
Bi Zhang obtained his BS in Jiangsu University in January 1982 and was admitted to the Graduate Program of Zhejiang University for overseas studies in the same year. He obtained MS and PhD degrees from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1985 and 1988, respectively. During 1989-1992, he conducted post-doctoral studies at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Oklahoma State University. Starting from 1992, Dr. Zhang served as an Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor to the University of Connecticut. Dr. Zhang was the Director for Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Mechanical Engineering during 2009-2013; Director of the Management and Engineering for Manufacturing (MEM) Program during 2011-2013, both at the University of Connecticut. During 2014 to 2017, he was a professor in China and a leader of the Precision and Nontraditional Machining Team at “The Collaborative Innovation Center of Major Machine Manufacturing in Liaoning”.From 2001 to 2009, he was a visiting professor in the College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Hunan University. Meanwhile, as a Part-time Chief Engineer in National Engineering Research Center for High Efficiency Grinding. Dr. Zhang has worked on precision machining for over 30 years and taken research on additive/subtractive hybrid manufacturing since 2012. He authored and co-authored over 200 research papers. He is a fellow of The International Academy for Production Engineering – CIRP, and of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers – ASME.
Research Areas:
Ø Ultra-high-speed precision machining technology and equipment
Ø Additive-subtractive-isovolumetric material manufacturing processes and equipment
Ø Investigation of ultra-high-speed machining of difficult-to-machine materials
Ø Basic research on additive manufacturing and ultra-high-speed machining of metal/ceramic-matrix composites
Research Description:
The Frontier Manufacturing Science Laboratory (FMSL) focuses on the research of precision machining and additive-subtractive-isovolumetric material manufacturing (ASIM). The research involves theoretical analysis, multiscale modeling, high-speed machining, process monitoring and machined part characterization. FMSL aims to understand strain-rate evoked material embrittlement and skin-effect of material damage in high-speed machining of difficult-to-machine materials so as to develop advanced manufacturing equipment. It combines theoretical analyses with the state-of-the-art research techniques, such as high-speed machining, high strain-rate Hopkinson tension and compression, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, as well as multiscale modeling simulation. FMSL explores the evolution law of material surface integrity in high-speed machining and ASIM, and provides industry with high-efficiency yet high-quality solutions for manufacturing of difficult-to-machine materials.
Employment History:
01/2014 – 05/2017, Professor, Dalian University of Technology.
08/2004 – 12/2013, Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Connecticut (UConn).
09/2011 – 04/2013, Program Director, Management & Engineering for Manufacturing, UConn.
07/2009 – 04/2013, Director, Undergraduate Studies, Mechanical Engineering, UConn.
08/1997 – 08/2004, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, UConn.
10/2001 – 09/2009, Visiting Professor, College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Hunan University.
10/2001 – 09/2009, Part-time Chief Engineer, National Engineering Research Center for High Efficiency Grinding, Hunan University.
08/1993 – 08/1998, Director, Center for Precision Machine Tools, UConn.
08/1992 – 08/1997, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, UConn.
04/1988 – 12/1988, Engineer, NEC Materials Design & Development Center, Kawasaki, Japan.
Education Experience:
◆ 1990/06-1992/08 | Mechanical Engineering, Oklahoma State University | Post Doctor |
◆ 1989/01-1990/05 | Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University | Post Doctor |
◆ 1985/04-1988/03 | Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology | PhD degree |
◆ 1982/10-1985/03 | Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology | MS degree |
◆ 1982/02-1982-09 | Japanese Language Training, Dalian University of Foreign Languages | |
◆ 1978/02-1982/01 | Jiangsu University | BS degree |
◆ Fellow, The International Academy for Production Engineering ―― CIRP
◆ Fellow, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers ―― ASME
◆ Senior Member, The Society of Manufacturing Engineers ―― SME
◆ Member, The American Society for Precision Engineering ―― ASPE
◆ Member, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering ―― JSPE
◆ Editorial Board Member, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering
◆ Editorial Board Member, Diamond & Abrasives Engineering
Honors and Awards:
◆ IAAM Scientist Award, IAAM, October 2020
◆ Best Paper Award, The 2014 Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, Texas, USA, August 4-6, 2014.
◆ Outstanding Contribution Award, The 8th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, 2008.
◆ Marquis Who's Who in American Education, 2006.
◆ Mechanical Engineering Outstanding Faculty Award, UCONN 2003.
◆ Outstanding Reviewer Award, ASME J. Manuf. Sci. & Eng., 1999.
◆ National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Initiation Award, 1993.
Additional Information:
◆ Professor Zhang's research group has open positions for post-docs, research assistants, lab assistants and master/doctoral students. Applications are accepted.