
Xin Yang is currently a chair professor at the Southern University of Science and Technology. He received his PhD degree from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Prior to his current appointment, he was Chair Professor at Fudan University. He has been the PI of many national level research projects including projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Education of China, Ministry of Science and Technology of China. He has published over 180 peer review journal papers. He was awarded the State Council Expert for Special Allowance.
Research Area
Porf. Yang’s research interests include physical and chemical properties of atmospheric aerosol and their impacts on human health and global climate; urban air quality; instrument development on environmental analysis.
2000.06, Ph.D., Department of Chemistry, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
1993.06, MPhil., Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1989.07, Bachelor of Chemistry, Anhui Normal University
Professional Experience
2019.12 to now, Chair Professor, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, South University of Science and Technology of China
2006-2019, Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Fudan University
2000-2006, Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Washington State University and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
1993-1996, Engineer, Hefei Institute of Economics and Technology
1989-1990, Research Assistant, Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Atmospheric Chemistry
Selected Publications
1 | Hongwei Pang, Qi Zhang, Xiaohui Lu, Kangning Li, Hong Chen, Jianmin Chen, Xin Yang*, Yingge Ma, Jialiang Ma, Cheng Huang, Nitrite-Mediated Photooxidation of Vanillin in Atmospheric Aqueous Phase, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2019, 53, 14253-14263. |
2 | Xu Zhang, Yan Zhang*, Yiming Liu, Junlan Feng, Xiaofei Wang, Xin Yang*, Zhong Zou, Cangang Zhang, Qingyan Fu, Jianming Xu, Wei Gao, Nan Li, Jun Chen, Changes in SO2 Level and PM2.5 Components in Shanghai Driven by implementing the Ship Emission Control Policy, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2019, 53, 11580−11587. |
3 | Li, Zhijian; Nizkorodov, Sergey A; Chen, Hong; Lu, Xiaohui*; Yang, Xin*; Chen, Jianmin; Nitrogen-containing secondary organic aerosol formation by acrolein reaction with ammonia/ammonium. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 2019, 19:1343-1356. |
4 | Pang, Hongwei; Zhang, Qi; Wang, Hongli; Cai, Dongmei; Ma, Yingge; Li, Li; Li, Kangning; Lu, Xiaohui*; Chen, Hong; Yang, Xin*; Chen, Jianmin; Photochemical Aging of Guaiacol by Fe(III)-Oxalate Complexes in Atmospheric Aqueous Phase. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2019, 53:127-136. |
5 | Kangning Li, Xingnan Ye, Hongwei Pang, Xiaohui Lu, Hong Chen, XiaofeiWang, Xin Yang*, Jianmin Chen, Yingjun Chen, Temporal variations in the hygroscopicity and mixing state of black carbon aerosols in a polluted megacity area, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18(2018), 15201–15218. |
6 | Zhai, J.; Lu, X.; Li, L.; Zhang, Q.; Zhang, C.; Chen, H.; Yang, X.*; Chen, J., Size-resolved chemical composition, effective density, and optical properties of biomass burning particles. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17(2017), 7481-7493. |
7 | Liu, Z.; Lu, X.; Feng, J.; Fan, Q.; Zhang, Y.; Yang, X.*, Influence of Ship Emissions on Urban Air Quality: A Comprehensive Study Using Highly Time-Resolved Online Measurements and Numerical Simulation in Shanghai. Environ. Sci. Technol., 51(2017), 202-211. |
8 | Xianda Gong, Ci Zhang, Hong Chen, Sergey A. Nizkorodov, Jianmin Chen, X. Yang*, Characterization of organic aerosol produced during pulverized coal combustion in a drop tube furnace, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16(2016), 5399-5411. |
9 | Shikang Tao, Xiaohui Lu, Nicole Levac, Adam P. Bateman, Tran B. Nguyen, David L. Bones, Sergey A. Nizkorodov, Julia Laskin, Alexander Laskin*, Xin Yang*, Molecular Characterization of Organosulfates in Organic Aerosols from Shanghai and Los Angeles Urban Areas by Nanospray-Desorption Electrospray Ionization High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry, Environ. Sci. Technol., 48 (2014) 10993−11001. |
10 | Xinning Wang, Xingnan Ye, Hong Chen, Jianmin Chen, Xin Yang*, Deborah S. Gross, Online hygroscopicity and chemical measurement of urban aerosol in Shanghai, China, Atmos. Environ., 95 (2014) 318-326. |
11 | Huang, Yuanlong; Li, Ling; Li, Jingyan ; Wang, Xinning; Chen Hong; Chen, Jianmin; Yang, Xin*, Gross, S. Deborah; Wang, Hongli; Qiao, Liping; Chen, Changhong, A case study of the highly time-resolved evolution of aerosol chemical and optical properties in urban Shanghai, China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13(2013), 3931-3944. |
12 | Xiaofei Wang, Song Gao, Xin Yang*, Hong Chen, Jianmin Chen, Guoshun Zhuang, Jason D. Surratt, Man Nin Chan, John H. Seinfeld*, Evidence for high molecular weight nitrogen-containing organic salts in urban aerosols, Environ. Sci. Technol., 44 (2010) 4441-4446. |
13 | Fan Yang, Hong Chen, Xinning Wang, Xin Yang*, Jianfei Du, Jianmin Chen, Single particle mass spectrometry of oxalic acid in ambient aerosols in Shanghai: Mixing state and fomtion mechanism, Atmos. Environ. 43 (2009) 3876-3882. |
14 | Xiaofei Wang, Yaping Zhang, Hong Chen, Xin Yang*, Jianmin Chen, Particulate Nitrate Formation in Highly Polluted Urban Area: A Case Study by Single Particle Mass Spectrometry in Shanghai, Environ. Sci. Technol., 43 (2009) 3061-3066. |
15 | Yaping Zhang, Xiaofei Wang, Hong Chen, Xin Yang*, Jianmin Chen, Jonathan O. Allen, Source apportionment of lead-containing aerosol particles in Shanghai using single particle mass spectrometry, Chemosphere, 74 (2009) 501-507. |
16 | Hong Chen, Mei Li, Ya-Ping Zhang, Xin Yang*, Jin-Jun Lian and Jian-Min Chen*, Rapid Analysis of SVOC in Aerosols by Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 19 (2008) 450-454. |
17 | C. Tard, X. Liu, S. K. Ibrahim, M. Bruschi, L. De Gioia, S. Davies, X. Yang, L. S. Wang C. J. Pickett*, Synthesis of the H-Cluster Framework of Iron-Only Hydrogenase, Nature, 433, 610 (2005). |
18 | X. Yang, X. B. Wang, E. R. Vorpagel, L. S. Wang*, Direct Experimental Observation of the Low Ionization Potential of Guanine in Free Oligonucleotides Using Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 101, 17588 (2004). |
19 | X. Yang, S. Q. Niu, X. B. Wang, T. Ichiye, L. S. Wang*, Direct Measurement of the Hydrogen-Bonding Effect on the Intrinsic Redox Potential of [4Fe-4S] Cubane Complexes, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126, 15790 (2004). |
20 | X. Yang, Y. J. Fu, X. B. Wang, P. Slavicek, M. Mucha, P. Jungwirth, L. S. Wang*, Solvent-Mediated Folding of a Doubly Charged Anion, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 126, 876 (2004). |
21 | X. Yang, X. B. Wang, S. Q. Niu, C. J. Pickett, T. Ichiye, L. S. Wang*, Coulomb- and Antiferromagnetic-Induced Fission in Doubly Charged Cubelike Fe-S Clusters, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 163401-1 (2002) |
22 | X. B. Wang, X. Yang, L. S. Wang*, Bulk-Like Features in the Photoemission Spectra of Hydrated Doubly Charged Anion Clusters, Science 294, 1322 (2001) |