
Haijiang Wang, Chair Professor, joined the Department of Mechanical & Energy Engineering at South University of Science and Technology of China in Oct. 2015. Dr. Wang is Academician of Canadian Academy of Engineering,Honorary President of Shenzhen Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cell Association, Member of Academic Committee of Shenzhen Hydrogen Energy Key Laboratory, Former Chief Scientist of Canadian National Research Institute, and International Well-known Fuel Cell Expert. Dr. Wang attended the Ballard Power Systems in 1999 and won the “Ballard Outstanding Award” in 2002 for his outstanding work in Ballard AV Carb and MEA. In 2004, he joined the Fuel Cell Innovation Research Institute of the Canadian National Research Institute as a senior researcher and team leader, and conducted in-depth and pioneering research on the stack design, diagnosis and durability of fuel cell. During this period, he served as guest professor in many universities and research institutes, including British Columbia University, Waterloo University, Dalian Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai University and Vancouver International Institute of Clean Technology (VICRI). In 2012, he was invited by Prof. Frano Barbir, a well-known American fuel cell expert, to write the chapter “Fuel Cell Diagnostics” for “PEM Fuel Cell-Theory and Practice”, which is the best-selling book and also the fuel cell textbooks for many universities. Dr. Wang has co-authored more than 200 research papers published in referred journal. His SCI papers are cited for more than 1,7000 times, H factor is 54. In addition, Dr. Wang has also been granted 5 international patents and co-edited 15 books related to PEM fuel cells and PEM electrolyzers. Since 2014, Dr. Wang was awarded as the most highly cited researchers for five consecutive years due to his impactful publications in fuel cell research by Thomson Reuters.
Research Area:
◆ Research and production of key materials and components for fuel cells, including low platinum and non-platinum catalysts, proton exchange membranes, gas diffusion layers, bipolar plates
◆ Membrane electrode structure design for proton exchange membrane fuel cell, including catalyst layer structure and interface
◆ Research on the environmental adaptability and reliability of fuel cells and their systems, including battery structure design, bipolar plate fluid heat transfer design
◆ Fuel cell stack design, diagnosis, testing, life research, large-scale production equipment and technology, quality control and standards
◆ Design and performance optimization of electrochemical hydrogen compressor
Education Background:
◆ 1990.05-1993.08 PhD, Department of General & Organic Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
◆ 1982.09-1985.07 Master, Department of Chemistry,Henan Normal University, China
◆ 1978.09-1982.07 Bachelor, Department of Chemistry,Henan Normal University, China
Working Experiences:
◆ 2015.10-Present Chair Professor, Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, China
◆ 2004.01-2015.09 Principal Research Officer, Senior Research Officer, National Research Council Canada, Vancouver, BC, Canada
◆ 1999.11-2004.01 Senior Research Scientist, Ballard Power Systems, Burnaby, BC, Canada
◆ 1997.07-1999.10 Research Scientist, Natural Resources Canada, Devon, Alberta, Canada
◆ 1993.09-1996.09 Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA
◆ 1989.11-1990.05 Visiting scholar, Department of General & Organic Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
◆ 1985.07-1989.11 Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Henan Normal University, China
Major Recognition:
◆ 2018, Academician, Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE)
◆ 2014-2018, Most Highly Cited Scientist, Thomson Reuters, Five consecutive years
◆ 2006, Outstanding Civil Service Award, Canadian Federal Government
◆ 2005, Award of Excellence, National Research Council Canada
◆ 2002, Ballard Award of Excellence, Ballard Power SystemsRepresentative Publications:
1.Qi Feng, Qi Wang, Zhen Zhang, Yongyueheng Xiong, Hanyi Li, Yao Yao, Xiao-Zi Yuanc, Mark C. Williams, Meng Gu, Hong Chen, Hui Li*, Haijiang Wang*, Highly active and stable ruthenate pyrochlore for enhanced oxygen evolution reaction in acidic medium electrolysis, Applied catalysis b: environmental 2019, 244, 494-501.
2.Yao Yao, Qi Feng, Shangqian Zhu, Jiadong Li, Yuze Yao, Yajun Wang, Qi Wang, Meng Gu, Haijiang Wang*, Hui Li*, Xiao-Zi Yuan, Minhua Shao*, Chromium Oxynitride Electrocatalysts for Electrochemical Synthesis of Ammonia Under Ambient Conditions, Small Methods 2019, 1800324.
3.Zhen Zhang, Ping Li, Qi Feng, Bing Wei, Chenglong Deng, Jiantao Fan, Hui Li,*and Haijiang Wang*, Scalable Synthesis of a Ruthenium-Based Electrocatalyst as a Promising Alternative to Pt for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10, 32171−32179.
4.Hui Zhang, Akira Miyamoto, Ai Suzuki, Haijiang Wang, Mark C. Williams, Thermal Behavior and Performance Trajectories of Electrolysers,ECS Transactions 2018, 83 (1) 211-224.
5.Qi Feng, XiaoZi Yuan, GaoyangLiu, BingWei, ZhenZhang, HuiLi*, HaijiangWang*, A review of proton exchange membrane water electrolysis on degradation mechanisms and mitigation strategies, Journal of Power Sources 2017,366(31),33-55.
6.Yan-Jie Wang , Baizeng Fang , Hui Li*, Xiaotao T. Bi*, Haijiang Wang*, Progress in modified carbon support materials for Pt and Pt-alloy cathode catalysts in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells, Progress in Materials Science 82(2016)445-498.
7.Yanjie Wang, Nana. Zhao, Zheng Bai, Hui Li*, Haijiang Wang*, Tony Bi*, Carbon-Supported Pt-Based Alloy Electrocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells: Particle Size, Shape, and Composition Manipulation and Their Impact to Activity, Chemical Reviews 115(2015) 3433-3467.
8.Zhu Chen, Aiping Yu, Drew Higgins, Hui Li, Haijiang Wang, Zhongwei Chen, Highly active and durable core-corona structured bifunctional catalyst for rechargeable metal-air battery applications, Nano Letters 12 (2012) 1946-1652.
9.Zhu Chen, Aiping Yu, Raihan Ahmed, Haijiang Wang, Hui Li, Zhongwei Chen Manganese Dioxide Nanotube and Nitrogen-doped Carbon Nanotube Based Composite Bifunctional Catalyst for Rechargeable Zinc-Air Battery, Electrochim. Acta 69(2012)295-300.
10. Haijiang Wang, Xiao-Zi Yuan, Hui Li, PEM Fuel Cell Diagnostic Tools (editors), CRC Press, 2011.
11. Haijiang Wang, Hui Li, Xiao-Zi Yuan (editors), PEM Fuel Cell Failure Mode Analysis, CRC Press, 2011.
12. Haijiang Wang, Frano Barbir (editor),“Fuel Cell Diagnostics” in “PEM Fuel Cells: Theory and Practice – second edition”, Academic Press, 2012, p265-304.
13. Jinfeng Wu, Xiao-Zi Yuan, Jonathan J. Martin and Haijiang Wang,“ Degradation of PEMFC – General” in “Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources”, Bruno Scrosati, Zempachi Ogumi, David Rand, Pat Moseley, Chris Dyer and Juergen Garche (editors), Elsevier, 2009, Vol. 2 p848-867.
14. P. Beattie, D. Wilkinson, P. Kozark, H. Wang, S. Neumann, J. Gordon, F. Kelvin, S. Cheung, M. Davis, C. Bien and L. Erickson, Fluid Diffusion Layer for Fuel Cells, US Patent 6,667,127.
15. The World Intellectual Property Org. WO 02/23649; European Patent EP 1323199; Canadian Patent CA 2420485; Australian Patent AU 9354601.