
YANG Shijie has been an assistant professor of finance at SUSTech Business School since 2023. Dr. Yang received his PhD from the University of Hong Kong in 2017,after which he joined the Chinese University of Hong Kong,Shenzhen. Dr. Yang’s research interests are at the intersection of accounting and finance.
“Wall Street and Product Quality: The Duality of Analysts” with Yinghua Li,Yupeng Lin,and Xiaoqiao Wang,The Accounting Review,Forthcoming
“Institutional Dual Holdings and Expected Crash Risk: Evidence from Mergers between Lenders and Equity Holders” with Bing Li,Zhenbin Liu,and Jeffrey Pittman,Contemporary Accounting Research,Forthcoming
“Does Express Delivery Run ahead of Stock Price?” with Jeffery (Jinfan) Chang and Bohui Zhang,Review of Finance,Forthcoming
“Is There Life after Product Quality Failures? Evidence from Employment Decisions” with Hengmiao Bao,Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 218,2024
“The Real Effects of Modern Information Technologies: Evidence from the EDGAR Implementation” with Itay Goldstein and Luo Zuo,Journal of Accounting Research 61 (5),2023
“Credit Ratings and Firm Innovation: Evidence from Sovereign Downgrades” with Rui Wang,Journal of Banking and Finance 148,2023
“Costs of Voting and Firm Performance: Evidence from RegTech Adoption in Chinese Listed Firms” with Ge Lan and Donghui Li,Research in International Business and Finance 64,2023
“The Impact of Internet Penetration on Venture Capital Investments: Evidence from a Quasi-natural Experiment” with Donghui Li and Wenfei Li,Journal of Corporate Finance 76,2022
“Climate Risk and Corporate Tax Avoidance: International Evidence” with Zhian Chen,Donghui Li,and Yingzhao Ni,Corporate Governance: An International Review 30,2022
“Inflexibility and Corporate Innovation: Cross-Country Evidence” with Jianjun Ge,Donghui Li,and Yingzhao Ni,Journal of Multinational Financial Management 64,2022
“Serial Acquirers and Stock Price Crash Risk: International Evidence” with Xin Gao,Donghui Li,Weidong Xu,and Mingming Zhuang,Journal of International Financial Markets,Institutions & Money 78,2022
“Valuing Technological Synergies in Mergers” with James Ang,Shi Li,and Chaopeng Wu,The North American Journal of Economics and Finance 58,2021
“Affiliated Block Shareholders and Analyst Optimism” with Shi Li and Chaopeng Wu,The North American Journal of Economics and Finance 55,2021
“证券分析师的盈余预测和股票评级是否具有独立性?” with Chaopeng Wu and Fangbiao Zheng,经济学(季刊) 12(3),2013
“鲍曼悖论”及其理论解释——来自我国上市公司的经验证据” with Yongyi Zeng and Bing Lu,南开管理评论 14(5),2011
Database Management and Its Applications in Finance(Undergraduate)
Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications in Finance (Undergraduate)
Advanced Corporate Finance (Master)