
Basic Introduction:
Dr. Jianhuai Ye obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of Toronto in 2017. After graduation, he worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the School of Engineering and Applied Science at Harvard University. Dr. Ye joined SUSTech as an Assistant Professor in June 2021. His main research interests include chemical sensing of air pollutants, physicochemical properties of atmospheric aerosol, air pollution formation mechanisms and health impacts. Dr. Ye has achieved 38 publications (as of June 2021), including 12 first-author or corresponding-author papers published in internationally renowned journals such as PNAS, Nature Communications, Environmental Science & Technology, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, and Geophysical Research Letters. Dr. Ye was awarded with the Camille & Henry Dreyfus Postdoctoral Fellow (2017), the Fifteenth Atmospheric Chemistry Colloquium for Emerging Senior Scientists (ACCESS XV, 2019), and NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow (2020, Top 1 in Earth Sciences). Dr. Ye serves as reviewer for over 10 top-tier environmental journals including Environmental Science & Technology Letters, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Science of the Total Environment, and Environmental Pollution. He is the Co-Chair of the 2022 Gordon Research Seminar on Biogenic Hydrocarbons and the Atmosphere.
Professional Experience:
2021.06 to present Southern University of Science and Technology, Assistant Professor
2017.08–2021.04 Harvard University, Postdoctoral Fellow
2013.09–2017.11 Ph.D. (Atmospheric Chemistry), University of Toronto, Canada
2010.10–2012.09 M.Sc. (Chemistry), Hiroshima University, Japan
2006.09–2010.07 B.Sc. (Applied Chemistry), Beijing University of Chemical Technology
Awards and Honors:
1. Academic awards and honors:
2020 NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
2019 ACCESS XV Participant, U.S. Brookhaven National Laboratory
2017 Camille & Henry Dreyfus Postdoctoral Fellowship, The Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation
2017 Student Discovery Award, University of Toronto
2015 Centre for Global Change Science Student Research Award, University of Toronto
2. Conference related awards
2018 Poster Presentation Award, 2018 Gordon Research Conference on Biogenic Hydrocarbons and the Atmosphere
2017 Outstanding Oral Presentation Award, 100th Canadian Chemistry Conference
2016 The Best Oral Presentation Award, 99th Canadian Chemistry Conference
2011 The Best Presentation Award, the 8th Nano Bio Info Chemistry Symposium
3. Scholarships and others
2013 Ontario Trillium Scholarship, Government of Ontario
2012 Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship, Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
2006,10 “Tri-merit Student” Honor Award, Beijing University of Chemical Technology
Research Interests:
1. Drone-based atmospheric chemical sensing
2. Development and application of atmospheric chemical sensors
3. Atmospheric chemistry smog chamber studies
4. Health effects of air pollutants
Published Works:
(#: equal contribution, *: corresponding author, as of June 1, 2021)
1. Ohno, P. E.; Qin, Y.; Ye, J.; Wang, J.; Bertram, A. K.; Martin, S. T., Fluorescence aerosol flow tube spectroscopy to detect liquid–liquid phase separation. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2021, 5, 1223-1232.
2. Liu, D.; Li, S.; Hu, D.; Kong, S.; Cheng, Y.; Wu, Y.; Ding, S.; Hu, K.; Zheng, S.; Yan, Q.; Zheng, H.; Zhao, D.; Tian, P.; Ye, J.; Huang, M.; Ding, D., Evolution of aerosol optical properties from wood smoke in real atmosphere influenced by burning phase and solar radiation. Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55, 5677-5688.
3. Li, S.; Liu, D.; Hu, D.; Kong, S.; Wu, Y.; Ding, S.; Cheng, Y.; Qiu, H.; Zheng, S.; Yan, Q.; Zheng, H.; Hu, K.; Zhang, J.; Zhao, D.; Liu, Q.; Sheng, J.; Ye, J.; He, H.; Ding, D., Evolution of organic aerosol from wood smoke influenced by burning phase and solar radiation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2021, 126, e2021JD034534.
4. Wang, J.; Lei, Y.; Chen, Y.; Wu, Y.; Ge, X.; Shen, F.; Zhang, J.; Ye, J.; Nie, D.; Zhao, X.; Chen, M., Comparison of air pollutants and their health effects in two developed regions in China during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 287, 112296
5. Li, Y.; Liu, B.; Ye, J.; Jia, T.; Khuzestani, R.B.; Sun, J.Y.; Cheng, X.; Zheng, Y.; Wu, Cheng.; Xin, J.; Martin, S.T.; Li, Y.J.; Chen, Q., Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) measurements of volatile organic compounds over a subtropical forest in China and implications for emission heterogeneity. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2021, 5, 247-256
6. Wang, J.#; Ye, J.#; Zhang, Q.; Zhao, J.; Wu, Y.; Li, J.; Liu, D.; Li, W.; Zhang, Y.; Wu, C.; Xie, C.; Qin, Y.; Lei, Y.; Guo, J.; Liu, P.; Li, Y.; Lee, H.C.; Hwang, S.; Zhang, J.; Liao, H.; Chen, M.; Sun, Y.; Ge, X.; Martin, S.T.; Jacob, D.J., Aqueous production of secondary organic aerosol from fossil fuel emissions in winter Beijing haze. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 118, e2022179118
7. Ma, Y.#; Ye, J.*#; Ribeiro, I.O.; Vilà-Guerau de Arellano, J.; Xin, J.; Martin, S.T.*, Optimization and representativeness of atmospheric chemical sampling by hovering unmanned aerial vehicles over tropical forests. Earth and Space Science, 2021, 8, e2020EA001335
8. Wang, Q.; Liu, H.; Ye, J.; Tian, J.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, M.; Liu, S.; Cao, J., Estimating absorption Ångström exponent of black carbon aerosol by coupling multiwavelength absorption with chemical composition. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2020, 8, 121-127
9. Wang, Q.; Li, L.; Zhou, J.; Ye, J.; Liu, H.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, R.; Tian, J.; Chen, Y.; Wu, Y.; Ran, W.; Cao, J., Measurement report: Evaluation of sources and mixing state of black carbon aerosol under the background of emission reduction in the North China Plain: implications for radiative effect. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2020, 20, 15427-15442
10. Ye, J.*; Batista, C.E.; Guimarães, P.C.; Ribeiro, I.O.; Vidoudez, C.; Barbosa, R.G.; Oliveria, R.L.; Ma, Y.; Jardin, K.J.; Surratt, J.D.; Guenther, A.B.; Souza, R.A.F.; Martin, S.T.*, Near-canopy horizontal concentration heterogeneity of semivolatile oxygenated organic compounds and implications for 2-methyltetrols primary emissions. Environmental Science: Atmospheres, 2020, 1, 8-20 Journal outside front cover, and highlighted by U.S. National Science Foundation
11. Guimarães, P.; Ye, J.; Batista, C.; Barbosa, R.; Ribeiro, I.; Medeiros, A.; Zhao, T.; Hwang, W.-C.; Hung H.-M.; Souza, R.; Martin, S.T., Vertical profiles of atmospheric species concentrations and nighttime boundary layer structure in the dry season over an urban environment in the central Amazon collected by an unmanned aerial vehicle. Atmosphere, 2020, 11, 1371
12. Wang, J.; Ye, J.; Liu, D.; Wu, Y.; Zhao, J.; Xu, W.; Xie, C.; Shen, F.; Zhang, J.; Ohno, P.E.; Qin, Y.; Zhao, X.; Martin, S.T.; Lee, A.K.Y.; Fu, P.; Jacob, D.J.; Zhang, Q.; Sun, Y.; Chen, M.; Ge, X., Characterization of submicron organic particles in Beijing during summertime: comparison between SP-AMS and HR-AMS. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2020, 20, 14091-14102
13. Qin, Y.; Ye, J.; Ohno, P.E.; Lei, Y.; Wang, J.; Liu, P.; Thomson, R.; Martin, S.T., Synergistic uptake by acidic sulfate particles of gaseous mixtures of glyoxal and pinanediol. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54, 11762-11770
14. Ma, Y.#; Ye, J.#; Xin, J.; Zhang, W.; Vilà-Guerau de Arellano, J.; Zhao, D.; Dai, L.; Wu, X.; Xia, X.; Tang, F.; Wand, Y.; Shen, P.; Lei, Y.; Martin, S.T., The stove, dome, and umbrella effects of atmospheric aerosol on the development of the planetary boundary layer in hazy regions. Geophysical Research Letters, 2020, 47, e2020GL087373
15. Wang, J.#; Li, J.#; Ye, J.#; Zhao, J.; Wu, Y.; Hu, J.; Liu, D.; Nie, D.; Shen, F.; Huang, X.; Huang, D.; Ji, D.; Sun, X.; Xu, W.; Guo, J.; Song, S.; Qin, Y.; Liu, P.; Liao, H.; Turner, J.R.; Martin, S.T.; Zhang, Q.; Chen, M.; Sun, Y.; Ge, X.; Jacob, D.J., Fast sulfate PM2.5 production in Beijing haze attributed to oxidation of SO2 by NO2 and HONO in fog and low clouds. Nature Communications, 2020, 11, 2844
16. Ribeiro, I.O.; Santos, E.O.; Batista, C.E.; Fernandes, K.S.; Ye, J.; Medeiros, A.S.; Oliveira, R.L.; Sá, S.S.; Sousa, T.R.; Kayano, M.T.; Andreoli, R.V.; Machado, C.M.D.; Surratt, J.D.; Duvoisin Jr., S.; Martin, S.T.; Souza, R.A.F., Impact of biomass burning on a metropolitan area in the Amazon during the 2015 El Niño: The enhancement of carbon monoxide and levoglucosan concentrations. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 260, 114029
17. Wang, Y; Wang, Q.; Ye, J.; Li, L.; Zhou, J.; Ran, W.; Zhang, R.; Wu, Y.; Cao, J., Chemical composition and sources of submicron aerosols in winter at a regional site in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region: implication for the Joint Action Plan. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 719, 137547
18. Liu, B.; Wu, C.; Ma, N.; Chen, Q.; Li, Y.; Ye, J.; Martin, S.T.; Li, Y.J., Vertical profiling of fine particulate matter and black carbon by using unmanned aerial vehicle in Macau, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 709, 136109
19. Tian, J.; Wang, Q.; Han, Y.; Ye, J.; Wang, P.; Pongpiachan, S.; Ni, H.; Zhou, Y.; Wang, M.; Zhao, Y.; Cao, J., Contributions of aerosol composition and sources to particulate optical properties in a southern coastal city of China. Atmospheric Research, 2020, 235, 104744
20. Han, Y.; Gong, Z.; Ye, J.; Liu, P.; McKinney, K.A.; Martin, S.T., Quantifying the role of the relative-humidity dependent physical state of organic particulate matter on the uptake of semivolatile organic molecules. Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53, 13209-13218
21. Wang, Q.; Ye, J.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, T.; Ran, W.; Wu, Y.; Tian, J.; Li, L.; Zhou, Y.; Ho, S.S.H.; Dang, B.; Zhang, Q.; Zhang, R.; Chen, Y.; Zhu, C.; Cao, J., Winter brown carbon absorption from primary emissions and secondary formation at a regional background site in the north China plain. Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53, 12389-12397
22. Guimarães, P.; Ye, J.; Batista, C.; Barbosa, R.; Ribeiro, I.; Medeiros, A.; Souza, R.; Martin, S.T., Vertical profiles of ozone concentration collected by an unmanned aerial vehicle and the mixing of the nighttime boundary layer over an Amazonian urban area. Atmosphere, 2019, 10, 599
23. Batista, C.E.#; Ye, J.* #; Ribeiro, I.O.; Guimarães, P.C.; Medeiros, A.; Barbosa, R.G.; Oliveria, R.L.; Duvoisin Jr.S.; Jardin, K.J.; Gu, D.; Guenther, A.B.; McKinney, K.A.; Martins, L.D.; Souza, R.A.F.*; Martin, S.T.*, Intermediate-scale horizontal isoprene concentrations in the near-canopy forest atmosphere and implications for emission heterogeneity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2019, 116, 19318-19323 Highlighted by Harvard News and other media outlets
24. Wang, S.; Zhou, S.; Tao, W.; Tsui, W.G.; Ye, J.; Yu, J.Z.; Murphy, J.G.; McNeil, V.F.; Abbatt, J.P.D.; Chan, A.W.H., Organic peroxides and sulfur dioxide in aerosol: source of particulate sulfate. Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53, 10695-10704
25. Wang, Q.; Han, Y.; Ye, J.; Liu, S.; Pongpiachan, S.; Zhang, N.; Han, Y.; Tian, J.; Wu, C.; Long, X.; Zhang, Q.; Zhang, W.; Zhao, Z.; Cao, J., High contribution of secondary brown carbon to aerosol light absorption in the southeastern margin of Tibetan Plateau. Geophysical Research Letters, 2019, 46, 4962-4970
26. Wang, Y.; Wang, Q.; Ye, J.; Yan, M.; Qin, Q.; Prévôt, A.; Cao, J., A Review of Aerosol Chemical Composition and Sources in Representative Regions of China during Wintertime. Atmosphere, 2019, 10, 277
27. McKinney, K.A.; Wang, D.; Ye, J.; de Fouchier, J.-B.; Batista, C.E.; Guimarães, P.C.; Souza, R.A.F.; Alves, E.G.; Gu, D.; Guenther, A.B.; Martin, S.T., A sampler for atmospheric volatile organic compounds by copter unmanned aerial vehicles. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2019, 12, 3123-3135. European Geosciences Union highlight article
28. Wang, Y.; Chen, J.; Wang, Q.; Qin, Q.; Ye, J.; Han, Y.; Li, L.; Zhen, W.; Zhi, Q.; Zhang, Y.; Cao, J., Increased secondary aerosol contribution and possible processing on polluted winter days in China. Environment International, 2019, 127, 78-84
29. Ye, J.; Van Rooy, P.; Adam, C. H.; Jeong, C-H; Urch B.; Cocker, D. R.; Evans, G. J.; Chan, A. W. H., Predicting secondary organic aerosol enhancement in the presence of atmospherically relevant organic particles. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2018, 2, 1035-1046
30. Gong, Z.; Han, Y.; Liu, P.; Ye, J.; Keutsch, F. N.; McKinney, K.A.; Martin, S.T., Influence of particle physical state on the uptake of medium-sized organic molecules. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52, 8381-8389
31. Ye, J.; Abbatt, J.P.D.; Chan, A.W.H., Novel pathway of SO2 oxidation in the atmosphere: reactions with monoterpene ozonolysis intermediates and secondary organic aerosol. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2018, 18, 5549-5565. European Geosciences Union highlight article
32. Wang, S.; Ye, J.; Soong, R.; Wu, B.; Yu, L.; Simpson, A.; Chan, A.W.H., Relationship between chemical composition and oxidative potential of secondary organic aerosol from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2018, 18, 3987-4003
33. Ye, J.; Salehi, S.; North, M.L.; Portelli, A.M.; Chow, C-W.; Chan, A.W.H., Development of a novel simulation reactor for chronic exposure to atmospheric particulate matter. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 42317
34. Ye, J.; Gordon, C.A.; Chan, A.W.H., Enhancement in secondary organic aerosol formation in the presence of preexisting organic particle. Environmental Science & Technology, 2016, 50, 3572-3579
35. Ye, J.; Hatano, S.; Abe, M.; Kishi, R.; Murata, Y.; Nakano, M.; Adam, W., A puckered singlet cyclopentane-1, 3-diyl: detection of the third isomer in homolysis. Chemistry-A European Journal, 2016, 22, 2299-2306. Inside cover & hot paper
36. Gordon, C.A.; Ye, J.; Chan, A.W.H., Secondary organic aerosol formation enhanced by organic seeds of similar polarity at atmospherically relative humidity. STEM Fellowship Journal, 2015, 1, 6-10
37. Ye, J.; Fujiwara, Y.; Abe, M., Substituent effect on the energy barrier for σ-bond formation from π-single-bonded species, singlet 2, 2-dialkoxycyclopentane-1, 3-diyls. Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2013, 9, 925-933
38. Abe, M.; Ye, J.; Mishima, M., The chemistry of localized singlet 1, 3-diradicals (biradicals): from putative intermediates to persistent species and unusual molecules with a π-single bonded character. Chemical Society Reviews, 2012, 41, 3808-3820