
Mingming Zhang received the Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, in 2016. From 2015 to 2018, I have been working as a research fellow and/or visiting research fellow in the University of Auckland. In August 2018, I joined the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) as an assistant professor and established the Brain-Robot Rehabilitation Technology Laboratory. Over the past a few years at SUSTech, my laboratory has been dedicated to advancing task-oriented robot-assisted rehabilitation technology, specifically focusing on enhancing the task execution capabilities of individuals with neurological injuries. Our research is centered around the deep integration of robotics and neural engineering, and we have achieved significant progress in the field of brain-robot hybrid rehabilitation technology. Up to now, I have authored over 90 academic papers. Notably, 27 of these articles have been published in IEEE Transactions or Journals, and five have been presented at prominent IEEE conferences such as ICRA and IROS. I have also received four awards, including three IEEE conference paper awards, such as the IEEE-ROBIO 2020-2021 T.J. Tran Best Paper Finalist in Robotics and the Best Potential Award at the 2019 World Robot Contest. I have contributed 14 academic reports at IEEE conferences, including a keynote talk at the 2021 IEEE RCAR. Due to my achievements in the field of rehabilitation robotics, I have been invited to serve as an Associate Editor of four high-quality journals in rehabilitation engineering or robotics, namely IEEE TNSRE, IEEE T-ASE, IEEE TMRB, and IEEE RA-L. Additionally, I have secured over ten research projects, including two grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China and one from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, where I serve as the principal investigator, amassing a total budget exceeding CNY 10,000,000.
Lab website: https://zhangmmlab.com
2012-2016, Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering, The University of Auckland, New Zealand
2009-2011, M. S. in Mechatronics, Chongqing University
2005-2009, B. S. in Mechanical Engineering, Henan University of Science and Technology
Work Experience
May of 2024-Present, Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology
August of 2018-May of 2024, Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology
2017-2018, Visiting Research Fellow, The University of Auckland, New Zealand
2017-2018, Chief Technology Officer, CASTIOT LIMITED, New Zealand
2015-2016, Postdoc Fellow, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Honors and Rewards
Senior Member, IEEE
Excellent Teaching Award, Southern University of Science and Technology, 2023
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2023-Present
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, 2023-Present
Associate Editor, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2022-Present
Best Conference Paper Finalist, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics, 2022
Best Student Paper Finalist Award,The IEEE International Conference on Real-time Computing and Robotics,2022
Excellent College Mentor, Southern University of Science and Technology, 2021
Grand Prize, 5th Youth Teacher Teaching Competition (only 2 awardees), Southern University of Science and Technology, 2021
T.J. Tran Best Paper in Robotics Finalist Award, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, 2020-2021
Lead Guest Editor/Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2019-2021
Selected Papers
M. Zhang, C. Wang*, C. Zhang, P. Li, L. Liu, “A Unified Switching Control Framework for Continuous Robot-Assisted Training”, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2023. DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2023.3330875.
R. Ma#, Y. Chen#, Y. Jiang, M. Zhang*, “A New Compound-limbs Paradigm: Integrating upper-limb swing improves lower-limb stepping intention decoding from EEG”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2023. 31: 3823-3834.
H. Liu#, F. Wu#, B. Zhong, Y. Zhao, J. Zhang, W. Niu, M. Zhang*, “Close-Range Human Following Control on a Cane-Type Robot with Multi-Camera Fusion”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2023. 8(10): 6443-6450.
C. Zhang, C. Wang, P. Li, Y. Liu, Y. Chen, M. Zhang*, “Robot-Assisted Haptic Rendering for Nail Hammering: A Representative of IADL Tasks”, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2023. DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2023.3291751.
Q. Huang, B. Zhong, N. Elangovan, M. Zhang*, J. Konczak*, “A Robotic Device for Measuring Human Ankle Motion Sense”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2023. 31: 2822-2830.
B. Zhong#, M. Shen#, H. Liu#, Y. Zhao, Q. Qian, W. Wang, H. Yu*, M. Zhang*, “A Cable-driven Exoskeleton with Personalized Assistance Improves the Gait Metrics of People in Subacute Stroke”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2023. 31: 2560-2569.
C. Zhang, C. Wang, Q. Yang, M. Zhang*, “An Optimized Portable Cable-Driven Haptic Robot Enables Free Motion and Hard Contact”, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 29 May-2 June 2023, p: 12486-12492, London, United Kingdom.
M. Zhang#, J. Wu#, J. Song, R. Fu, R. Ma, Y. Jiang, Y. Chen*, “Decoding Coordinated Directions of Bimanual Movements from EEG Signals”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2022. 31: 248-259.
Y. Chen#, F. Fu#, J. Wu, J. Song, R. Ma, Y. Jiang, M. Zhang*, “Continuous Bimanual Trajectory Decoding of Coordinated Movement from EEG Signals”, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2022. 26(12): 6012-6023.
R. Fu, Y. Chen, M. Zhang*, C. Chang*, “Symmetric Convolutional and Adversarial Neural Network Enables Improved Mental Stress Classification from EEG”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2022. 30: 1384-1400.
Z. Sun#, Y. Jiang#, Y. Li#, J. Song, M. Zhang*, “Short-term Priming Effects: an EEG Study of Action Observation on Motor Imagery”, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/TCDS.2022.3187777.
Y. Chen, S.-Z. Fan, M. F. Abbod, J.-S. Shieh, M. Zhang*, “Nonlinear Analysis of Electroencephalogram Variability as a Measure of the Depth of Anesthesia”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2022. 71: 4004413.
W. Zhong#, X. Fu#, M. Zhang*, “A Muscle Synergy-Driven ANFIS Approach to Predict Continuous Knee Joint Movement”, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2022. 30(6): 1553-1563.
M. Zhang#*, C. Sun#, Y. Liu, X. Wu*, “A Robotic System to Deliver Multiple Physically Bimanual Tasks via Varying Force Fields”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2022. 30: 688-698.
P. Li, K. Guo, M. Zhang*, “Linear Active Disturbance Rejection Control of Servo Systems via IMC Principle with Active Damping and Sliding Mode Techniques”, ISA Transactions, 2022. 129: 663-672.
YC. Jiang, R. Ma, S. Qi, S. Ge, Z. Sun, Y. Li, J. Song, M. Zhang*, “Characterization of Bimanual Cyclical Tasks from Single-trial EEG-fNIRS Measurements”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2022. 30: 146-156.
B. Zhong, K. Guo, H. Yu*, M. Zhang*, “Toward Gait Symmetry Enhancement via a Cable-Driven Exoskeleton Powered by Series Elastic Actuators”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2021. 7(2): 786-793.
C. Sun, K. Chu, Q. Miao, P. Li, W. Zhong, S. Qi, M. Zhang*, “Bilateral Asymmetry of Hand Force Production in Dynamic Physically-Coupled Tasks”, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2021. 26(4): 1826-1834.
P. Li, L. Wang, B. Zhong, M. Zhang*, “Linear Active Disturbance Rejection Control for Two-Mass Systems Via Singular Perturbation Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022. 18(5): 3022-3032.
Q. Miao, Z. Li, K. Chu, Y. Liu, Y. Peng, S. Xie, M. Zhang*, “Performance-based Iterative Learning Control for Task-oriented Rehabilitation: A Pilot Study in Robot-assisted Bilateral Training”, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TCDS.2021.3072096.
P. Li#, L. Wang#, G. Zhu, M. Zhang*, “Predictive Active Disturbance Rejection Control for Servo Systems with Communication Delays via Sliding Mode Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021. 68(12): 12679-12688.
B. Zhong#, J. Cao#, A. McDaid, S. Xie, M. Zhang*, “Synchronous Position and Compliance Regulation on a Bi-Joint Gait Exoskeleton Driven by Pneumatic Muscles”, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2020. 4(17): 2162-2166.
Y. Peng, X. Song, K. Pang, Q. Yang, Z. Xu*, M. Zhang*, “A Flexible and Stretchable Bending Sensor based on Hydrazine-Reduced Porous Graphene for Human Motion Monitoring”, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2020. 21(20): 12661-12670.
P. Li, G. Zhu*, M. Zhang*, “Linear Active Disturbance Rejection Control for Servo Motor Systems with input Delay via Internal Model Control Rules”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2020. 68(2): 1077-1086.
M. Zhang*, A. McDaid, AJ. Veale, Y. Peng, S. Xie, “Adaptive Trajectory Tracking Control of a Parallel Ankle Rehabilitation Robot with Joint-Space Force Distribution”, IEEE Access, 2019. 7: 85812-85820.
M. Zhang, S. Xie*, X. Li, G. Zhu, W. Meng, X. Huang, AJ. Veale, “Adaptive Patient-cooperative Control of a Compliant Ankle Rehabilitation Robot (CARR) with Enhanced Training Safety”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2018. 65(2): 1398-1407.
M. Zhang*, W. Meng, TC. Davies, Y. Zhang, S. Xie, “A Robot-Driven Computational Model for Estimating Passive Ankle Torque with Subject-Specific Adaptation”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2016. 63(4): 814-821.