
Basic Introduction:
Research Assistant professor (School of Environment, Sustech), PhD in Environment Engineering (Technical University of Denmark). The research focuses on environmental biotechnology in water pollution treatment and control, including microbe-mediated carbon and nitrogen cycles, biotransformation and migration of micropollutants, and microbial process modelling and metabolism study. Dr. Ma has led and participated in the Youth program of Natural Science Foundation of China, the international program of Danida Fellowshop Center, etc.
Professional Experience:
2021.03 to now: Southern University of Science and Technology, Research assistant professor
2018.09-2021.02: Southern University of Science and Technology, Postdoc
2014.10-2018.03: Technical University of Denmark, PhD in Environmental Engineering
2011.09-2014.05: University of Science and Technology of China, Master in Environmental Engineering
2007.09-2011.05: Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Bachelor in Environmental Engineering
Synergistic Activities:
1. Assistant Editor in Environmental Earth Sciences
Selected funded projects:
1. Coordinator in a project funded by National Key Research and Development Program, Regional groundwater organic pollution control and microbial enhanced remediation technology, 12/2023-11/2027, 600 k.
2. Coordinator in a National Natural Science Foundation program (NSFC youth), Biodegradation of antibiotics driven by riverbed sediments in surface waters, 01/2020-12/2021, 180 k.
3. Participant in a research project funded by Dapeng-Shenzhen Bureau of Ecological Environment, Mechanism study on dissolved oxygen elevation in Dapeng coastal area. 04/2023-04/2024, 750 k.
4. Participant in an International project funded by the Danida Fellowship center, Managed Aquifer Recharge in the North China Plain, 04/2018-12/2022, 4.998 million dkk.
Research Interests:
1. Environmental biotechnology for water treatment
2. Microbial metabolism of Carbon and Nitrogen and the process modelling
3. Biotransformation and transport of micropollutants in aquatic ecosystems
Published Works:
1. Yunjie Ma; Meng Ma; Alejandro Palomo; Yuqin Sun; Jakub J. Modrzynski; Jens Aamand; Yan Zheng; Biodegradation of trace sulfonamide antibiotics accelerated by substrates across oxic to anoxic conditions during column infiltration experiments, Water Research, 2023, 242: 120193.
2. Yunjie Ma; Andrea Piscedda; Antia De La C. Veras; Carlos Domingo-Felez; Barth F. Smets; Intermittent aeration to regulate microbial activities in membrane-aerated biofilm reactors: Energy-efficient nitrogen removal and low nitrous oxide emission, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 433 (133630).
3. Yunjie Ma; Jakub J. Modrzynski; Yuxia Yang; Jens Aamand; Yan Zheng; Redox-dependent biotransformation of sulfonamide antibiotics exceeds sorption and mineralization: Evidence from incubation of sediments from a reclaimed water-affected river, Water Research, 2021, 205 (117616).
4. Yunjie Ma; Carlos Domingo Felez; Benedek Gy. Plosz; Barth F. Smets; Intermittent Aeration Suppresses Nitrite-Oxidizing Bacteria in Membrane-Aerated Biofilms: A Model-Based Explanation, Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51 (11): 6146-6155.
5. Yunjie Ma; Chengwang Xia; Haiyang Yang; Raymond J. Zeng; A rheological approach to analyze aerobic granular sludge, Water Research, 2014, 50: 171-178.