
Tian Song
Professor, Fulbright Scholar
Director of the Center for Science and Civilization
Mr. Song Tian (田松) is a Professor in the Humanities Center, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Southern University of Science and Technology since Nov. 2019. He got a Ph.D. in history of science in 2002 and a Ph.D. in philosophy of Science in 2001. He is a Fulbright Scholar. He has been a Professor of Institute for History and Philosophy of Science, the College of Philosophy and Sociology, Beijing Normal University for 15 years. He worked successively as a teacher of physics, newspaper editor, TV planner, and columnist before 1998 when he started his doctoral studies. He did his post-doctoral research in Peking University, and had been a visiting scholar at the University of California Berkeley, Harvard University, and Cornell University.
His research areas include: philosophy of science (fundamental theory, philosophy of physics), history of science, sociology of science, anthropology of science, environmental philosophy, science communication, and science & art. He prefers to interdisciplinary case study, the cases varies from milk drinking and food industry to garbage. Prof. Song Tian is one of the earliest humanists who focus on garbage issues in China. His recent studies concern Civilization Studies, such as the Reexamination of Industrial Civilization and the Construction of Ecology Civilization.
The major works of Prof. Song Tian include: The Jumping Board of History of Science (科学史的起跳板, 2020),Daoxiangyuan Essay(稻香园随笔, 20-16), Warning Science(警惕科学, 2014, 2017), Collapse by One Touch(一触即崩, 2015), Academic demon and Fourth Concubine Effect: a Dialogue on Science Culture (学妖与四姨太效应:科学文化对话录,2012, 2020), The Remains of the Spirits World: The Change of Naxi the Ancient Ethnic Group(神灵世界的余韵:纳西,一个古老民族的变迁, 2008, 2018), and The Skepticism in the Age of Limited Earth: Will the Future World be Made of Garbage? (有限地球时代的怀疑论:未来的世界是垃圾作的,2007). In addition, he published some translated books from English into Chinese, such as At Home in the Universe (by John Archibald Wheeler), in 2006 , Between Understanding and Trust: Science, Technology and Society (edited by Meinolf Dierkes) in 2006, and Magic Mirror: the Impossible World of M. C. Escher(by Ernest Brono)in 2002, 2014.