
1995 - Habilitation, Kiev University, Ukraine.
1987 - Ph.D. in Mathematics , Kiev University, Ukraine.
1983 - Diploma with excellence in Mathematics, Kiev University, Ukraine
Working Experience:
02/2023 - Chair Professor, Southern University of Science and Technology
11/2005-02/2023- Full Professor, University of S˜ao Paulo, Brazil;
05/1998-11/2005 - Associate Professor, University of S˜ao Paulo, Brazil;
02/2003-01/2004 - Senior Lecturer, University of Sydney, Australia;
03/1998-06/1998 - Visiting Professor, Utah State University, Logan, USA;
09/1997-02/1998 - Visiting Professor, University of S˜ao Paulo, Brazil;
09/1996-12/1996 - Visiting Research Professor, Carleton University and University of Ottawa, Canada;
06/1995-08/1997 - Associate Professor, Kiev University, Kiev, Ukraine;
01/1994-05/1995 - Adjunct Visiting Associate Professor, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada;
01/1992-12/1993 - NSERC International Fellow at Queen's University, Kingston, Canada;
01/1991-06/1991 - Postdoc Fellow, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway;
09/1986-12/1991 - Assistant Professor, Kiev University, Kiev, Ukraine.
Honors and Professional Experience:
Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (since 2015)
Invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians (2018)
CRM Distinguished Lecture, "Combinatorial Algebra meets Algebraic Combinatorics",Ottawa,Canada (2019)
Member of the Scientifific Latin-American Council representing Brazil (since 2017)
Member of the Scientifific Committee in Mathematics of the National Research Council of Brazil (2013–2015)
NSERC International Fellowship at Queen’s University, Canada (1992-1993)
Editor in Chief of the S˜ao Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences (2014–2018);
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Algebra and its Applications (since 2017);
Member of the Editorial Board of the Ukrainian Math. Journal (since 2017);
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal ”Visnyk of Kiev University” (since 2018);
Member of the Postgraduate Committee of the Federal University of Amasonas, Manaus, Brazil (since 2016);
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal ”Ensaios em Matem´atica” (since 2016);
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal ”S˜ao Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences” (2005–2014);
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal ”Algebra and Discrete Mathematics" (since 2002);
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal ”Quaestiones Mathematicae”;
Member of the organizing committee of the international conference ”Lie and Jordan Algebras, their Representations and Applications-VIII”, Chengdu, China (2020);
Member of the organizing committee of Brazil-France Mathematics Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2019);
Member of the organizing committee of the international conference ”Lie and Jordan Algebras, their Representations and Applications-VII”, Cusco, Peru (2018);
Member of the organizing committee of Satellite Workshop of ICM-2018 in Mathematical Physics,ICTP (2018);
President of the organizing committee of the international conference ”Lie and Jordan Algebras, their Representations and Applications-VI”, Natal, Brazil (2017);
Member of the organizing committee of the session ”Representations of Lie algebras”, MCA-2017, Montreal, Canada (2017);
Member of the organizing committee of the session ”Lie groups and their representations”, Latin-American colloquium in Algebra, Quito, Equador (2017);
Member of the organizing committee of the international conference ”Lie and Jordan Algebras, their Representations and Applications-V”, Bento Gon¸calves, Brazil (2015).