
Dr. Wenjin Wang is an Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering department of SUSTech, PhD promoter, PI of Contactless Healthcare Lab. His main research focus in on contactless health monitoring using optical sensors. He was an Assistant Professor of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and a Scientist of Philips Research Eindhoven. He obtained his PhD from TU/e in 2017 and his MSc from University of Amsterdam in 2013 (with Amsterdam Merit Scholarship, Top 5%). Upon his return back to China, he was awarded the National Excellent Young Scholars (Overseas) in 2022.
Wenjin Wang is on the Standford Top-2% Scientist List and he was selected as the Top-20 young scientists of Cina in 2023 by the Journal of Scientific Chinese. He has published 98 SCI journal articles and international conference papers, including IEEE-TBME, IEEE-JBHI,IEEE-IOTJ, IEEE-TIM, with Google citations > 3100; received the Prize Paper Award from IEEE-EMBS; published 1 Elsevier book; holds 18 granted US/EP/JP patents and 3 granted Chinese patents; launched 4 consumer products globally. As the PI, he is currently sponsored by several top-tier national funds and industrial funds, including the National Key R&D Program of China (Young Scientist); Original Research Program of Natural Science Foundation of China; General Research Program of Natural Science Foundation of China; General Program of Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation; General Program of Shenzhen Science and Technology Foundation; Peacock Team Program of Shenzhen; Shenzhen Enterprise Research Program; etc. He co-founded the CVPM workshop and organized it on CVPR on yearly basis. He was invited for giving tutorials at CVPR from 2019 to 2024. He is an Associate Editor of IET Healthcare Letters and Guest Associate Editor of IEEE-JBHI.
2013 - 2017 Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands Electrical Engineering PhD degree
2011 - 2013 University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Artificial Intelligence MSc Degree
2008 – 2011 Northeastern University, China Biomedical Engineering BSc Degree (Top Class)
Working experience
2021 - Now Southern University of Science and Technology, China Associate Professor
2019 - 2021 Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands Assistant Professor
2017 - 2021 Philips Research Eindhoven (Headquarter) Scientist
Honours and awards
2024/02 Top 20 Young Scientists of China by The Journal of Scientific Chinese
2023/11 Stanford Top-2% Scientist List
2022/11 Prize Paper Award of IEEE-EMBS
2012/09 - 2013/09 Amsterdam Metric Scholarship (Top 5%), The Netherlands
2011/09 - 2012/09 Amsterdam Metric Scholarship (Top 5%), The Netherlands
2011/03 First prize of Mathematical Contest in Modelling (MCM)
Research fundings
1. National Excellent Young Scholars (Overseas) of Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 22IAA01705, Contactless Video Health Monitoring, 2023-01 to 2026-01, 2 million RMB, PI.
2. National Key R&D Program of China (Young Scientist), Grant No. 2022YFC2407800, Non-contact Preterm Infant Monitor, 2022-11 to 2025-10, 3 million RMB, PI.
3. AI-based Medical Instrument Innovation Program, Contactless Intelligent Vital Signs Monitor, 2022-08 to 2024-12, 26 million RMB, PI
4. General Program of Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 62271241, Contactless Preterm Infant Monitoring based on Multi-spectral Structured-light Photoplethysmography, 2023-01-01 to 2026-12-31, 530,000 RMB, PI.
5. Original Research Program of Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 62350068, Camera-based Seismocardiogram based on Defocused Speckle Imaging, 2024-01-01 to 2026-1-1, 2 million RMB, PI.
6. General Program of Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 62074005, EEG-based seizure detection using 3D-CNN, 2021-01-01 to 2024-12-31, 590,000 RMB, Co-PI.
7. General Program of Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation, Grant No. 2023A1515012983, Multi-wavelength Pulse Transit Time based Non-contact Blood Pressure Monitoring in ICU, 2023-01-01 to 2025-12-31, 100,000 RMB, PI.
8. Peacock Team Program of Shenzhen Science and Technology Foundation, Grant No. 2022441655, 2023-06 to 2028-06, 17 million RMB, Co-PI (Team Technical Lead).
9. General Program of Shenzhen Science and Technology Foundation, Grant No. JCYJ20220530112601003, Camera-based Physiological Measurement for Preterm Infants in NICU, 2022-10-28 to 2025-10-31, 300,000 RMB, PI.
10. Shenzhen Enterprise Research, Grant No.OR2303012, Applications of Contactless Monitoring in ICU, 2022-1-1 to 2023-12-31, 700,000 RMB, PI.
11. Dutch Heart Foundation ZonMw IMDI-DCVA program, Grant No. 104021003, Video Monitoring for Early Signaling of Adverse Events, 2020-06 to 2024-12, 798,000 EUR, Co-PI.
Selected scientific publications
1. Wenjin Wang; Xuyu Wang; Contactless Vital Signs Monitoring, Elsevier (DOI: 10.1016/C2019 -0-04343-9), 2021
2. Yukai Huang; Dongmin Huang; Jia Huang; Guowei Wang; Liping Pan; Hongzhou Lu; Min He; Wenjin Wang; Camera-based Blood Pressure Monitoring based on Multi-site and Multi-wavelength Pulse Transit Time Features, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2024.
3. Yingen Zhu; Hong Hong; Wenjin Wang; Privacy-protected Contactless Sleep Parameters Measurement using A Defocused Camera, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2024.
4. Dongmin Huang; Xiaoting Tao; Yukai Huang; Yanfeng Wang; Yingen Zhu; Kun Qiao; Hongzhou Lu; Wenjin Wang; Camera-based Respiratory Imaging for Intelligent Rehabilitation Assessment of Thoracic Surgery Patients, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024.
5. Yongshen Zeng; Dongfang Yu; Xiaoyan Song; Qiqiong Wang; Liping Pan; Hongzhou Lu; Wenjin Wang; Camera-based Cardiorespiratory Monitoring of Preterm Infants in NICU, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2024.
6. Gasper Slapnicar; Wenjin Wang; Mitja Lustrek; Generalized channel separation algorithms for accurate camera-based multi-wavelength PTT and BP estimation, Biomedical Optics Express, 2024.
7. Dongmin Huang; Dongfang Yu; Yongshen Zeng; Xiaoyan Song; Liping Pan; Junli He; Lirong Ren; Jie Yang; Hongzhou Lu; Wenjin Wang; Generalized Camera-based Infant Sleep-Wake Monitoring in NICUs: A Multi-center Clinical Trial, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2024.
8. Lin Liu; Dongfang Yu; Hongzhou Lu; Caifeng Shan; Wenjin Wang, Camera-based Seismocardiogram for Heart Rate Variability Monitoring, in IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2024.
9. Wenjin Wang; Huaijing Shu; Hongzhou Lu; Ming Xu; Xiangyang Ji; Multispectral Depolarization based Living-skin Detection: A New Measurement Principle, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2024.
10. Yonglong Ye; Liping Pan; Dongfang Yu; Dongfeng Gu; Hongzhou Lu; Wenjin Wang; Notch RGB-Camera based SpO2 Estimation: A Clinical Trial in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Biomedical Optics Express, 2023.
11. Bin Huang;Shen Hu; Zimeng Liu; Chun-Liang Lin; Junfeng Su; Changchen Zhao; Li Wang; Wenjin Wang; Challenges and Prospects of Visual Contactless Physiological Monitoring in Clinical Study, NPJ Digital Medicine, 2023.
12. Guanghang Liao; Hongzhou Lu; Caifeng Shan; Wenjin Wang; Plethysmographic Waveform Features and Hemodynamic Features for Camera-based Blood Pressure Estimation, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023.
13. Dongmin Huang; Jia Huang; Kun Qiao; Nanshan Zhong; Hongzhou Lu; Wenjin Wang; Deep learning-based lung sound analysis for intelligent stethoscope, Springer Nature Military Medical Research, 10(40), 2023.
14. Haowen Wang; Jia Huang; Guowei Wang; Hongzhou Lu; Wenjin Wang; Contactless Patient Care using Hospital IoT: CCTV Camera based Physiological Monitoring in ICU, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023.
15. Dingliang Wang; Xuezhi Yang; Jun Wu; Wenjin Wang; Personalized Modeling of Blood Pressure with Photoplethysmography: An Error-feedback Incremental Support Vector Regression Model, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023.
16. Dongmin Huang; Lingwei Wang; Wenjin Wang; A Multi-center Clinical Trial for Wireless Stethoscope-based Diagnosis and Prognosis of Children Community-acquired Pneumonia, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2023, 70(7): 2215-2226.
17. Siyuan Qiu; Wenjin Wang; Hailong Jiao; A Lightweight Deep Learning Model for Real-Time Epileptic Seizure Detection, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2023, 27(4): 1845-1856.
18. Wenjin Wang; Steffen Weiss; Albertus C. Den Brinker; Jan Hendrik Wuelbern; Albert Garcia i Tormo; Ioannis Pappous; Julien Senegas; Fundamentals of Camera-PPG based Magnetic Resonance Imaging, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2022, 26(9): 4378-4389.
19. Wenjin Wang; Albertus C. den Brinker; Modified RGB Cameras for Infrared Remote-PPG, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2020, 67(10): 2893-2904.
20. Wenjin Wang; Albertus C. den Brinker; Gerard de Haan; Discriminative Signatures for Remote-PPG, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2020, 67(5): 1462-1473.
21. Wenjin Wang; Albertus C. den Brinker; Gerard de Haan; Single- Element Remote-PPG, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2019, 66(7): 2032-2043.
22. Wenjin Wang; Sander Stuijk; Gerard de Haan; Living-Skin Classification via Remote-PPG, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2017, 64(12): 2781-2792.
23. Wenjin Wang; Albertus C. den Brinker; Sander Stuijk; Gerard de Haan; Algorithmic Principles of Remote PPG, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2017, 64(7): 1479-1491.
24. Wenjin Wang; Sander Stuijk; Gerard de Haan; A Novel Algorithm for Remote Photoplethysmography: Spatial Subspace Rotation, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2016, 63(9): 1974-1984.
25. Wenjin Wang; Sander Stuijk; Gerard de Haan; Unsupervised Subject Detection via Remote PPG, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2015, 62(11): 2629-2637.
26. Wenjin Wang; Sander Stuijk; Gerard de Haan; Exploiting Spatial Redundancy of Image Sensor for Motion Robust rPPG, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2015, 62(2): 415-425.
27. Wenjin Wang; Albertus C. den Brinker; Gerard de Haan; Full video pulse extraction, Biomedical Optics Express, 2018, 9(8): 3898-3914.
28. Wenjin Wang; Albertus C. den Brinker; Sander Stuijk; Gerard de Haan; Amplitude-selective filtering for remote-PPG, Biomedical Optics Express, 2017 , 8(3): 1965-1980.
Selected granted patents
1. W. Wang, A. C. den Brinker, A. Garcia Tormo, I. Pappous, S. Weiss, J. H. Wuelrern, P. C. Mazurkewitz, J. T. Senegas, and T. Netsch, Signal extraction from camera observation, 2023-1-25, Europe, EP 4123575 A1
2. S. Weiss, W. Wang, A. C. den Brinker, and A. Gacia Tormo, Synchronisation system with trigger delay, 2023-1-26, WO 2023/001606 A1
3. W. Wang, High dynamic range vital signs extraction, 2021-4-22, Europe, EP 19203141.7, WO/2021/074036
4. W. Verkruijsse, W. Wang, A. Moco, N. Lambdert, and M. E. Mena Benito, Device, system and method for determining oxygen saturation of a subject, 2021-6-24, Europe, EP 19217847.3, WO/2021/122122
5. W. Wang, Device, method and system for registering a first image frame and a second image frame, 2021-1-7, Europe, EP 19183802.8, WO/2021/001340
6. J. Muehlsteff, R. Wijshoff, and W. Wang, Blood pressure detection, 2022-12-8, Europe, EP 21177428.6, WO/2022/253621
7. S. Weiss, W. Wang, A. G. Tormo, J. H. Wuelbern, and A. C. den Brinker, Camera-based vital sign detection, 2023-2-9, Europe, EP 21189063.7, WO/2023/011981
8. G. de Haan, and W. Wang, Device, system and method for image segmentation of an image of a scene including a subject, 2022-4-6, Europe, EP 3809950 B1
9. G. de Haan, A. C. den Brinker, and W. Wang, Device, system and method for obtaining a vital signal of a subject, 2021-10-26, United States, US 11154209 B2
10. W. Wang, and G. de Haan, Device, system and method for skin detection, 2020-10-27, United States, US 10818010 B2
11. A. C. den Brinker, W. Wang, and G. de Haan, Device, system and method for pulsatility detection, 2020-4-8, Europe, EP 3414739 B1
12. W. Wang, A. C. den Brinker, G. de Haan, and, Device, system and method for determining a physiological parameter of a subject, 2020-6-11, United States, US 20200178809 A1
13. G. de Haan, and W. Wang, Determining a pulse signal from concatenated video sub-sequences generated from a video sequence, 2019-5-14, United States, US 10290104 B2
14. W. Wang, and G. de Haan, Identifying living skin tissue in a video sequence using color and spatial similarities, 2019-3-26, United States, US 10242441 B2
15. W. Wang, and G. de Haan, Identifying living skin tissue in a video sequence with scaling for size or resolution, 2018-5-29, United States, US 9980658 B2
16. G. de Haan, A. C. den Brinker, and W. Wang, 被検体のバイタルサインを得るためのデバイス、システム、方法、及びコンピュータプログラム, 2022-5-12, 日本, JP 7065845 B2
17. 王文锦;舒怀婧;徐永;基于多光谱偏振光的皮肤检测方法及装置,2024-1-9,中国ZL 202410026538.3
18. 姜红;王文锦;;一种新型基于ECG和PPG血压变化计算系统,2022-2-1,中国,ZL 201910272066. 9
19. 姜红;王文锦;刘明;詹琪;基于热成像传感器的体温和呼吸率提取方法及应用,2022-6-21,中国, ZL202110111208. 0