
Basic Introduction:
Dr. Dashan Wang is currently a Research Assistant Professor at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). He is mainly engaged in research in the fields of land-atmosphere interaction and global environmental change. His current research focuses on the biophysical climate effects of tropical forest cover change, and the impacts of urbanization on the characteristics of extreme precipitation. A total of 23 papers were published, among which 9 papers of the first or corresponding author were published in Nature Geoscience、Environmental Research Letters、Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres、Journal of Hydrometeorology. His research projects have been funded by agencies such as the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.
Professional Experience:
Mar. 2022 - present: Research Assistant Professor, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology
Jan. 2020 - Feb. 2022: Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology
Ph.D. in Cartography & Geographic Information System, Sun Yat-Sen University, 2013-2019 (Supervisor: Dr. Lin Liu)
B.S. in Rural/Urban Planning & Management & Resources Environment, Sun Yat-Sen University, 2009-2013
Synergistic Activities:
1. Invited as the peer reviewer of SCI academic journals including Water Research, Geophysical Research Letters, and Environmental Research Letters.
2. Co-Convener of the special issue Forest-Climate Interactions and the Climate Consequences of Forest-cover Change in Frontiers in Forests and Global Change.
Selected funded projects:
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China (42001321), “Patterns, impact factors and future changes of the spatial concentration of precipitation events over the Pearl River Delta”, 2021.1 - 2022.12. Host.
2. China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2021T140292, Special Program), “The biophysical climate feedback of tropical deforestation”, 2021.6 - 2022.2. Host
3. China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2020M672693, General Program), “The biophysical climate impacts of vegetation change in central Africa”, 2020.7 - 2022.2. Host.
4. National Natural Science Foundation of China (42071022), “Changes of surface wind speed and their implications for wind energy production in China in the 21st century”, 2021.1 - 2024.12. Key Participant. PI: Dr. Zeng Zhenzhong.
5. National Key Research and Development Program (2018YFB0505502), “The construction of multi-dimensional network and the demonstration of emergency response for urban public safety”, 2018.5 - 2021.4. Key Participant. PI: Dr. Liu Lin
Research Interests:
1. Biosphere-atmosphere interactions
2. Global environmental change
3. Urban hydrology and hydrometeorology
4. Earth system modeling
Published Works:
1. Huang, X., Wang, D.*, Ziegler, A. D., Liu, X. & Zeng, Z.* The influence of urbanization on hourly extreme precipitation over China. Environmental Research Letters. 17, 044010. (2022)
2. Jin, Y. Wang, D. *, Feng, Y., Wu, J., Cui, W., He, X., Chen, A. & Zeng, Z. Changes and Attributions of Pan Evaporation in mainland China during the period 1965-2018. Journal of Hydrology. 608, 127641. (2022)
3. Wu, J., Wang, D., Laurent Z. X. Li & Zeng, Z. Hydrological feedback from projected Earth greening in the 21st century. Sustainable Horizons. 1, 100007. (2022)
4. Feng, Y., Zeng, Z., Searchinger, T. D., Ziegler, A., Wu, J., Wang, D., He, X., Elsen, P. R., Ciais, P., Xu, R., Guo, Z., Peng, L., Tao, Y., Spracklen, D. V., Holden, J., Liu, X., Zheng, Y., Xu, P., Chen, J., Jiang, X., Song, X., Lakshmi, V., Wood, E. & Zheng, C. Doubling of annual forest carbon loss over the tropics during the early twenty-first century. Nature Sustainability. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-022-00854-3 (2022)
5. Liu, Y., Ziegler, A., Wu, J., Liang, S., Wang, D., Xu, R., Duangnamon, D., Li, H. & Zeng, Z. Effectiveness of protected areas in northern Thailand in preventing forest loss. Ecological Indicators. 136, 108697. (2022)
6. Zeng Z., Wang, D., Yang, L., Wu, J. Ziegler, A. D., Liu, M., Ciais, P., Searchinger, T., Yang, Z., Chen, D., Chen, A., Li, L., Piao, S., Taylor, D., Cai, X., Pan, M., Peng, L., Lin, P., Gower, D., Feng, Y., Zheng, C., Guan, K., Lian, X., Wang, T., Wang, L., Jeong, S., Wei, Z., Sheffield, J., Caylor, K. & Wood, E. Deforestation-induced warming over tropical mountain regions regulated by elevation. Nature Geoscience. 14, 23-29. (2021)
7. Wang, D., Wu, J., Huang, M., Li, Laurent, Z. X., Wang, D., Lin, T., Dong, L., Li, Q., Yang, L. & Zeng, Z. The critical effect of subgrid-scale scheme on simulating the climate impacts of deforestation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 126, e2021JD035133. (2021)
8. Wang, D., Wang, X., Liu, L., Wang, D. & Zeng, Z. Urban signatures in the spatial clustering of precipitation extremes over mainland China. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 22, 639-656. (2021)
9. Hu, S., Wang, D.*, Wu, J., Zhou, L., Feng, X., Fu, T. M., Yang, X., Ziegler, A. & Zeng, Z. Aerosol presence reduces diurnal temperature change: An interval when the COVID-19 pandemic reduced aerosols revealed the climate effect. Environmental Science: Atmospheres. 1, 208. (2021)
10. Zhou, L., Zeng, Z., Azorin-Molina, C., Liu, Y., Wu, J., Wang, D., Li, D., Ziegler, A. D. & Dong, L. A continuous decline of global seasonal wind speed range over land since 1980. Journal of Climate. 34, 9443–9461. (2021)
11. Jiang, X., Liang, S., He, X., Ziegler, A., Lin, P., Pan, M., Wang, D., Zou, J., Hao, D., Mao, G., Zeng, Y., Yin, J., Feng, L., Miao, C., Wood, E. & Zeng, Z. Rapid and large-scale mapping of flood inundation via integrating spaceborne synthetic aperture radar imagery with unsupervised deep learning, RISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 178, 36-50. (2021)
12. Jiang, J., Ye, B., Shao, S., Zhou, N., Wang, D., Zeng, Z. & Liu, J. Two-Tier Synergic Governance of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Air Pollution in China’s Megacity, Shenzhen: Impact Evaluation and Policy Implication. Environmental Science & Technology, 55, 7225-7236. (2021)
13. Wang, D., Wu, J., Jiang, X., Liang, S. & Zeng, Z. Simulated response of warming to Southeast Asian deforestation: insights from WRF simulations using three land surface models. Trans. Atmos. Sci. 43, 992-1001. (2020) (in Chinese)
14. Wu, J., Lakshmi, V., Wang, D., Lin, P., Pan M., Cai, X., Wood, E. & Zeng, Z. The reliability of global remote sensing evapotranspiration products over Amazon. Remote Sensing. 12, 2211. (2020)
15. Wang, D., Wang, X., Liu, L., Wang, D., Huang, H. & Pan, C. Evaluation of TMPA 3B42V7, GPM IMERG and CMPA precipitation estimates in Guangdong Province, China. International Journal of Climatology. 39, 738-755. (2019)
16. Huang, H., Zhang, L., Liu, L., Wang, X., Pan, C. & Wang, D. Assessing the mitigation effect of deep tunnels on urban flooding: a case study in Guangzhou, China, Urban Water Journal, 16, 312-321. (2019)
17. Pan, C., Wang, X., L. Liu, Wang, D., & Huang, H. Characteristics of Heavy Storms and the Scaling Relation with Air Temperature by Event Process-Based Analysis in South China. Water, 11, 185. (2019)
18. Wang, D., Wang, D., Qi, X., Liu, L. & Wang, X. Use of high-resolution precipitation observations in quantifying the effect of urban extent on precipitation characteristics for different climate conditions over the Pearl River Delta, China. Atmospheric Science Letters. 19, 1–8. (2018)
19. Huang, X., Wang, D., Liu, Y., Feng, Z. & Wang, D. Evaluation of extreme precipitation based on satellite retrievals over China. Frontiers of Earth Science. 12, 846-861. (2017)
20. Pan, C., Wang, X., Liu, L., Huang, H. & Wang, D. Improvement to the huff curve for design storms and urban flooding simulations in Guangzhou, China. Water. 9, 411. (2017)
21. Tan, M., Liu, K., Liu, L., Zhu, Y. & Wang, D. Spatialization of population in the Pearl River Delta in 30 m grids using random forest model. Progress in Geography. 36, 1304-1312. (2017) (in Chinese)
22. Wang, D., Wang, X., Liu, L., Wang, D., Huang, H. & Pan, C. Evaluation of CMPA precipitation estimate in the evolution of typhoon-related storm rainfall in Guangdong, China. Journal of Hydroinformatics. 18, 1055–1068. (2016)
23. Wang, D., Jiang, P., Wang, G. & Wang, D. Urban extent enhances extreme precipitation over the Pearl River Delta. Atmospheric Science Letters. 16, 310–317. (2015)