academic Press, April 2005; translated into Chinese and published in 2010
◆ Y. Rong and Y. Zhu, Computer-aided Fixture Design, ISBN: 0-8247-9961-5, Marcel Dekker, New York, Apr. 1999 (translated into Chinese and published in 2002)
◆ G. Wang, Y. Rong, “Advances of physics-based precision modeling and simulation for manufacturing processes”, Advances in Manufacturing, Vol. 1, 2013, 75-81
◆ B. Xiao, Q. Wang, G. Wang, R. Sisson, Y. Rong, “Robust methodology for determination of heat transfer coefficient distribution in convection”, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 17, pp. 2815-2821, 2010
◆ B. Xiao, G. Wang, Q. Wang, M. Maniruzzaman, R. Sisson, Y. Rong, “An Experimental Study of Heat Transfer during Forced Air Convection”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 20, No. 7, pp. 1264-1270, 2011
◆ B. Xiao, K. Li and Y. Rong, “Automatic Determination and Evaluation of Residual Stress Calibration Coefficients for Hole-Drilling Strain Gage Integral Method”, Strain: An International Journal for Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 525–534, 2011
◆ J. Kang, Y. Rong, W. Wang, “Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer in Loaded Heat Treatment Furnaces”, Journal of Physics, Vol. 4, No. 120, 2004, pp. 545-553.
◆ X. Li, S. Wolf, G. Zhi, Y. Rong, “The modeling and experimental verification of the grinding wheel topographical properties based on the ‘through-the-process’ method”, Int. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.70, pp. 640-659, 2014
◆ X. Li, Y. Rong; Framework of grinding process modeling and simulation based on microscopic interaction analysis; Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 27, 2011, pp. 471–478.
◆ I. Boyle, Y. Rong, and D. Brown, “CAFixD: A Case-based Reasoning Fixture Design Method, Framework and Indexing mechanisms”, ASME Transaction: Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, Vol. 6, March 2006, pp. 40-48
◆ Y. Zheng, Y. Rong, and Z. Hou, “A Finite Element Analysis for Stiffness of Fixture Units”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 127, No. 2, 2005, pp. 429-432.
◆ Y. Kang, Y. Rong, J. A. Yang, “Geometric and Kinetic Model based Computer-Aided Fixture Design Verification”, ASME Transaction: Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 3, Sep. 2003, pp. 187-199.
◆ 0755-88018166