
Education background
1995.9 - 1998.7 Institute of Applied Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, Ph.D. in Statistics, Statistics
1985.9 - 1988.7 Wuhan University, Wuhan, Department of Statistics, Master of Statistics
1981.9 - 1985.7 Hunan Normal University, Changsha, Department of Mathematics, Bachelor of Science
Work Experience
2019.08.22 – Present, Professor. Department of Statistics and Data Science, SUSTech
2016.08.01 – 2019.08.21, Professor. Department of Mathematics, SUSTech
2008.9.1 – 2016.7.31 Associate Professor, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Hong Kong
2002.7.1 – 2008.8.31 University of Maryland (Baltimore, Maryland, USA) School of Medicine
Greenebaum Cancer Center, Department of Biostatistics, Senior Biostatistician.
2002.7.1 – 2008.8.31 Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Instructor
2000.5.1 – 2002.6.30 St. Jude Children's Research Hospital (Memphis, Tennessee, USA), Department of Biostatistics, Postdoctoral
1998.9.1 – 2000.4.30 Peking University, Department of Probability and Statistics, Postdoctoral
1988.8.1 – 1995.8.31 Department of Aerospace Industry, China Academy of Launch Vehicles, Institute of 702, Assistant Engineer, Engineer, Senior Engineer.
Teaching experience in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Hong Kong
STAT2802/3902 Statistical Models
STAT3317/6011 Computational Statistics
STAT3304 Computer-aided Statistical Modeling
STAT3331/3621 Statistical Data Analysis
STAT2307 Statistics in Clinical Medicine and Bio-medical Research
STAT7005 Multivariate Methods
Professional qualification
2000.5 – Present Member, American Statistical Association
2000.5 – Present Permanent Member, International Chinese Statistical Association
2014.6 – present Elected member, International Statistical Institute (ISI)
2011 - 2012 Research Output Prize, Faculty of Science of the University of Hong Kong (A monetary award of HK$120,000 for research purposes)
Research Direction
Biostatistics: including multivariate zero dilatancy data analysis, incomplete classification data and missing data analysis, constraint parameter model and variable selection, experimental design of drug combination research, cancer clinical trial and design.
Social Statistics: A sample survey of sensitivity issues
Calculated statistics: EM algorithm, MM algorithm
Focus on
Tan M, Tian GL and Ng KW (2010). Bayesian Missing Data Problems: EM,
Data Augmentation and Non-iterative Computation. Chapman & Hall/CRC (Biostatistics Series), Boca Raton, USA.
Ng KW, Tian GL and Tang ML (2011). Dirichlet and Related Distributions: Theory, Methods and Applications. John Wiley & Sons (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics), New York, USA.
Tian GL and Tang ML (2014). Incomplete Categorical Data Design: Non-randomized Response Techniques for Sensitive Questions in Surveys. Chapman & Hall/CRC (Statistics in the Social and Behavioral Sciences), Boca Raton, USA.
Associate Editor, International Journal of Statistics
Statistics and Its Interface, 2013 --
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2013 --
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 2013 --
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2014 --
Top biostatistical magazine articles (12 papers)
Biostatistics Journal 1: Statistical Methods in Medical Research [Impact Factor=4.472; Ranking No. 1 in the category of biostatistics, 2014 JCR, ISI Web Knowledge] (4 papers)
[1] Tian GL, Zhang C and Jiang XJ (2016). Valid statistical inference methods for a case control study with missing data, in press.
[2] Tian GL and Li HQ (2015). A new framework of statistical inferences based on the valid joint sampling distribution observed observeds in an incomplete contingency table, in press.
[3] Tian GL, Tang ML, Wu Q and Liu Y (2015). Poisson and negative binomial item count techniques for surveys with sensitive question, in press.
[4] Tian GL, Tang ML, Liu ZQ, Tan M and Tang NS (2011). Sample size determination for the non-randomized triangular model for sensitive questions in a survey, 20(3), 159-173.
Biostatistics Journal 2: Statistics in Medicine [Impact Factor=1.825; Ranking No. 3 in the category of biostatistics, 2014 JCR, ISI Web Knowledge] (7 papers)
[5] Pei YB, Tian GL and Tang ML (2014). Testing homogeneity of proportion ratios for stratified correlated bilateral data in two-arm randomize clinical trials, 33(25), 4370-4386.
[6] Tang ML, Ling MH, Ling L and Tian GL (2010). Confidence intervals for a difference between proportions based on paired data, 29(1), 86-96.
[7] Tang ML, Ling MH and Tian GL (2009). Exact and approximate unconditional confidence intervals for proportion difference in the presence of incomplete data, 28, 625-641.
[8] Tian GL, Yu JW, Tang ML and Geng Z (2007). A new non-randomized model for analyzing sensitive questions with binary outcomes, 26(23), 4238-4252.
[9] Fang HB, Tian GL, Xiong XP and Tan M (2006). A multivariate random-effects model with restricted parameters: Application to assessing radiation therapy for brain tumors, 25(11), 1948-1959.
[10] Tan M, Fang HB, Tian GL and Houghton PJ (2005). Repeated-measures models with constrained parameters for incomplete data in tumor xenograft experiments, 24(1), 109-119.
[11] Tan M, Fang HB, Tian GL and Houghton PJ (2003). Experimental design and sample size determination for testing synergism in drug combination studies based on uniform measures, 22(13), 2091-2100.
Biostatistics Journal 3: Biometrics [Impact Factor=1.568; Ranking No. 4 in the category of biostatistics, 2014 JCR, ISI Web Knowledge] (1 paper)
[12] Tan M, Fang HB, Tian GL and Houghton PJ (2002). Small-sample inference for incomplete longitudinal data with truncation and censoring in tumor xenograft models, 58(3), 612-620.
Selected other international statistical magazine articles
Tian GL, Ma HJ, Zhou Y and Deng DL (2015). Generalized endpoint-inflated binomial model. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 89, 97-114.
Liu Y and Tian GL (2015). Type I multivariate zero-inflated Poisson distribution with applications. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 83, 200-222.
Liu Y and Tian GL (2013). A variant of the parallel model for sample surveys with sensitive characteristics. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 67, 115-135.
Tian GL, Tang ML, Yuen KC and Ng KW (2010). Further properties and new applications for the nested Dirichlet distribution. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 54, 394-405.
Ng KW, Tang ML, Tian GL and Tan M (2009). The nested Dirichlet distribution and incomplete categorical data analysis. Statistica Sinica 19(1), 251-271.
Tan M, Tian GL, Fang HB and Ng KW (2007). A fast EM algorithm for quadratic optimization subject to convex constraints. Statistica Sinica 17(3), 945-964.
Tan M, Tian GL and Ng KW (2003). A non-iterative sampling method for computing posteriors in the structure of EM-type algorithms. Statistica Sinica 13(3), 625-639.
Zhang YQ, Tian GL and Tang NS (2016). Latent variable selection in structural equation models. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, in press.
Liu BS, Xu L, Zheng SR and Tian GL (2014). A new test for the proportionality of two large-dimensional covariance matrices. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 131, 293-308.
Tian GL, Fang HB, Tan M, Qin H and Tang ML (2009). Uniform distributions in a class of convex polyhedrons with applications to drug combination studies. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 100(8), 1854-1865.
Ng KW, Tang ML, Tan M and Tian GL (2008). Grouped Dirichlet distribution: A new tool for incomplete categorical data analysis. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 99(3), 490-509.
Tan M, Fang HB, Tian GL and Wei G (2005). Testing multivariate normality in incomplete data of small sample size. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 93, 164-179.