
Yixuan Guo received Ph.D degree in Mechanical Engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in September 2021. Her research area includes powered knee-ankle prosthesis, surgical robots, and collaborative robotic arms. In recent years, she has presided scientific research projects which are from National Natural Science Foundation, Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation and Shenzhen Science and Technology Program. She has published more than 10 SCI papers in high-level journals, published 1 academic book, and applied for/authorized more than 10 patents. She has won the Outstanding postdoctoral president of Southern University of Science and Technology and the Hubei Province science and technology progress third prize.
◆ July 2021 Ph.D. ME, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
◆ July 2016 B.S. ME, Zhengzhou University, China
Work Experience:
◆ August 2024- present
Southern University of Science and Technology
Lecturer, Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
◆ October 2022- August 2024
Southern University of Science and Technology
Postdoctor, Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
◆ September 2021- September 2022
Wuhan University of Science and Technology
Lecturer, School of Information Science and Engineering
◆ 2023 Outstanding postdoctoral president of Southern University of Science and Technology
◆ 2024 Hubei Province science and technology progress third prize
◆ 2013 National Scholarship, China
◆ 2014 National Encouragement scholarship, China
◆ 2016 Outstanding graduates of Henan Province
Representative Papers:
1. Yixuan Guo, Bao Song, Xiaoqi Tang, Chenglong Fu. A distance calibration method for kinematic parameters of serial industrial robots considering the accuracy of relative position. Measurement, 2022, 204(30): 111842.
2. Yixuan Guo, Zhouxiang Jiang, Bao Song, Xiaoqi Tang, Yuanlong Xie, Chenglong Fu. A calibration method for tool frame in the three-dimensional measurement system based on R-test. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2023, 128: 1353-1364.
3. Yixuan Guo, Bao Song, Xiaoqi Tang, Xiangdong Zhou, Zhouxiang Jiang. A calibration method of non-contact R-test for error measurement of industrial robots. Measurement, 2020, 13(1): 108365.
4. Yixuan Guo, Bao Song, Xiaoqi Tang. A measurement method for calibrating kinematic parameters of industrial robots with point constraint by a laser displacement sensor. Measurement Science and Technology, 2020, 31(7): 075004.
5. Yixuan Guo, Xiaoqi Tang, Xiangdong Zhou, Bao Song, Zhouxiang Jiang, Yuanlong Xie. Continuous measurements with single setup for position-dependent geometric errors of rotary axes on five-axis machine tools by a laser displacement sensor. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 99: 1589-1602.
6. Zhouxiang Jiang, Min Huang, Xiaoqi Tang, Bao Song, Yixuan Guo. Elasto-geometrical calibration of six-DOF serial robots using multiple identification models. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2021, 157: 104211.
7. Zhouxiang Jiang, Min Huang, Xiaoqi Tang, Yixuan Guo. A new calibration method for joint-dependent geometric errors of industrial robot based on multiple identification spaces. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2021, 71: 102175.
8. Zhouxiang Jiang, Min Huang, Xiaoqi Tang, Yixuan Guo. Observability index optimization of robot calibration based on multiple identification spaces. Autonomous Robots, 2020,44: 1029-1046.
9. Yuanlong Xie, Xiaogi Tang, Bao Song, Xiangdong Zhou, Yixuan Guo. Data-driven adaptive fractional order PI control for PMSM servo system with measurement noise and data dropouts. ISA Transactions, 2018, 75: 172-188.
10. Yuanlong Xie, Xiaogi Tang, Bao Song, Xiangdong Zhou, Yixuan Guo. Iterative-learning integral-plus-proportional control of a flexible swing arm system for position trajectory tracking. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2019, 233(11): 3769-3784.