
Currently Chair Professor at the School of System Design and Intelligent Manufacturing (SDIM). He received his Bachelor of Engineering from Harbin Engineering University in 1982, Master of Engineering and Ph.D from Beihang University in 1984 and 1987, respectively. He worked as Lecturer at Xian Jiao Tong University 1988-1990 before he joined the Institute for Composite Materials (IVW GmbH) at the University of Kaiserslautern in 1990 as an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow. He joined the University of Sydney as Lecturer in 1992, and subsequently promoted to Senior Lecturer, Reader and Professor in 2002. He also served as the Head of School of Aerospace, Mechanical & Mechatronic Engineering in 2004-2007 and the Director of Centre for Advanced Materials Technology (CAMT) in 2011-2021, at the University of Sydney.
Prof. Ye has made phenomenal contributions to the fundamental science and technological development of advanced composites and functional structures. His wide-ranging research interests have included composites science and technology, smart materials and structures, nano-materials and nano-composites, structural integrity and durability. His work in these areas has received worldwide recognition. He received the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award in 2004 from the Alexandra von Humboldt Foundation in recognition of his outstanding and influential achievements in the technological development of advanced composites. Prof. Ye was elected a Fellow (FTSE) of Australian Academy of Engineering (ATSE) in 2005 as “an outstanding researcher in composites and smart materials for his significant contributions”.
Research Interests
Composites Science and Technology
Smart Materials & Structures
Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites
Structural Integrity and Durability
Working Experience
2021-now:Chair Professor, School of System Design and Intelligent Manufacturing (SDIM), South China University of Science and Technology (SUSTech)
1992-2021:Full Professor, School of Aerospace, Mechanical & Mechatronic Engineering, The University of Sydney;
Director of Centre for Advanced Materials Technology (CAMT), The University of Sydney;
Head of School, School of Aerospace, Mechanical & Mechatronic Engineering, The University of Sydney;
Reader, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer, Department of Mechanical & Mechatronic Engineering, The University of Sydney
2011-2013:Visiting Chair Professor, School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Eastern China University of Science and Technology
2008-2011:Cheung Kong Visiting Chair Professor, School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2008-2010:Visiting Chair Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2000-2000:Visiting Chair Professor, Department of Manufacturing and Management Engineering, Hong Kong City University
1987-1989:Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow, Institute for Composite Materials (IVW GmbH), The University of Kaiserslautern
1988-1990:Lecturer, Department of Applied Mechanics, Xian Jiao Tong University
1985-1987:Ph.D candidate, Department of Aircraft Engineering, Beijing Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
1982-1984:Postgraduate, Department of Aircraft Engineering, Beijing Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
1978-1982:Undergraduate, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Harbin Institute of Ship Engineering
Awards and Honours
1990:Humboldt Fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH)
2004:Outstanding Young (Overseas) Researcher Award, National Natural Science Foundation (NNSF)
2005:Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Award, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH)
2005:Fellow of Australian Academy of Technological Science and Engineering (ATSE)
2016:International Scientific and Technological Cooperation Award, Shanghai City
Collaboration with Industry
Prof. Ye was the Deputy Director/Director of the DSTO AED Centre of Expertise in Damage Mechanics (1997-2004). He was the Research Leader (1995-2015) and a key member of the Technical Advisory Committee (2003-2010) of the CRC for Advanced Composite Structures (CRC-ACS). He was the President, Asian-Australasia Association of Composite Materials (2006-2008).
Prof. Ye is the Founding Director of JITRI-ACFTE (Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute – Advanced Composite Forming Technology and Equipment Institute) and Chairman of the Board for the JITRI-ACFTE Co. Ltd, which were established as a joint venture by his corporate team (with colleagues from Jiangnan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Tongji University etc.), JITRI and local governments in Wuxi, with the aims for innovation, incubation, and spin-off, advancing technologies for manufacturing and applications of advanced fibre-reinforced composites.