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唐欣,复杂流动及软物质研究中心和力学与航空航天工程系双聘助理教授,2012年获北京科技大学工学学士学位,2014年获香港大学理学硕士学位(卓越)并荣获优秀理学硕士奖,2019年获香港大学机械工程博士学位并荣获李嘉诚奖(全校唯四)、Norman W.M. Ko优秀博士奖,2019-2022年在香港大学从事博士后研究,期间获得香港研究资助局博士后奖学金计划资助。

主要从事表界面现象及科技(聚焦于液固界面、仿生机械、超润湿)、软物质科学(聚焦于微尺度流体、胶体)、微纳米科技(聚焦于微纳尺度结构及效应)三个领域内的研究。主要研究工作包括:1. 发现破译了压电单晶表面叉状液滴流 (Nature Nanotechnology 2021);2. 设计了无损液体抓手及光致热释电微流控用以进行微液滴无损操控 (Nature Communications 2017; Science Advances 2020);3. 合作探究了以薄覆黏液膜增强液滴在非润湿性表面上的碰撞附着 (Nature Communications 2021)。


1.  Tang X., Li W., Wang L. Q.*, Furcated Droplet Motility on Crystalline Surfaces, Nature Nanotechnology, 2021, 16, 1106-1112 (cover featured).

2.  Tang X., Zhu P. A., Tian Y., Zhou X. C., Kong T. T. and Wang L. Q.*, Mechano-Regulated Surface for Manipulating Liquid Droplets, Nature Communications, 2017, 8, 14831.

3.  Li W., Tang X.*, Wang L. Q.*, Photopyroelectric Microfluidics, Science Advances, 2020, 6, 1693.

4.  Han X., Li W., Zhao H. B., Li J. Q., Tang X.*, Wang L. Q.*, Slippery Damper of an Overlayer for Arresting and Manipulating Droplets on Nonwetting Surfaces, Nature Communications, 2021, 12, 3154.

5.  Tang X., Tian Y., Tian X. W., Li W., Han X., Kong T. T. and Wang L. Q.*, Design of Multi-Scale Textured Surfaces for Unconventional Liquid Harnessing, Materials Today, 2021, 43, 62-83 (cover featured).

6.  Tang X. and Wang L. Q.*, Loss-Free Photo-Manipulation of Droplets by Pyroelectro-Trapping on Superhydrophobic Surfaces, ACS Nano, 2018, 12, 8994-9004.

7.  Tang X., Xiong H. R., Kong T. T., Tian Y., Li W. D., Wang L. Q.*, Bioinspired Nanostructured Surfaces for On-Demand Bubble Transportation, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10, 3029-3038.


1. Wang L. Q. (50%) and Tang X. (50%) 2016, Method for Rapid and Precise Manipulation of a Tiny Volume of Liquid Droplets (US patent, US 62/329,022).

2. Wang L. Q. (34%), Li W. (33%), and Tang X. (33%) 2021, Loss-Free Liquids Manipulation Platform (US patent, US 17/577,472).